3e English November Composition Groupée 2009

All 3e students will have the same exam.

You will have two exams in the week of the composition groupées

These exams will be past IGCSE papers to show you what the real exams that you will take in 2nde will be like. They will also give your teacher an idea of your level. Vocabulary for Achievement will not be tested either, although the words you have been learning will be useful in both exams.

1.  IGCSE English Language Reading paper (2 hours)

In this exam you will have one unseen text of approx. one page to read. This will be followed by some comprehension questions. You will need to read the text closely to find the information necessary to answer the questions. Some questions ask for quotes from the text, others ask you to explain the answers in your own words. There is also a question which asks for a short summary.

The second part of the exam is a directed writing task based on the text. This could be an informal letter, formal letter or a diary . You need to write 1-2 sides.

You will need to plan your time carefully as you only have 2 hrs to complete BOTH sections of the exam.

You therefore need to revise:

·  Writing an informal letter, formal letter and diary. Use the IGCSE blue book to help you revise.

·  You can also revise persuasive techniques – CAMELS EAT PARIS.

·  Summary writing based on The Sixth Sense, p.114-5, blue language book.

·  You can also use the practice Reading Passages that your teacher gave you.

2.  IGCSE English Literature Open book paper (45 mins)

In this exam you will have to write ONE essay on Heroes.


You will have a choice of 2 questions.

1)  Text analysis (indicated with a *) on a short section of the book. Discuss how language is used using PQC.

2)  An essay based on the novel.

You therefore need to revise:

·  Text analysis: the work we did in class on the opening chapter of LotF. Literary techniques and their effect. PQC.

·  Essay: make sure you read the question well and that you provide evidence from the novel to back up your ideas. Look at all your class notes on themes, characters, style etc.