Mr. Somoano

Room C6

Track A, Spring 2014

Algebra 1 Syllabus

Welcome to Algebra class!

Course description: Algebra is used to describe mathematical and real world processes by generalizing concepts learned in arithmetic. Algebra emphasizes relationships between quantities and the ways quantities change with respect to one another. To think algebraically, one must be able to understand patterns, relations and functions; represent situations using algebraic symbols and analyze change in various contexts.

Objectives: Through this course, students will demonstrate proficiency through consistent performance (scoring 75 % or better) on tests or in applications of these skills/concepts:

·  Arithmetic operations and absolute values of positive and negative rational numbers

·  Arithmetic operations with literal symbols

·  Linear equations and their graphs

·  Inequalities

·  Ratio, proportion, and variation

·  Operations with integer exponents

·  Operations with polynomials and rational expressions

·  Systems of linear equations with two unknowns; solutions and applications

·  Special products and factoring

·  Solution of quadratic equations by factoring, formula and completing a square

·  Square roots and operations with radicals

·  Solution of elementary word problems

Textbook: Algebra 1 by McGraw-Hill Glencoe

Course outline: The following topics will be covered during

Fall Semester:

·  Expressions, equations: evaluate expressions, order of operations, write equations and inequalities, word problem solving strategies.

·  Properties of numbers: add, subtract, multiply, and divide real numbers.

·  Solve linear equations: solve various equations including absolute value, multistep equations, and proportions.

·  Functions: Coordinate plane, graph linear equations using a table, slope, and intercepts, parallel and perpendicular lines.

·  Solving linear inequalities: solve and graph linear inequalities.

·  Systems of equations and inequalities: solve by addition method, elimination, substitution and graphically.

Spring Semester:

·  Exponents: exponent rules.

·  Polynomials: add, subtract, multiply, and divide polynomials.

·  Rational expressions and equations: add, subtract, multiply and divide.

·  Quadratic functions and equations: solve by factoring, graphing, quadratic formula, completing the square. Learn basic parts of parabolas.

·  Radicals: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, simplification of radicals, and rationalize denominators.

·  Probability and Statistics Introduction

Classroom Guidelines: Read the “Classroom Guidelines Handout”. Here is a brief summary

·  Bring all needed materials to class.

·  Be in your seat and ready to work when the bell rings.

·  Get my permission before speaking or leaving your seat.

Math Contract: Be sure to read with your parents. Please sign and return as soon as possible.

Grading: Each student’s grade reflects the percentage of points the student has earned out of the total number of points possible on a cumulative basis. Letter grades are assigned as follows:

·  A 90 % - 100 %

·  B 80 % - 89.99 %

·  C 70 % - 79.99 %

·  D 60 % - 69.99 %

·  F 0 % - 59.99 %

Disclaimer: This syllabus presented here is a tentative plan. The instructor reserves the right to make changes as student needs and other factors warrant.