Alaska Anthropological Association

P. O. Box 241686

Anchorage, AK 99524-1686

Board Meeting January 24th, 2018

Attending: Julie, Phoebe, Amy, Shelby, Kory, Vivian, Yoko, and Andy.

1. Conference 2018 update (Andy):

Dael send out request, soliciting donations for advertising. 68 papers, 11 sessions. 20 posters. Wednesday workshop day – AHRS, zooarchaeology, lithics, and board meeting Thursday at lunch. Business meeting Thursday afternoon. Speakers confirmed – Alan Boraas, Alexanna Salmon – accommodations work with Julie to book and cover with assoc cc, get reimbursed for ticket or send itinerary. Space for book room. How to advertise availability of book room. Julie will contact Bryan and Katie and have them change title and abstract for newsletter and reach out to participants next week to update them what’s going on so they can decide whether to stay in the session and/or change abstract.

Julie- will provide info on conference registration sales. Yesner session.

2. Award and scholarship nominations (Phoebe):

Travel Grant Committee

Molly Proue (AkDOT)

Davin Holem (UAF)

Katie Krasinski (Fordham)

Caitlin Holloway (former UAF grad student, has worked seasonally for NPS in Fairbanks)- not confirmed as being on the committee yet but has express interest

Phoebe Gilbert (AkAA Board, NPS)

Scholarship Committee

Jenny Blanchard (BLM)

Brittney Howell (Northern Kentucky University, lives and works in Anchorage) she received the James VanStone Advanced Graduate Student Award in 2014.

Ted Goebel (Texas A&M)

Tamara Holman (AK OHA)

Phoebe Gilbert (AkAA Board, NPS)

Travel grant and and Hall Paper submissions closed on 15th, 6 people applied for travel grant, one for Hall paper award. Due to the quality of the single Hall submission the award may not be given out this year. Due to the good applications for the Travel award, 2 rural residents and 4 students, Phoebe made a motion to put an additional $1500 into this award for this year. The motion was seconded and had four votes in favor. Motion Passed. . Deadline for other scholarships is the 1st of Feb. Also, we currently have two nominations for the professional achievement award: Charles Holmes and Debbie Corbett. But no nominations for others, nominations close Feb 1st.

3. Historian position (Kory):

Discussed potential for new task-oriented board position but much of the work they would do already being covered, e.g. Joan Dale is assisting with sending conference programs to UAF for curation.

4. Elections (Kory):

Discussed upcoming board election and voting period. Voting will close February 12th. Email sent out to paid members on - election nomination form/website, dates for voting.

Voting period last until February.

5. Vivian- update on taxes, any other budget info the group needs to know.

Checks for journals from institutions? Lifetime members getting missed for journal?

6. Shelby- publications update.

Website up to date except TOC. People can download individual articles, improved google search returns. A bunch of orders of journal in January. Web and mail distribution of 2015 done, or volume 15? Aurora and AJA editor, Jim Dixon preparing manuscript for Aurora, 2018 AJA will have two separate volumes, #1 almost ready to go. May go to copy editor in fall.Amy talked to Ken about edited volume for aaa session, waiting for response, much interest from session participants. Keep encouraging people to submit. Reach out to people in networks, students, colleagues to submit. Mailers may have helped with submission, Yoko will do frequent FB reminders to submit to AJA. Have AJAs and Aurora’s at meetings to sell.

7. John Cook memorial service Feb 16th, donations to Alaska Anthropological Association. Julie’s contact info in obituary. Potential naming of travel grant in honor of John Cook.

Request for senior rates for membership fees and meetings to be discussed at next meeting.