All answers must be at least 250 words.
- The amount of time spent playing violent video games correlates positively with aggressive behaviors and negatively with academic achievement. Based on your reading about interpreting correlations, what conclusions are possible from this result? If this was an experimental finding, what are two sources of bias and how could they affect the results?
- Psychologists are often asked by friends to interpret the friend's dream. If you were asked to do that, which theory of dreams would you use for your explanation, and why? Which theory would you be least likely to use, and why?
- Take an element of visual perception (such as color, constancy, depth, movement, and others) and explain how you rely on it in some aspect of your life. How does psychological research explain that element? Does that explanation seem to fit with your experience?
- Describe an episode of classical conditioning you have experienced or observed, and likewise an incident of operant conditioning. Did those learning experiences last over time and did they generalize to other situations?
- Intelligence is a useful but sometimes controversial concept. What did have you learned that clarifies this concept for you? What are some important problems with the IQ concept and do you think it is a useful one.
- Review Weight Loss Pills and Fad Diets . Medical experts tell us that being overweight/obese is an epidemic in America. What factors in Chapter 6 help explain why, and what can or should we do as a society to combat this epidemic? Is sheer motivation or will power enough in order to lose weight? Please include an outside source/article that can help us all learn more about this topic.
- Two of the most important developmental theorists are Jean Piaget and Erik Erikson. How did the ideas of each help you better understand psychological development? Explain your new understanding and how this has changed.
- Discuss the theory of personality that you feel is most accurate and useful, and why you believe it to be the case. Likewise, which theory do you think is least useful, and why?
- Research dollars are scarce and it is always controversial how best to spend them. If you controlled those dollars, which model of the cause and treatment of psychological disorders would you fund the most? Which would get the fewest dollars? Explain the reasons for your decisions.
- We have all felt the pressure to obey and/or conform. Is this more a function of personality or situation) Describe such a situation in your experience and show how the social psychology principles can help explain how you and others in that situation responded.