Algebra II – Unit 2 – ELL Scaffold

Student Learning Objective (SLO) / Language Objective / Language Needed
SLO: 1
N.RN.1, N.RN.2
Speaking / Use properties of integer exponents to explain and convert between expressions involving radicals and rational exponents, using correct notation. For example, we define 5 1/3 to be the cube root of 5 because we want (5 1/3)3= 5(1/3)3 to hold, so (5 1/3)
3 must equal 5. / Demonstrate understanding of the properties of integer exponents after listening to an oral lecture or video using notes and an Outline.
Explain orally how to use properties of integer exponents and correct notation to convert between expressions involving radicals and rational exponents by the use of word walls, White Board, and small group. / VU:Value, integer, convert, radicals, properties
LFC: If , then conditional tense, future tense, present tense
LC: Varies by ELP level
ELP 1 / ELP 2 / ELP 3 / ELP 4 / ELP 5
Language Objectives / Demonstrate understandingof the properties of integer exponents; then explain orally how to use properties of integer exponents using correct notationin L1 and/or use gestures, examples and selected, technical words. / Demonstrate understandingof the properties of integer exponents; then explain orally how to use properties of integer exponents using correct notationin L1 and/or use selected technical vocabulary in phrases and short sentences. / Demonstrate understandingof the properties of integer exponents; then explain orally how to use properties of integer exponents using correct notationusing key, technical vocabulary in a series of simple sentences. / Demonstrate understandingof the properties of integer exponents; then explain orally how to use properties of integer exponents with correct notationusing key, technical vocabulary in expanded and some complex sentences. / Demonstrate understandingof the properties of integer exponents; then explain orally how to use properties of integer exponents with correct notationusing technical vocabulary in complex sentences.
Learning Supports / White Board
Math Journal
Small group
Word/symbols wall
L1 text and/or support
Pictures/illustrations / White Board
Math Journal
Small group
Word/symbols wall
L1 text and/or support
Sentence frames / White Board
Math Journal
Small group
Word wall / White Board
Math Journal
Small group / White Board
Math Journal
Student Learning Objective (SLO) / Language Objective / Language Needed
SLO: 2
Reading / Rewrite simple rational expressions in different forms using inspection, long division, or, for the more complicated examples, a computer algebra system. / Read in order to rewrite simple rational expressions in different forms using inspection, long division, or, for the more complicated example, a computer algebra system using technology, word walls, White Board, and small group. / VU:Rational expression, inspection, equivalent, quotient, degree, remainder
LFC: Present tense
LC: Varies by ELP level
ELP 1 / ELP 2 / ELP 3 / ELP 4 / ELP 5
Language Objectives / Read in order to rewrite simple rational expressions in different forms in L1 and/or use gestures, examples and selected, technical words. / Read in order to rewrite simple rational expressions in different forms in L1 and/or use selected technical vocabulary in phrases and short sentences. / Read in order to rewrite simple rational expressions in different forms using key, technical vocabulary in simple sentences. / Read in order to rewrite simple rational expressions in different forms using key technical vocabulary in expanded and some complex sentences. / Read in order to rewrite simple rational expressions in different forms using technical vocabulary in complex sentences.
Learning Supports / White Board
Math Journal
Partially Completed Solutions
Small group
Word/picture wall
L1 text and/or support
Illustrations / White Board
Math Journal
Partially Completed Solutions
Small group
Word/picture wall
L1 text and/or support
Sentence frames / White Board
Math Journal
Small group
Word wall / White Board
Math Journal
Small group / White Board
Math Journal
Student Learning Objective (SLO) / Language Objective / Language Needed
SLO: 3
A.REI.1, A.REI.2
Writing / Solve simple equations in one variable and use them to solve problems, justify each step in the process and the solution and in the case of rational and radical equations show how extraneous solutions may arise. / Explain orally and in writing how to solve simple equations in one variable and use them to solve problems, justify each step in the process and the solution and in the case of rational and radical equations describe how extraneous solutions may arise using word wall, Charts, white board and small group. / VU:Variable, radical equations, extraneous, reasoning, corresponding, yield
LFC: Present tense
LC: Varies by ELP level
ELP 1 / ELP 2 / ELP 3 / ELP 4 / ELP 5
Language Objectives / Explain orally and in writing how to solve simple equations in one variable and use them to solve problems, justify each step in the process in L1 and/or use gestures, examples and selected, technical words. / Explain orally and in writing how to solve simple equations in one variable and use them to solve problems, justify each step in the process in L1 and/or use selected technical vocabulary in phrases and short sentences. / Explain orally and in writing how to solve simple equations in one variable and use them to solve problems, justify each step in the process using key technical vocabulary in simple sentences. / Explain orally and in writing how to solve simple equations in one variable and use them to solve problems, justify each step in the process using key technical vocabulary in expanded and some complex sentences. / Explain orally and in writing how to solve simple equations in one variable and use them to solve problems, justify each step in the processusing technical vocabulary in complex sentences.
Learning Supports / White Board
Math Journal
Partially Completed Solutions
Small group
Word/picture wall
L1 text and/or support
Illustrations / White Board
Math Journal
Partially Completed Solutions
Small group
Word/picture wall
L1 text and/or support
Sentence frames / White Board
Math Journal
Small group
Word wall / White Board
Math Journal
Small group / White Board
Math Journal
Student Learning Objective (SLO) / Language Objective / Language Needed
SLO: 4
A.REI.6, A.REI.7
Reading / Solve systems of linear equations and simple systems consisting of a linear and a quadratic equation in two variables, algebraically and graphically. / Demonstrate understanding of solving systems of linear and quadratic equations after listening to lecture and/or video using an Outline and taking notes.
Explain orally how to solve systems of linear and quadratic equations in two variables, algebraically and graphically using word walls, Math Journals and white boards. / VU:Linear equations, quadratic, coordinate plane
LFC: Imperative, present tense
LC: Varies by ELP level
ELP 1 / ELP 2 / ELP 3 / ELP 4 / ELP 5
Language Objectives / Demonstrate understanding of solving systems of linear and quadratic equations; then explain orally how to solve the equations in two variablesin L1 and/or use gestures, equations and selected, technical words. / Demonstrate understanding of solving systems of linear and quadratic equations; then explain orally how to solve the equations in two variablesin L1 and/or use selected technical vocabulary in phrases and short sentences. / Demonstrate understanding of solving systems of linear and quadratic equations; then explain orally how to solve the equations in two variablesusing key, technical vocabulary in a series of simple sentences. / Demonstrate understanding of solving systems of linear and quadratic equations; then explain orally how to solve the equations in two variablesusing key vocabulary in expanded and some complex sentences. / Demonstrate understanding of solving systems of linear and quadratic equations; then explain orally how to solve the equations in two variables using technical vocabulary in complex sentences.
Learning Supports / Outline
White Board
Math Journal
Partially Completed Solutions
Peer coach
Word/picture wall
L1 text and/or support
Illustrations / Outline
White Board
Math Journal
Partially Completed Solutions
Peer Coach
Word/picture wall
L1 text and/or support
Sentence frames / Outline
White Board
Math Journal
Small group
Word wall / Outline
White Board
Math Journal
Small group / Outline
White Board
Math Journal
Student Learning Objective (SLO) / Language Objective / Language Needed
SLO: 5
Writing / Write equivalent expressions for exponential functions using the properties of exponents. / Listen and read to demonstrate understanding of the properties of exponents by writing equivalent expressions for exponential functions using word wall, Math Journal and small group. / VU:Equivalent expressions, exponential functions, properties, function, constants, integers, values
LFC: Simple present
LC: Varies by ELP level
ELP 1 / ELP 2 / ELP 3 / ELP 4 / ELP 5
Language Objectives / Listen and read to demonstrate understanding by writing equivalent expressions for exponential functionsin L1 and/or listen to explanation with illustrations, gestures, and selected, technical words. / Listen and read to demonstrate understanding by writing equivalent expressions for exponential functionsin L1 and/or listen to explanation with selected technical vocabulary in phrases and short sentences with illustrations. / Listen and read modified explanations to demonstrate understanding by writing equivalent expressions for exponential functions. / Listen and read explanations with some technical vocabulary to demonstrate understanding by writing equivalent expressions for exponential functions / Listen and read technical explanations to demonstrate understanding by writing equivalent expressions for exponential functions.
Learning Supports / White Board
Math Journal
Partially Completed Solutions
Small group
Word/picture wall
L1 text and/or support
Illustrations / White Board
Math Journal
Partially Completed Solutions
Small group
Word/picture wall
L1 text and/or support
Sentence frames / White Board
Math Journal
Small group
Word wall / White Board
Math Journal
Small group / White Board
Math Journal
Student Learning Objective (SLO) / Language Objective / Language Needed
SLO: 6
Writing / Interpret key features of graphs and tables in terms of the quantities, and sketch graphs showing key features given a verbal description of the relationship. Key features include: intercepts; intervals where the function is increasing, decreasing, positive, or negative; relative maximums and minimums; symmetries; end behavior; and periodicity.★ / Listen and read in order to interpret orally and in writingthe key features of graphs and tables and givenfrom a verbal description of the relationship between two quantities, sketch graphs showing the key features using word walls, Math Journal and Technology and Technological Resources. / VU:Asymptote, intercepts, intervals, symmetries, end behavior, periodicity
LFC: Present tense, cause/effect clauses
LC: Varies by ELP level
ELP 1 / ELP 2 / ELP 3 / ELP 4 / ELP 5
Language Objectives / Listen and read in order to interpret orally and in writing the key features in graphs and tables and given a verbal description of the relationship, sketch graphs showing the key features in L1 and/or use gestures, examples and selected, technical words. / Listen and read in order to interpret orally and in writing the key features in graphs and tables and given a verbal description of the relationship, sketch graphs showing the key features in L1 and/or use selected technical vocabulary in phrases and short sentences. / Listen and read in order to interpret orally and in writing the key features in graphs and tables and given a verbal description of the relationship, sketch graphs showing the key features using key technical vocabulary in simple sentences. / Listen and read in order to interpret orally and in writing the key features in graphs and tables and given a verbal description of the relationship, sketch graphs showing the key features using key technical vocabulary in expanded and some complex sentences. / Listen and read in order to interpret orally and in writing the key features in graphs and tables and given a verbal description of the relationship, sketch graphs showing the key features using technical vocabulary in complex sentences.
Learning Supports / Technology and Technological Resources
White Board
Math Journal
Partially Completed Solutions
Small group
Word/symbol wall
L1 text and/or support / Technology and Technological Resources
White Board
Math Journal
Partially Completed Solutions
Small group
Word/symbol wall
L1 text and/or support
Sentence frames / Technology and Technological Resources
White Board
Math Journal
Small group
Word wall / Technology and Technological Resources
Small group / Technology and Technological Resources