Alexander High School Mrs. Courtney Walker ECE2 2017-2018

Mrs. Tami Brown

Course Description:

Early Childhood Education II is the second course in the Early Childhood Care and Education pathway and further prepares the student for employment in early childhood care and education services. The course provides a history of education, licensing and accreditation requirements, and foundations of basic observation practices and applications. Early childhood care, education, and development issues are also addressed and include health, safety, and nutrition education; certification in CPR/First Aid/Fire Safety; information about child abuse and neglect; symptoms and prevention of major childhood illnesses and diseases; and prevention and control of communicable illnesses

Georgia Performance Standards:

Alexander’s Website:

Anticipated Classroom Format:

Behavior: Each student should:

1. Be respectful and cooperative to the teacher and classmates.

2. Be PREPARED and ready to work.

4. Follow school rules stated in the school handbook.

Misconduct will be handled in the following way:

1. Warning

2. Discussion with the teacher and/or detention.

3. Contact parent/guardian and/or detention.

4. Discipline referral to the office

Performance: Everyone is required to attend class and participate daily. The more you participate in class, the more likely you are to understand the material we are covering. Each student is also required to follow directions and be alert at all times.

Tardy Policy: We have a school-wide policy on tardies. For first period, after 6,10,15 tardies you are written up to the office. For second through eighth period, we follow the school tardy policy.

Nuisance Item Policy (cell phones, iPods, etc):

Cell phones, iPods, etc. should not be used during class. If the policy is violated, the student will receive a discipline referral for insubordination.

Assessment/Evaluations/Required Student Products:

Daily (Formative): A great deal of our instruction comes from class discussions, videos, and in-class hands-on activities. When you are absent you miss more than a copy of a handout. Participation in class and turning in class activities is essential to success in this course.

Late Work Policy: For each day the work is turned in late, you will receive 10 points off the assignment. After five days you will receive a zero. Projects will not be accepted late.

Quizzes & Tests (Summative): Throughout the course, we will have quizzes or tests over each unit. If you are absent, it is YOUR responsibility to take the test outside of class time. Please email me to schedule your make up exam.

Make-up work: When work is missed due to an excused absence, all missed assignments are due within one week of your return. It is your responsibility to EMAIL me for what you missed and get assignments to me in a timely fashion. All assignments are posted on the class blog.

Classroom Notebook: The classroom notebook is the curriculum used for the midterm and final. The student is expected to keep up with the notebook entries and the notebook itself. It will be collected at the end of each semester.

Grading Plan: Grading Scale:



Midterm 10% 71-79C

Final10% 70D


Strategies for Student Learning:

Learning-Focused Strategies are research-proven strategies that have a strong effect on student achievement; therefore, in each math class, students will
·Preview new class topics to accelerate learning
·Learn through use of Collaborative Pairs, Guided Practice, and Graphic Organizers
·Learn through thinking skills activities such as compare/contrast, classifying, induction, deduction, and error

·Take notes and summarize new information
·Be able to answer Essential Question(s) at the end of each lesson
·Complete homework/practice
·Represent ideas in nonlinguistic manners
·Learn cooperatively
The teacher is involved in each Learning-Focused strategy and will also prioritize the curriculum, review for mastery, reinforce effort, and provide recognition

Academic Honesty:

At Alexander High School, the student is urged to seek truth and beauty in and for themselves, as well as skills needed for a productive life. Academic honesty is essential in preserving one's own integrity, the integrity of the school, and in gaining a true education. The Alexander High School student pledges not to lie, cheat, or steal in the pursuit of his or her studies and is encouraged to report those who do. Improper academic conduct on the part of the student shall be interpreted to mean the obtaining and using of information during an examination, classwork or homework by means other than those permitted by the teacher, including the supplying of such information to other students.

Parent Note

If you ever have any questions or concerns, please contact us via e-mail at d r leave me a message on our school voice mail at 770-651-6147 and we will return your call.Thanks for your support. I look forward to working with your son or daughter this semester.

Student Signature ______

Parent Signature ______