Winter 2004
Marketing Research MKTG 552
Monday 5:45 p.m. to 8:25 p.m.
Pigott 201
Dr. Rex Toh
Room: Pigott 420, Seattle
Tel: 296-6007
E-Mail: (preferred method of communication)
Web site:
Office Hours: 12 noon to 5:00 pm on Mondays and Wednesdays, and by appointment.
You must have an active personal SU e-mail account by the first day of class to even get into the SU computers. If you don't have an SU e-mail account or it is inactive, please call the Help Desk at 296-5571 to set one up. To get into SAS, your unix account log-in name is 552w04___. Your unix password is "asbe2004"
Text: Marketing Research: Methodological Foundations, 8th edition, by Churchill and Iacobucci.
Collection of Readings by Rex Toh (buy from CopyMart next to IHOP on Madison).
Part A: Research Processes and Designs
1.Introduction to the Course. Research Process and Design (Exploratory and Descriptive Research). Read Churchill pp. 54-61, pp. 90-124, and read Handout # 0.5 (half).
2.Causal Designs and Data Collection (Primary Data). Read Churchill pp. 130-159, 239-240, and 258-311.
Part B: Data Collection and Measurement
3.Data Collection Forms and Attitude Measurement. Read Churchill pp. 314-360, and 366-397.
Part C: Data Analyses
4.SAS Tutorial Session. Read SAS Instructions and Handout # 1. Exploratory Data Analysis and Cross Tabulations. Read Churchill pp. 579-581, 588-602, and Handout # 2. After class, we will be going to P207 from 7:15 p.m. to 9:15 p.m. for a hands-on demonstration of SAS. This will be on Monday February 2, 2004. Please inform your spouses or significant others that you will be home late on this day!
5.Do Handout Problem #1, #1.5, and replicate Handout #2. Do Churchill problem 13.12 (on p. 608).
Mid-Term Exam on Monday February 9, 2004. (Will cover lectures 1 to 5).
6.Review of Mid-Term Exam.
Inferential Statistics on Two Populations. Read Toh and Hu pp. 366 to 398.
7.Nonparametric Tests on Two Populations and the Wald-Wolfowitz Number of Runs Test for Randomness. Read Toh and Hu pp. 418 to 426, 431 to 445, and Handout #3.
8.Nonparametric Measures of Association: Contingency Test, Contingency Coefficient, Index of Predictive Association, Coefficient of Concordance, Goodness of Fit Test, and Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test. Read Handout 4 and Handout 4.5. Read Toh and Hu pp. 517 to 523. Read Churchill pp. 677-678.
9.Experimental Design: One-Way ANOVA, Randomized Block Design, and Latin Squares. Read Toh and Hu pp. 456 to 463, 477 to 482, and Handout #5. Kruskal-Wallis Test on three or more populations. Read Toh and Hu pp. 472 to 476. Also read Handout #6.
10. Problem Solving Session. Do problems: Toh and Hu 11.2, 11.16, 11.21, 11.34, 11.38, 12.6, 12.8, 12.9, 12.10, and Handout Problem #2, Churchill 16.1 a,c,d (on p. 773-774) and problem 13.1 (on p. 626-627), Toh and Hu 14.31, then solve 14.31a using SAS, Churchill 15.3 (on p. 694-695), Toh and Hu 13.5 (solve using SAS), 13.32, Handout Problem #3, 13.13.
Your questionnaire design is due on this day (Monday March 15, 2004). Do not exceed three typed written pages. Your questionnaire and grade will be returned to you on the day of the finals.
Final Exam on Friday March 19, 2004 from approximately 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm (will cover lectures 6 to 10). The materials tested in the mid-term and final exams will be mostly mutually exclusive.
Mid-Term Exam = 80 points
Final Exam = 95 points
Questionnaire Construction = 25 points
Total = 200 points
Please bring your electronic calculators with you for all your class sessions and examinations.
Note on examinations: Attendance is compulsory. No incompletes or make-ups will be given unless there are extenuating circumstances. If your company is sending you out of town during exams, please arrange with me to take the exams earlier, never later. I look forward to an enjoyable and enlightening quarter with you.
CAUTION: Please be advised that you will be held to the highest standards of academic honesty (especially cheating and copying other people’s work),the policies on which can be found on pages 14 and 15 of the 2003-2004 Graduate Bulletin of Information. Violations can lead to expulsion.
Objectives of the Course:
- To teach you how to design questionnaires and collect market information
- To train you to do data analysis using parametric and nonparametric methods of analysis.
- To assist you in recognizing the nature of the data, and then apply the correct method of analysis.
- To teach you how to use SAS to do Marketing Research.
- The main emphasis of the course will be on the quantitative aspects of Marketing Research, that is, data analysis and interpretation.
Questionnaire Design:
To be passed up on Monday March 15, 2004.
Based on the article attached by Rex Toh and Michael Y. Hu titled, “Frequent-Flier Programs: Passenger Attributes and Attitudes,” published in the Transportation Journal, Winter,1988, construct a questionnaire that would have supported the reported results (of the main passenger survey only). You will be judged on completeness, question wording, and correct sequence, among other things. Your questionnaire design with your grade will be returned to you on the day of the finals.