Alaska Academic Review Committee
Meeting Minutes
Date: May 12, 2008Call to Order: 8:30
Adjourn: 11:30 / Chair: Linda Curda
Vice Chair: Jud Brenteson
Recorded by: Cindy Fyfe / MinutesReviewed: Tabled until May 13,2008
Motion to accept:
Motion seconded:
Attendees: Cindy Lincoln, Grace Ng, Leif Albertson, Rebecca Wulvik, Cheryl DeBose, Phyllis Farrell, Rita Kalistook, Herman Geffe, Grace Kirk, John Everson, Jud Brenteson, Dan Thomas
Guests: Sharon Peabody, Torie Heart, Mary Rydesky
Agenda Review
Report /Direction from CHAP Directors
Pre-Session Course Update / Linda Curda
Sharon Peabody / Agenda Reviewed
Linda reviewed handout with group
Sharon reviewed progress of the Pre-Session course. CommitteeGuidelines and Syllabus in place, Student Learning Notebook, sample Job Description, Instructor manual and a Skills List.. Designed for CHP to teach course, Midlevel may want to change some of the content.
If anyone is planning a course before mid June, contact Sharon for manual if you wish to field test the program. / Motion to approve: Cindy Fyfe
Seconded: Rita Kalistook
Motion: Approved
Information only at this time.
Sharon will be field testing on May 27-21st by conducting a Pre-session course using this course.
Motion to approve Guidelines and Syllabus and present to CHAP Directors as amended.
Motion to approve: Leif Albertson
Seconded: Jud Brenteson
Motion:Motion passes unanimously.
Alaska Academic Review Committee
Meeting Minutes (continued)
Date: 5/12/08
Adult Immunizations (Tdap) to Standing Medical Orders
Round Robin Reports / Sharon Peabody
Dan Thomas / CHAM Orientation DVD is available, contact Torie if a copy is needed.
Dan presented NSHC guidelines for Adult Immunization and their methodology for standing order and implementation of updating Tdap. Nome currently has a teaching guideline and standing order. There is a need for SO for adult immunizations.State Immunization program needs to be contacted for their recommendations on adult immunizations.
Grace and Herman will help Linda with this project.
See attached. / Motion to accept Pre-session Skills checklist.
Motion to approve: Leif Albertson
Seconded: Jud Brenteson
Motion: Motion passes unanimously
Tabled distance education Pre-Session future.
Dan will e-copy Nome’s Standing orders guidelines for Tdap and nebulizer treatment.
Linda will be contacting Roz Singleton at Immunization office for their recommendations.
Alaska Academic Review Committee
Meeting Minutes
Date: 5-13-08Call to Order: 8:35 am
Adjourn: / Chair: Linda Curda
Vice Chair: Jud Brenteson
Recorded by: Cindy Fyfe / Minutes Reviewed:Februrary -To be reviewed 5/14/08
Motion to accept:
Motion seconded:
Attendees: Leif Albertson, Shirley Thornton, Phyllis Farrell, Grace Ng, Rebecca Wulvik, John Everson, Cindy Lincoln, Crystal Stordahl, Cheryl DeBose, Mary Rydesky, Dan Thomas, Rita Kalistook, Grace Kirk, Herman Geffe, Jud Brenteson Guests: Dr. Golnik,
Workgroup progress reports
Preceptorship Skills List / Training Center-Dan Thomas
Field- Cindy Fyfe
Dan Thomas / Worked on critical skills for Preceptorship.
Reviewing curriculum units and looking at performance levels associated with each learning objective.
Set goals for next year.
Tabled nomination of new field Chair.
Reviewed Pre-session student and instructor manuals, made corrections. Will be pilot tested in Kodiak, Kotz, Nome, and Sharon.
Reviewed changes with group. Added type of pt seen. AddedClinical Evaluation list.
Emergency PEF form is not being used consistently around the state. It is being taught at the training centers. / Information only.
Information only.
Will bring back to group on Wednesday, May 14th, 2008.
Alaska Academic Review Committee
Meeting Minutes (continued)
Date: 5-13-08
Curriculum Updating and Revision Process
Clinical Evaluation Tool / Dan Thomas- RAC Chair
Dan Thomas
Dr. Golnik
Group / ANC training Center was recently reviewed and passed with 100%.
Looked briefly at distance program. As program is very different, it could not be approved simultaneously. Feel the course documentation needs to be more thorough or RAC stds need to be changed to reflect Distance program. Discussion of developing criteria for evaluating Distance Session Training. How can distance be used to enhance training?
Chronic Care-Designed to promote proper CHAM use and help with info for refills.
Discussion of curriculum process. Dr. Golnik discussed her data collection project types of visitsthat CHA/Ps perform. Purpose of study is to see if our curriculum reflects the types of visits that health aides actually see. Group agreed there is much data available to organizations. Dr. Golnik’s information will be distributed and perhaps brought forward to Convocation for discussion.
Linda will take this idea to CD for funding the hiring of person to study and compare to curriculum. Mary stated much information is available also (GPRA, State Epi, Trauma registry, cancer registry) and should also be reviewed also.
Discussed clinical Evaluation tool. / Information only.
Discuss distance education at September 2008 mtg.
Information only.
Information only.
Linda will take this idea to CD for funding the hiring of person to study and compare to curriculum.
Review form at lunch and will re-discuss this afternoon.
Alaska Academic Review Committee
Meeting Minutes
Date: 5-13-08Call to Order: 8:35 am
Adjourn: / Chair: Linda Curda
Vice Chair: Jud Brenteson
Recorded by: Cindy Fyfe / Minutes Reviewed: To be reviewed on 5-14-08
Motion to accept:
Motion seconded:
Attendees: Leif Albertson, Shirley Thornton, Phyllis Farrell, Grace Ng, Rebecca Wulvik, John Everson, Cindy Lincoln, Crystal Stordahl, Cheryl DeBose, Mary Rydesky, Dan Thomas, Rita Kalistook, Grace Kirk, Herman Geffe, Jud Brenteson Guests: Dr. Golnik,
Workgroup progress reports
Preceptorship Skills List / Training Center-Dan Thomas
Field- Cindy Fyfe
Dan Thomas / Worked on critical skills for Preceptorship.
Reviewing curriculum units and looking at performance levels associated with each learning objective.
Set goals for next year.
Tabled nomination of new field Chair.
Reviewed Pre-session student and instructor manuals, made corrections. Will be pilot tested in Kodiak, Kotzebue, Nome, and Sharon.
Reviewed changes with group. Added type of pt seen. Added Clinical Evaluation list.
Emergency PEF form is not being used consistently around the state. It is being taught at the training centers. / Information only.
Information only.
Will bring back to group on Wednesday, May 14th, 2008.
Alaska Academic Review Committee
Meeting Minutes (continued)
Date: 5-13-08
Curriculum Updating and Revision Process
Clinical Evaluation Tool / Dan Thomas- RAC Chair
Dan Thomas
Dr. Golnik
Group / ANC training Center was recently reviewed and passed with 100%.
Looked briefly at distance program. As program is very different, it could not be approved simultaneously. Feel the course documentation needs to be more thorough or RAC stds need to be changed to reflect Distance program. Discussion of developing criteria for evaluating Distance Session Training. How can distance be used to enhance training?
Chronic Care-Designed to promote proper CHAM use and help with info for refills.
Discussion of curriculum process. Dr. Golnik discussed her data collection project types of visits that CHA/Ps perform. Purpose of study is to see if our curriculum reflects the types of visits that health aides actually see. Group agreed there is much data available to organizations. Dr. Golnik’s information will be distributed and perhaps brought forward to Convocation for discussion.
Linda will take this idea to CD for funding the hiring of person to study and compare to curriculum. Mary stated much information is available also (GPRA, State Epi, Trauma registry, cancer registry) and should also be reviewed also.
Discussed clinical Evaluation tool. / Information only.
Discuss distance education at September 2008 mtg.
Information only.
Information only.
Linda will take this idea to CD for funding the hiring of person to study and compare to curriculum.
Review form at lunch and will re-discuss this afternoon.
Alaska Academic Review Committee
Meeting Minutes (continued)
Date: 5-13-08
AGENDA ITEM / PRESENTER / DISCUSSION / RECOMMENDED ACTIONCHA/Ps role in filling Medisets / Gary Givens, ANMC Pharmacy Director / Can a health aide legally fill a Medisets? Givens and 5 other pharmacists could not find that filling Medisets violate any Federal law and health aides are not regulated by state law.
This could be changed, would need more training, a look at clinics workload. Maybe state may assist with process by using med calendars, med boxes or other methods. Try to do what is best with pt.
Statement in the CHAM that this is illegal is not correct. This will go forward to CHAP Directors. Will send to CHAM revision. / Linda will follow up and will bring forward to CHAM Revision group.
Alaska Academic Review Committee
Meeting Minutes
Date: 5-14-08Call to Order:
Adjourn: / Chair: Linda Curda
Vice Chair: Jud Brenteson
Recorded by: Cindy Fyfe / Minutes Reviewed: February 2008
Motion to accept: Cheryl DeBose
Motion seconded:Rita Kalistook
Motion: Approved with minor revisions
Attendees, Rebecca Wulvik, Shirley Thornton, Phyllis Farrell, Grace Ng, Cheryl DeBose, Cindy Lincoln, Leif Albertson, Herman Geffe, Rita Kalistook, Grace Kirk, Jud Brenteson, Dan Thomas Guests: Mary Rydesky, Dorothy Hight
Workgroup Reports
TrainingCenter / Rita Kalistook
John Everson / Continued work on Preceptorship Critical Skills list. Suggest that Clinical Evaluation tool be attached to the skills list.
Reviewed some curriculum items. Need more timely electronic updates and proofed. This needs to become a priority project rather than as time allows type of project. Implementation of new units will take place in Januaryof each year.
TC’s are interested in Dr. Golnik’s report when done. Would like data from Dr. Golnik to look at assorted assessments (CHA and MD), etc.
Would like a statewide central training needs would like lists of CHA, villages, etc for those needing training. This is a request from ARC and Training Centers a system be established for identifying training needs via CHAP Directors. Areas that have current tools are Bristol Bay, Nome,SEARHC, YKHC, and TCC. / Motion: Accept Preceptorship Critical Skills list.
Motion made: John Everson
Motion Seconded: Rita Kalistook
Motion: Passed.
Linda and Cheryl will meet with Ella. Will go to CHAP Directors to see if help can be hired to assist with proofing.
Information only.
ARC and TrainingCentersrequest a system be established for identifying training needs via CHAP Directors.
Bring forms to next meeting. TC to come up with a tool to assist with process.
Alaska Academic Review Committee
Meeting Minutes (continued)
Date: 5-14-08
Field / Linda Curda / Clinical Evaluation tool. Reviewed revision changes with group.
Started to review AKCHAP website. Starting with Library documents. Will be working between now and September meeting. Will be getting printouts from Web mistress to start comparison of what is on the website.
PEF Review form- thinks this needs to go to a broader group such as convocation. Another discussion that came up was a sample PEF as trainer and CHA may be different. Thinks these be discussed as well. Variation between TrainingCenter and Region. Want standard deal breaker, such as a made up or unapproved assessment (FUO) automatic does not pass. Tools were reviewed and were fairly similar.
Need to have some flexible review standards (# of PEFs to review). Group would like some input from TrainingCenter – what are you teaching at training centers. How can Field assess this?
Mary suggested that Telehealth be involved with documentation requirements for PEF / Motion to approve form: John Everson
Seconded: Cindy Fyfe
Motion: Passed
Will continue to work and report progress at Sept meeting.
To review in September
Alaska Academic Review Committee
Meeting Minutes (continued)
Date: 5-14-08
University Report
EMS Report
CHAM Revision report
Certification Board Report / Linda Curda
Linda Curda
Linda Curda
Linda Curda
Dorothy Hight / Reviewed revisions to the PreSession Course guidelines, skills checklist, and sample CHA-T job description. Sharon will send out revised books to areas that will be field testing the manual.
-Presented list of Fall 08 Audio conference/distance courses- Linda will forward document electronically to group.
-UAF Community Health certificate and AAS report presented.
-Current info about Medex at U of WA- have 4 sites, 2 will be masters level Seattle and Spokane. Yakima Bachelor site and new site will be in Anchorage. Anchorageprogram will start in the Fall of 2009 at UAA campus. Will have 20 slots for PA’s inAnchorage.
Linda distributed Jean’s report to group. See attached report
Linda distributed report. See attached..
Behavioral Health Aide (BHA) standards reviewed and expect in June to have all public comments available for possible inclusion in standards. Anticipate certifying first group of BHA this fall. See attached report
Would like a smoother process for CME approval. Want ARC to look at CME guidelines and process to improve system. / To be pilot tested and report back at the September meeting.
Information only.
Information only.
Information only
To discuss at December 08 meeting.
Alaska Academic Review Committee
Meeting Minutes (continued)
Date: 5-14-08
Electronic TABE Testing
Convocation planning group
Agenda items for next meeting
Vista downloads / Linda Curda
Mary Rydesky
Linda Curda
Mary Rydesky / What are the next levels of improvement? Please use comment sheet on the website and send to Torie Heart. Aware new CD needs to be done. CHAM committee members are gone. Need to reconvene meeting. Need to coordinate time for meeting. Linda current chair. Mary suggested videoconferencing to save on travel time and lack of funding for this group.
New version of TABE test is 9-10 M- this has replace version 7-8M. Mary researched the issue with the TABE test electronically. Purchase price includes results and grades. Overall group agreed this might be a nice option to have. Group would like CD to consider electronic TABE testing as an option.
Need representation from TC and Field. Members: John Everson, Rita to ask Myrna Peter.
Technology committee- Mary Rydesky
Tele-health with AFHCAN and CHAP forms
Folks are having trouble opening Vista documents in Windows XP. / Information only.
Linda will send email out to request members for this committee.
Linda will report to CDs that ARC is strongly recommend that CDs consider adopting the option of electronic TABE tests.
Linda to follow up
Mary will bring to IT Directors for organizations to download fix for Windows XP to be able to open vista documents.
Round Robin Reports
NSHCHealthAideTrainingCenter – Dan Thomas
- Training on schedule. Unable to fill one Session IV 3/24-4/18: able to recruit only 4 students.
- We put on a week of CME in March on Chronic Care, with 5 students from out of region and 6 of our own.
- We are implementing new Chronic Care PEFs.
From YKHCTraining Center- Rita Kalistook
6 Community Health Aide Practitioners attended a refresher course at ANTHC
4 Community Health Aide Practitioners attended the CHAP forum at ANTHC
February through March;12 Session I students
April through May;12 Session III students
We had Nina Perino PA-C come out to Bethel from ANTHC;
her work was excellent and very much appreciated.
1 CHA student attended Session 4 in Sitka
2 CHA students attended Session 4 in Nome
2 students received preceptorship training in Emmonak sub-regional clinic in May, which completestheir training as Community Health Aide Practitioners..
7 students received their Certificates in Community Health at the Kuskokwim Campus of the University of Alaska, Fairbanks on May 2nd, 2008. A reception honoring the graduates and their family guests was held the night before graduation. Graduates attended a breakfast at KUC followed by practice, pictures and the official ceremony. All graduates are in good standing and have served their communities by providing high quality, compassionate health care. All graduates are also Emergency Medical Technicians
Maniilaq- Herman Geffe, Sr
We have two FT CHA-Trainee vacant slots, one at the Shungnak clinic, and at the Selawik clinic. We will have one vacant Admin. Asst. at the Ambler clinic she has transferred to a PT CHA-Trainee. There are 10 CHA-Trainees that are in need of a S-I. The CHAP office has two C/I vacant slots-RN and Mid-Level, the RN C/I position I am thinking to re-class to a CHP C/I at this time. We go through RNs every 1-3 yrs and if I reclass it to a CHP, this problem should be resolved. We have had a PA/NP C/I vacant slot since early January and no apps at this time. The CHAP Director’s last day of work is July 25 2008, he is going back to school to get his PA degree.