Agenda for a meeting of Alderbury Parish Councilto be held on

Monday10th July2017atSt. Marys Hall, Whaddon at 7.30pm

Questions or statements from members of the public on any matter concerning the village.

To receive a report from the Neighbourhood Police Team.

To receive a report from Wiltshire Councillor Richard Britton.


5015. Apologies for absence and to consider whether to approve the reasons given.

5016. Co-option of a new councillor to join Alderbury Parish Council

5017. Declaration of Cllrs Interests and dispensations – to receive declarations of interest or dispensations in respect of matters contained in this agenda.

5018. Council meeting minutes – to approve the minutes of the Parish Council meeting on Wednesday 7thJune 2017 and the extraordinary parish council meeting on 28th June.

5019. Annual Parish meeting minutes – to approve the minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting on Wednesday 17th May 2017.

5020. Settlement Boundary consultation – to approve a list of questions for a councillor to raise on behalf of the parish council at a forthcoming information session in Salisbury.

5021. Alderbury footpath audit–to receive an update on the current progress of the village footpath group, to understand future aspirations and agree how the parish council can support the group.

5022. Southampton Road Allotments – to review the approved hours for allotment holders to have bonfires on site with a view to extending them.

5023. New grit bin and salt spreader – to approve the cost of £150 to purchase a new large grit bin for Spiders Island and £250 for a salt spreader to use in the village.

5024. Best kept village competition – to review the report and agree any actions arising.

5025. Maintenance update – to receive feedback from Cllr Hartford.


5026. Year ending 31st March 2018

5027. Accounts for Payment

5028. Reserves – to review the current reserves and set aside money for future improvements to village assets.

Planning To respond to Wiltshire Council on the following planning application:

5029. 17/05525/VAR – Alderbury Village Store, Canal Lane, Alderbury, SP5 3NY – Variation of condition 3 of planning permission 14/05558/FUL to allow for deliveries on Mondays to Fridays between 05.00am and 19.00pm

5030. 17/05498/FUL – Cherrytree Cottage, Old Road, Alderbury, SP5 3AR – Alterations to access and drive

Matters arising from previous meetings:

5031. Skate park – to receive feedback following a meeting with the manufacturer and installation company and agree next steps.

5032. Shute End Road – to report on the installation of the metrocount.

5033.To receive reports from Cllrs representing Alderbury Parish Council on outside bodies.

5034. Correspondence/Clerk’s report.

5035. The Fountain magazine – to agree the key themes for the next article.

5036. The date of the next meeting is Wednesday 6th September 2017. Any items for the agenda must be sent to the clerk by Monday 28th August 2017.

4th July 2017

Alderbury Parish Council Clerk: Alison McGowan

Tel: 01725 513651