Regular Meeting

Thursday, May 12, 2011

(7:30 PM)

Draft meeting minutes

1. Call to Order

Chairman Folkerts called the meeting to order. All Board members were present.

2. Pledge of Allegiance

Charles Barrett Elementary students Autumn Basara, Alex Olivia-Ortiz, Anderson Romero, David Villafranco, Jonny Pineda, Carlos Herrera, Courtnay Butler, Maria Grajeda, Najah Alexander, Cory Butler, Ally Castillo, Tarique Clayton, Brayan Medina, Katerin Medina, Josue Mejia, Salome Mejia, and Michael Patacsil led the Pledge of Allegiance.

3. Moment of Silence

The Board observed a moment of silence.

4. Adopt Meeting Agenda

Ms. Gorsuch moved adoption of the May 12, 2011 meeting agenda. Mr. Wilson seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

5. Communications & Addresses to the Board

One speaker addressed the Board.

6. Chairman's Report

Chairman Folkerts:

Thanked the two committees for their work on the Autism Spectrum Disorder plan and the Inclusive Practices plan. The Board will not approve the plans but will oversee the budget allocations and implementation of the plans. The Board will discuss and vote on the Special Education Annual this evening. The discussion will include a review of carryover funding.

Requested information and a recommendation from the school board legislative committee members Arthur Peabody and Charles Wilson on the school board electoral redistricting memorandum from the City.

Reported that the Board will meet with the Superintendent’s Student Leadership Committee on May 19 at 6:30 p.m. The students will submit agenda items for discussion.

7. Superintendent's Report

Superintendent Sherman:

Reported that the Board will hold work sessions May 26 on curriculum and June 16 on the VASS report.

Announced that Modified Open Enrollment information is posted on the ACPS web site including a one page summary description and timelines.

Congratulated new ACPS employees Rene Paschal, Samuel Tucker principal and Anne Booth, Patrick Henry Assistant principal.

Noted that meetings will be held with the John Adams community and staff to begin the process of naming a principal. He noted that Grace Taylor would like to stay on as principal.

Reported that the division writing scores have increased over the past 3 years and that George Washington Middle School 2 has the highest writing scores.

Introduced a draft proposal to replace 6th grade TAG math with Honors Math 6 and keep Accelerated Math. Seventh and eighth grade programs would remain the same. He noted he would request Board approval for this fall.

Reported on pre-school information including the increase in the number of pre-school students and that ACPS will have seven VPI classes next year serving 112 students in full day programs.

Commented on the report noting that Hispanics are the second largest and fastest growing minority group in Virginia with 62 percent living in northern Virginia.

Reported that the BRAC letter has been prepared and would be mailed in the near future.

Announced that yesterday was School Nurse Appreciation Day and thanked them for all they do to nurture our children in every way.

Reported that Christopher Gerlach and Yosyp Shvab are in California for the Intel Science Fair.

Announced that two middle school students Alex Lazo and Zerik Brooks have qualified to attend the Tabula Digita’s U Games National Scholarship Tournament Finals in New York next weekend.

Congratulated fourth grader Eileen Powell who was named the ACPS Poet Laureate. She received the honor for her poem “Glory.”

Invited everyone to TC Expo this Sunday from 1-5 p.m.

Board members requested information on how students will re-register for the Honors Math class if approved by the Board, procedures for the Tucker lottery if it is needed, and when will modular units begin to relieve the MOE.

8. Consent Calendar

Mr. Williams moved approval of the consent calendar. Mr. Wilson seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. The consent calendar consisted of the following items:

Third Quarter Budget Transfers Report

March 2011 Financial Report

Human Resources Report

Revised policy BCF - Advisory Committees to the School Board

Revised Policy IC/ID - School Year/School Day

New Policy IGBGA - Online Courses and Virtual School Programs

Revised policy KKA - Service Animals in Schools

Old Business and Action Items

9. Opening of School FY 2011-2012 and Early Start Waiver Update

Superintendent Sherman updated the Board on the ACPS early start waiver request. He noted that the Board of Education has indicated they will not approve our waiver request and he is recommending the School Board remove the waiver from the State Board of Education agenda.

Board members asked the Superintendent to request information on what the Board of Education will approve as a proposal for a waiver.

Superintendent Sherman reported that he has asked the TC Vision and Action Committee and the Total Compensation Review Committee to look at the questions of time, schedules, length of the day, school year, and structure of the schedule.

Ms. Folkerts moved that the school board withdraw the resolution of March 3, 2011 to request a school calendar waiver pursuant to Va. Code § 22.1-79.1 requesting ACPS open school before Labor Day. Ms. Maness seconded the motion.

Mr. Williams moved to amend the motion to request an advisory opinion. Ms. Folkerts accepted the amendment.

The amended motion passed unanimously.

10. 2011-2012 Traditional Schools Calendar

Ms. Morris moved to approve the 2011-2012 traditional calendar. Ms. Carter seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

Ms. Gorsuch requested that the calendar process begin earlier in the year.

11. 2011-2012 Modified Schools Calendar

Mr. Loomis noted that the calendar allows for more professional development days in the calendar. He noted that Veterans Day is a professional development day for both calendars.

Superintendent Sherman noted the discussion by the two modified schools would work together on intersessions. He also noted that a report on the Mount Vernon intersessions would be ready for the Board in June.

Board members requested information on the early release day in August and difference in the number of days between the traditional and modified school calendars.

The vote on the modified school calendar was postponed until the May 26 meeting to clarify the number of days in the calendar.

New Business

12. Special Education Annual Plan

Dr. Quenneville presented information on the annual plan including staffing for teachers, paraprofessionals, positive behavior support specialist, RTI specialist, career and transition services, graduation coach, and literacy specialist. Funding in the amount of $2,545,295 for part B, Section 611 Flow Through Funds and $90,466.34 for Part B, Section 619 Preschool Funds.

Board members requested information on the graduation coach, turnover in special education staff, analysis of the needs at each school, a comprehensive plan that looks at all special education services, alignment of funds with the Inclusion and Autism Plans

Ms. Carter moved approval of the 2011-2012 Local Special Education Annual Plan and Report. Mr. Peabody seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

13. FY 2011 Year End Estimates

Ms. Byess noted the results of the analysis indicate approximately a 2 million dollar fund balance will be available. Factors include flat funding, zero-based budgeting, and enrollment increases. The 2011 year end estimates will be placed on a future agenda for approval.

14. Motion to adopt the FY 2012 Final Combined Funds Budget (Operating Fund, School Nutrition Fund, and Grants and Special Projects Fund) and the FY 2012-2021 Capital Improvement Program (CIP)

Chairman Folkerts noted that at the May 9 work session the Board discussed the budget adjustments and have placed items #8 Perform Background Checks and #16 Reinstate one week of intersession at Mount Vernon as placeholders.

Ms. Gorsuch moved approval of the FY 2012 Final Combined Funds Budget including:

·  Operating Fund revenues and expenditures totaling $210,569,152 each.

·  School Nutrition Fund revenues totaling $6,508,205 and expenditures totaling $6,493,205

·  Grants and Special Projects Fund revenues totaling $15,728,581 and expenditures totaling $15,007,095

·  Fy2012 – 2021 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) expenditures totaling $21,986, 475 for FY 2012 and $345,030,951 for FY 2012-FY2021

The above are shown in Attachments 1 through 8. This motion incorporates all adjustments shown in the attachments.

The Superintendent is granted the authority to make the necessary minor changes to comply with the intent of the School Board.

Ms. Morris seconded the motion.

Mr. Wilson moved to amend item #16 to read Reinstate one week of intersession at Mount Vernon Community School as a placeholder with the following conditions, building best practices, developing accountability, and principals working together and after further School Board discussion and receipt of the June report. Ms. Gorsuch seconded the amendment. The amendment passed unanimously.

The amended main motion passed unanimously.

15. Virginia Retirement System Plan 2 Member Contribution Resolution

Mr. Williams moved that effective July 1, 2011, the Alexandria City Public Schools shall pick up member contributions of its Plan 2 Employees for professional and nonprofessional groups to VRS as an additional benefit not paid salary in an amount equal to 4% of creditable compensation subject to the terms and conditions described in the resolution. Mr. Wilson seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

16. Supplemental Retirement Employee Contributions Resolution

Chairman Folkerts read the resolution to adopt the following contribution rates starting with fiscal year 2012.

·  Employee’s contribution: 2.25% of the employees’ compensation

·  Employer’s contribution: none

Ms. Carter moved approval of the Virginia Retirement System Plan 2 Member Contributions Resolution. Ms. Campbell seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

17. Announcements by Board Members

Ms. Maness reported on the CTE Achievement Awards program.

Ms. Maness reported on the kindergarten Poetry and Literature Tea at James K. Polk.

Ms. Morris reported on the middle school teachers’ technology leadership program she attended.

Ms. Campbell reported on the Gang Task Force soccer tournament she attended.

18. Future meeting dates

May 12, 2011, 7:30 p.m., School Board meeting

May 19, 2011, 6:30 p.m., School Board Work session with Superintendent's Student Leadership Committee

May 23, 2011, 5:00 p.m., City/Schools, George Washington Middle School ALL Center May 26, 2011, 7:30 p.m., School Board meeting

June 9, 2011, 7:30 p.m., School Board meeting

June 16, 2011, 7:00 p.m., VASS Work Session

June 23, 2011, 7:30 p.m., School Board meeting

July 1, 2011, 8:00 a.m., School Board Organizational meeting Funding:

19. Closed Meeting and Certification of Closed Meeting

The clerk read the motion to convene a closed meeting to discuss a perspective employee and the evaluation of a division employee pursuant to VA. Code 2.2-3711 A(1). Ms. Morris moved approval of the motion. Mr. Wilson seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

Ms. Gorsuch moved to certify the closed meeting. Mr. Wilson seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

20. Adjourn meeting

Ms. Gorsuch moved to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Williams seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.