ALGBTICAL Executive Council Business Meeting

October 23, 2010

Members present:

Heather Hardeman, Katherine Hirsh, Frank Hrabe, Michael Lebeau, Mallory McKee, Jessica Merchant, Melissa Scott, Lindsey Smith, Angela Stowe, Gary Williams, Glenda Elliott

The business meeting of the Executive Council was held on October 23, 2010, at the home of Angela Stowe in Birmingham with Melissa Scott, president, presiding.

Discussion of the 2010 Yearly Action Plan.

Melissa reported that ALAMCD had refused the invitation to be involved with the Winter Workshop in any capacity. She also reported that ALSCA is willing to co-sponsor and promote the workshop.

Glenda Elliott, in her capacity of Outreach Coordinator, reported that contact had been made with all chapter presidents requesting the identification of contact persons to assist in forming ALGBTICAL’s LGBT-Friendly Counselors List. At the time of the meeting, chapter contact persons had been identified for Chapters I, II, III, V, and VII. (The chapter contact for Chapter IV has subsequently been named.)

ALCA Conference: It was decided that ALGBTICAL members attending the Conference wear purple on Thursday as a means of making the presence of the division known. Other divisions as well as the ALCA president and president-elect will be asked to join in this effort.

Support of the Alabama Safe Schools Coalition: Angela Stowe is now a member of the coordinating committee of the ASSC representing ALGBTICAL which is a member of the Coalition. Angela will be attending a meeting of the committee on December 2 with Deputy State Superintendent of Schools in Montgomery. The purpose of this meeting will be the discussion of the state anti-harassment policy.

Winter Workshop: It was decided the emphasis on the workshop would be on bullying, hate, violence, and suicide prevention and intervention. Possible dates for the workshop – February 11 or 18. Jessica Merchant volunteered to be responsible for the Information table and Pam Yancy will be asked if she can coordinate the art auction.

Email Database: The email data base will be set up by Melissa as a means of communicating directly with the membership. Timely news articles and announcements are to be sent to Melissa who will send the items to the membership.

Newsletter: Angela Stowe, who has volunteered to be the editor of the electronic newsletter, announced plans to send out the first newsletter two weeks prior to the ALCA Fall Conference. Articles for the newsletter are to be submitted to Angela.

Grants Award Committee: A committee composed of Gary Williams, Angela Stowe, and Mallory McKee, will develop a proposal for the awarding of grants in honor of Glenda Elliott, co-founder of ALGBTICAL. The proposal is to be presented to the Executive Council by the end of the current term of officers.

Treasury Report: Frank Hrabe, treasurer, reported a balance on hand of $6,895.89, with $1,500.00 of that amount designated for the awarding of grants and/or scholarships.

Award of Appreciation: Melissa presented Michael Lebeau, past president of ALGBTICAL, a plaque in honor of and appreciation for his valuable and outstanding service to ALGBTICAL.

Next ALGBTICAL Business Meeting: Wednesday, Nov 17 at 1:45 PM, at the MobileConvention Center, 204 B, during the ALCA Annual Conference in Mobile.

Submitted by:

Glenda Elliott, Interim Secretary

November 1, 2010