Refer to your Alexander ‘Blue’ bklet pgs 1 – 11 to answer the following:
1. Where is Macedonia in relation to Athens? ______
2. Name the father and mother of Alexander 3rd . ______
3. Name the birthplace of Alexander’s mother. ______
4. What is Alexander’s date of birth? ______
5. Alexander fought with distinction in the Battle of Chaeronia – how old was he? ______
6. Outline two significant events that occurred in 337BC concerning war & marriage
7. Identify the year Philip 2nd was murdered and name his murderer. ______
8. Identify the year and place of Alexander’s first battle on Persian soil. ______
The primary sources
9. Ptolemy: Explain his association with Alexander and what aspect of Alexander’s life he wrote about. ______
10. Give ONE reason why Ptolemy may not be a totally reliable source.
11. Aristobulous: Explain his relationship to Alexander and why his writings were of interest. ______
12. Nearchus: Explain why Nearchus is a reliable source. ______
13. Callisthenes: Explain his relationship to Alexander and reasons why he may not
be a totally reliable source of information. ______
For the following ‘secondary’ sources identify how long after Alexander’s death they wrote and the main primary sources they used:
14. Arrian: ______
15. Diodorus Siculus: ______
16. Plutarch: ______
17. Who do YOU think is the most reliable source and WHY? ______
Alexander’s heritage
18. List the main features of Olympias’ nature. ______
19. Describe Alexander’s nature. ______
Philip’s achievements / legacy to Alexander
Read Alex’s speech to his troops on p. 7. Then read pgs 8-9 and answering the following:
20. Macedonia was under constant attack from neighbouring countries so Philip decided they need a strong army. To overcome the manpower shortage Philip:
1. ______
2. To finance the army Philip ______
3. To run the farms so the army was well fed Philip needed ______.
These came from ______
THE organisation of the ARMY
Read pgs 9- 10 and complete the worksheet on p. 11 of the blue bklet.
Situation in Greece
1. Who had control of Greece by 356BC? ______
2. Outline the King’s Peace: ______