Range Line Preschool and Childcare
2006 Weekly Tuition
# of Days reserved per week / 6 weeks to 2 years / 2 years / 3-4 years / 5-12 years“Super Summer Fun ” Program
1 Full / 53 / 49 / 44 / 40
2 Full / 100 / 93 / 84 / 76
3 Full / 143 / 133 / 119 / 108
4 Full / 182 / 178 / 150 / 136
5 Full / 210 / 195 / 175 / 160
AM ½ days / Subtract 35% from full day rate- child must be picked up by 12:30 PM
PM ½ days / Subtract 35% from full day rate- child must be dropped off after 12:30 PM
Charge details and options:
- Full and half day rates include lunch, and snacks.
- Hourly Rates: Infants to two $9.00, Three to Four $8.50, Five years and older, $8.00. Over 2 hours of care in a row will be charged at the ½ day rate. If your child attends over 10 hours you will be billed hourly for the additional time.
- Tuition is due each week the morning of your child’s first day of attendance for that week
In the fall tuition will be paid through our automatic “Tuition Express” Program each Thursday morning for the following week. Tuition is non-refundable and must be paid in advance for the care received.
- If you have more then one child at our center you pay full tuition for your youngest child and receive a 10% discount for your other child(ren).. (No discounts are given for hourly care).
- There is a yearly registration fee of $45.00. This is due when you first enroll and by July 30thof each year to reserve your child’s space for September 1st.
a)If you are onlyutilizing our before and afterschool careor drop-in care, your registration fee for the school year is discounted to $25.00.
b)If you are registering for our “Super Summer Fun” Program, the Registration fee is $35.00 per child. This includes a field trip T-shirt, small field trip backpack, and water bottle (field trips are extra).
c)All Registration fees are non-refundable unless we do not have space in our program.
- Before and after school rates are calculated at half day rates or hourly rate of $8.00 per hour.
- Drop in care or additional days and hours beyond your set weekly schedule will be billed at the 1 full day or
1 half day rates listed above. Please fill out a “Schedule Change Form” for this. These are not refundable unless cancelled at least 2 weeks prior to the day.
- We require a two week notice for any permanent decrease in your child’s schedule. A Fee of $25.00 will be charges for notices given less than two weeks in advance.
- A late pickup charge of $1.00 for every minute your child is in our care past closing is charged
- There is a $30.00 NSF charge for any checking account reversals due to funds not being available.
- There is a $15.00 late fee if your account shows a past du balance on more then two occasions.
- Birthday rate change- if your child’s birthday falls in the middle of their schedule for the week, the tuition will not change until the following week. Please notify us when rates are due to change for your child’s birthday.