Blackline Masters, Chemistry

Ascension Parish Comprehensive Curriculum, Revised 2008

Table of Contents

Blackline Masters taken from the

Louisiana Comprehensive Curriculum


Alkanes 1

Alkanes – Naming 2

Alkanes – Naming Answer Sheet 3

Accuracy and Precision Specific Assessment Rubric 4

Accuracy and Precision Worksheet 5

Accuracy and Precision Worksheet Answers 6

Bonding – Vocabulary Self-Awareness 7

Can you make two grams? 8

Chemical Bond Type Lab 9

Chemical Formulas and Nomenclature I 11

Chemical Formulas and Nomenclature I answers 12

Chemical Formulas and Nomenclature II 13

Chemical Formulas and Nomenclature II answers 14

Density 15

Energy Diagram (with activation energy) 16

Exothermic and Endothermic Energy Diagrams 17

Exploring the Periodic Table 18

Exploring Periodic Trends 19

Heating Curve 20

How Large is a Mole? 21

How Large is a Mole? Answer Sheet 23

Ice Cream Recipe 25

Intermolecular Forces 26

Introduction to Oxidation-Reduction Reactions 27

Introduction to Oxidation-Reduction Reactions Answer Sheet 28

Ion Cards 31

Matter Card Sort Template 1 35

Matter Card Sort Template 2 36

Matter Sample Concept Map 37

Matter Sample Word Grid 38

Matter Sample Word Grid Answers 39

Molecular Geometry of Simple Molecules Student Sheet 1 40

Molecular Geometry of Simple Molecules Student Sheet 2 41

Molecular Geometry of Simple Molecules Answer Sheet 42

Observing Chemical Reactions 43

pH Lab Carousels 47

Phase Diagrams 48

Physical and Chemical Changes – Split-Page Notes 49

Solutions – Vocabulary Self-Awareness 50

Solution Concentrations 51

Redox Reactions – Vocabulary Self-Awareness 53

Three Worlds of Chemistry 54

Types of Reactions – Split-Page Notetaking 55

Blackline Masters, Chemistry

Ascension Parish Comprehensive Curriculum, Revised 2008

Alkanes are saturated hydrocarbons (compounds containing only carbon and hydrogen) with the formula CnH2n+2, where “n” represents the number of carbon atoms. “Saturated” means that all C-C bonds are single bonds.

Names of organic compounds follow the rules of IUPAC (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry). Notice that each compound differs from the previous one by a –CH2 group. A homologous series in one in which the compounds differ from each other by a specific unit. The pattern for the first 10 alkanes is shown below.

Stem name / Alkane name / Formula / Number of isomers
meth- / methane / CH4 / 1
eth- / ethane / C2H6 / 1
prop- / propane / C3H8 / 1
but- / butane / C4H10 / 2
pent- / pentane / C5H12 / 3
hex- / hexane / C6H14 / 5
hept- / heptane / C7H16 / 9
oct- / octane / C8H18 / 18
non- / nonane / C9H20 / 35
dec- / decane / C10H22 / 75

Isomers are compounds with the same molecular formula but different structural formulas.

Draw the isomers for pentane and hexane.

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Ascension Parish Comprehensive Curriculum, Revised 2008

Rules for naming alkanes:

  1. Pick out the longest continuous chain of carbon atoms and name it.
  2. Number the carbon atoms from the end that will give the lowest numbers possible to the branches.
  3. Name the branches by adding –yl to the stem name and adding a number to indicate the carbon atom the branch is attached to. The number will be followed by a dash. All branches must have a number with it. Numbers are separated by commas.

*If branches are different groups, they appear alphabetically in the name.

  1. If more than one of an alkyl group appears, a number prefix is used to denote the total number of groups.
  2. Dashes between carbon atoms do not need to be shown.


6 5 4 3
CH3 ¾ CH2¾ CH2¾ CH¾ CH3
2 CH2
1 CH3
Name: 3-methylhexane / 1 2 3 4 5
CH3¾ CH¾ CH2¾ CH¾ CH3
| |
Name: 2,4-dimethylpentane
| |
Name: 3-ethyl-2,5-dimethylheptane / CH3
Name: 3,4,5-trimethylheptane

Name the isomers for pentane and hexane that were drawn on the previous sheet.

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Ascension Parish Comprehensive Curriculum, Revised 2008

Isomers of Pentane (formula C5H12):

1.  CH3CH2CH2CH2CH3 n-pentane ( n means normal straight chain)

2.  CH3CHCH2CH3 2- methylbutane



3.  CH3 2,2-dimethylpropane





Isomers of hexane (formula C6H14)

1.  CH3CH2CH2CH2CH2CH3 n-hexane

2.  CH3CHCH2CH2CH3 2-methylpentane



3.  CH3CH2CHCH2CH3 3-methylpentane



4.  CH3 CH CH CH3 2,3-dimethylbutane

| |




5.  CH3 C CH2 CH3 2.3-dimethylbutane



3 / 2 / 0
Measurements are to the correct number of significant figures / All measurements / 2 or 3 measurements / Less than 2 measurements
Units included / All measurements / 2 or 3 measurements / Less than 2 measurements
Answers are within the range of acceptable error / All measurements / 2 or 3 measurements / Less than 2 measurements
Measurements finished within the prescribed time limit / All measurements / 2 or 3 measurements / Less than 2 measurements
All safety rules followed
Answered / Answered
correctly / Answered incorrectly but supported by evidence / Answered incorrectly. No supporting evidence.

Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3

1. Determine the accuracy and precision represented by each group of darts in the figures above. Explain your choices using complete sentences.

Figure 1 / Figure 2 / Figure 3

2. A basketball player throws 100 free-throws; 95 of these balls go through the goal; 5 miss the goal entirely. Describe the precision and accuracy of the free-throws.

3. The same player is having an off day; 5 balls go through the goal; the other 95 balls bounce off of the rim. Describe the precision and accuracy of the throws.

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Ascension Parish Comprehensive Curriculum, Revised 2008

Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3

1. Determine the accuracy and precision represented by each group of darts in the figures above. Explain your choices using complete sentences.

Figure 1 / Picture 2 / Picture 3
Precision? / Good All of the darts are grouped in the same area. / Poor None of the darts are grouped in the same area. / Good All of the darts are grouped in the same area.
Accuracy? / Poor
None of the darts are grouped in the bull’s-eye. / Poor
Few of the darts are grouped in the bull’s-eye. / Good
All of the darts are grouped in the bull’s-eye.

2. A basketball player throws 100 free-throws; 95 of these balls go through the goal; 5 miss the goal entirely. Describe the precision and accuracy of the free-throws.

The player has good precision and good accuracy because so many of the balls go through the goal.

3. The same player is having an off day; 5 balls go through the goal; the other 95 balls bounce off of the rim. Describe the precision and accuracy of the throws.

The player has good precision because so many balls bounce off the rim but poor accuracy because so few balls make it through the goal.

Term / + / ü / - / Definition / Example
Chemical bond
Ionic bond
Covalent bond
Metallic bond
Polar covalent bond
Nonpolar covalent bond
Formula unit
Molecular formula

Possible combinations that form precipitates:

Reaction Number

1.  MgSO4• 7H2O + Ca(C2H3O2)2 • H2O → CaSO4(s) + Mg(C2H3O2)2 + 7H2O

246.50 g/mol 176.19 g/mol 136.15 g/mol 142.38g/mol 18.02g

3.62 g 2.59 g 2.00 g 2.09 g 2.12 g

2.  MgSO4• 7H2O + Na2CO3 → MgCO3(s) + Na2SO4 + 7H2O

246.50 g/mol 105.99 g/mol 84.31 g/mol 142.02 g/mol 18.02g/mol

5.85 g 2.51 g 2.00g 3.37 g 2.99 g

3.  MgSO4• 7H2O + K2CO3 → MgCO3(s) + K2SO4 + 7H2O

246.50 g/mol 138.21 g/mol 84.31 g/mol 174.27 g/mol 18.02 g/mol

5.85 g 3.28 g 2.00g 4.13 2.99g

4.  ZnSO4 • 7H2O + Ca(C2H3O2)2 • H2O → CaSO4(s) + Zn(C2H3O2)2 + 8 H2O

287.56 g/mol 176.19 g/mol 136.15 g/mol 183.48 g/mol 18.02 g/mol

4.22 g 2.59g 2.00 g 2.70 g 2.12g

5.  ZnSO4 • 7H2O + Na2CO3 → ZnCO3(s) + Na2SO4 + 7 H2O

287.56 g/mol 105.99 g/mol 125.38g/mol 142.02 g/mol 18.02g/mol

4.59 g 1.69g 2.00g 2.27g 2.01g

6.  ZnSO4 • 7H2O + K2CO3 → ZnCO3(s) + K2SO4 + 7 H2O

287.56 g/mol 138.21 g/mol 125.38g/mol 174.27 g/mol 18.02 g/mol

4.59 g 2.20g 2.00g 2.78g 2.01g

7.  Ca(C2H3O2)2 • H2O + Na2CO3 → CaCO3(s) + 2NaC2H3O2 + H2O

176.19 g/mol 105.99 g/mol 100.09 g/mol 82.03 g/mol 18.02 g/mol

3.52g 2.12g 2.00g 3.28g 036g

8.  Ca(C2H3O2)2 • H2O + K2CO3 → CaCO3(s) + 2KC2H3O2 + H2O

176.19 g/mol 138.21 g/mol 100.09 g/mol 98.15 g/mol 18.02g/mol

3.52g 2.76g 2.00g 3.92g 0.36g

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Ascension Parish Comprehensive Curriculum, Revised 2008

Purpose: To observe characteristics of ionic and covalent bonds and to classify compounds as ionic or covalent based on those observations.

Modified from


·  Wear goggles.

·  Do not taste or touch any chemicals.

·  Follow guidelines pertaining to an open flame.


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Ascension Parish Comprehensive Curriculum, Revised 2008

·  Test tubes

·  Thin stem pipettes

·  Iron ring and stand

·  Candle with foil holder

·  Small foil pie pan

·  Calcium chloride

·  Citric acid

·  Phenyl salicylate

·  Potassium iodide

·  Sodium chloride

·  Sucrose

·  Conductivity probe

·  Safety goggles

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Ascension Parish Comprehensive Curriculum, Revised 2008


  1. Place a few crystals of sucrose, sodium chloride, phenyl salicylate, calcium chloride, citric acid and potassium iodide in separate locations around the pie pan as shown in Figure B. Make sure all of the samples are approximately the same size. Do not allow the crystals to touch.

·  Write a brief description of each of the 6 substances in a data table.

  1. Testing melting point

·  Place the pie pan on the iron ring. Position the ring so it is just above the tip of a candle flame, as shown in Figure A. Light the candle to check that you have the correct height.

·  Place the candle under the middle of the pan and heat. Record the order in which the substances melt. If a compound doesn’t melt record N/A.

3. Testing the solubility in water

·  Place a few crystals of each substance in separate test tubes. Add about 1 mL of distilled water and agitate each.

·  Record the solubility in the data table (Yes – if it dissolves, No – if it does not dissolve).

4. Testing the conductivity in water

·  Use the conductivity probe for each of the substances that WERE SOLUBLE in water to determine if they conduct electricity or not. If the compound didn’t dissolve, do NOT try to measure the conductivity.

·  Rinse and dry the probe after each test.


·  Rinse all test tubes with water and scrub with a test tube brush.

·  Rinse off the pie pan and scrub with a test tube brush. Dry with a clean cloth.

·  Wash hands and put away goggles.

Data Table

Compound / Description / Melting Point
(1, 2, 3, 4, N/A) / Solubility in Water (Y/N) / Conductivity
Calcium chloride
Citric acid
Phenyl salicylate
Potassium iodide
Sodium chloride

Write and defend a conclusion based on a logical analysis of your experimental data.

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Ascension Parish Comprehensive Curriculum, Revised 2008

Write formulas for the following compounds:

  1. copper (I) oxide ______
  2. aluminum hydroxide ______
  3. triphosphorus decasulfide ______
  4. zinc nitrate ______
  5. hydrobromic acid ______
  6. mercury (I) bromide ______
  7. boron tribromide ______
  8. sodium hydride ______
  9. barium perchlorate ______
  10. tetraphosphorus hexasulfide ______
  11. sulfuric acid ______
  12. calcium hypochlorite ______
  13. ammonium phosphite ______
  14. chromium (III) acetate ______
  15. hydrosulfic acid ______
  16. carbonic acid ______
  17. phosphorus pentafluoride ______
  18. cobalt (II) nitrate ______
  19. magnesium sulfate ______
  20. strontium phosphate ______
  21. dichlorine monoxide ______
  22. phosphorous acid ______
  23. disulfur dichloride ______
  24. iron (III) carbonate ______
  25. perchloric acid ______

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Ascension Parish Comprehensive Curriculum, Revised 2008

Write formulas for the following compounds:

  1. copper (I) oxide __Cu2O______
  2. aluminum hydroxide __Al(OH)3_____
  3. triphosphorus decasulfide __P3S10_______
  4. zinc nitrate __Zn(NO3)2____
  5. hydrobromic acid __HBr(aq)_____
  6. mercury (II) bromide __HgBr2______
  7. boron tribromide __BBr3______
  8. sodium hydride __NaH______

9.  barium perchlorate __Ba(ClO4)2____

  1. tetraphosphorus hexasulfide __P4S6______
  2. sulfuric acid __H2SO4(aq)___
  3. calcium hypochlorite __Ca(ClO)2____
  4. ammonium phosphite __(NH4)3PO3___
  5. chromium (III) acetate __Cr(C2H3O2)3_
  6. hydrosulfic acid __H2S(aq)_____
  7. carbonic acid __H2CO3(aq)___
  8. phosphorus pentafluoride __PF5______
  9. cobalt (II) nitrate __Co(NO3)2____
  10. magnesium sulfate __MgSO4______
  11. strontium phosphate __Sr3(PO4)2____
  12. dichlorine monoxide __Cl2O______
  13. phosphorous acid __H3PO4(aq)___
  14. disulfur dichloride __S2Cl2______
  15. iron (III) carbonate __Fe2(CO3)3___
  16. perchloric acid __HClO4(aq)___

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Ascension Parish Comprehensive Curriculum, Revised 2008

Name the following compounds.

  1. K2SO4 ______
  2. N2O4 ______
  3. BaClO4 ______
  4. HNO2(aq) ______
  5. FE2(SO4)3 ______
  6. NH4F ______
  7. BaI2 ______
  8. CrO3 ______
  9. Cu(C2H3O2)2 ______
  10. Ag2CO3 ______
  11. NaOH ______
  12. Ca3(PO4)2 ______
  13. ClF3 ______
  14. K2SO3 ______
  15. AlBr3 ______
  16. MgCl2 ______
  17. HC2H3O2(aq) ______
  18. P2O5 ______
  19. FePO4 ______
  20. SrBr2 ______
  21. Al2S3 ______
  22. LiBr ______
  23. NH3 ______
  24. PbO2 ______
  25. MgO ______

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Ascension Parish Comprehensive Curriculum, Revised 2008

Name the following compounds.

  1. K2SO4 __potassium sulfate______
  2. N2O4 __dinitrogen tetroxide______
  3. BaClO4 __barium perchlorate_______
  4. HNO2(aq) __nitrous acid_______
  5. Fe2(SO4)3 __iron (III) sulfate______
  6. NH4F __ammonium fluoride______
  7. BaI2 __barium iodide______
  8. CrO3 __chromium (IV) oxide______
  9. Cu(C2H3O2)2 __copper (II) acetate______
  10. Ag2CO3 __silver carbonate______
  11. NaOH __sodium hydroxide______
  12. Ca3(PO4)2 __calcium phosphate______
  13. ClF3 __chlorine trifluoride______
  14. K2SO3 __potassium sulfite______
  15. AlBr3 __aluminum bromide______
  16. MgCl2 __magnesium chloride______
  17. HC2H3O2(aq) __acetic acid______
  18. P2O5 __diphosphorous pentoxide______
  19. FePO4 __iron (III) phosphate______
  20. SrBr2 __strontium bromide______
  21. Al2S3 __aluminum sulfide______
  22. LiBr __lithium bromide______
  23. NH3 __ammonia______
  24. PbO2 __lead (IV) oxide______
  25. MgO __magnesium oxide______

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Ascension Parish Comprehensive Curriculum, Revised 2008