1999 Author Index 1
Fluoride32 (4) 1999
1999 Author Index 1
Adair SM...... 257
Ajtai K...... 103
Akiniwa K...... 139
Akizuki N...... 122
Al Chahin G...... 107
Alabdula’aly AI.....113
Aldredge WA...... 120
Allolio B...... 123
Al-Merey R...... 84
Alonso JIG...... 116
Amor Z...... 108
Anabalon M...... 38
Ando M...... 153, 262
Angelillo IF...... 130
Arai J...... 105
Ariji H...... 105
Arneberg P...... 128
Avimadje AM...... 36
Backman B...... 113
Bandekar RR...... 110
Banting DW...... 111
Bargas E...... 107
Bariou B...... 108
Bastos JRD...... 37
Bastos R...... 37
Baylink DJ...... 124
Bayon MM...... 116
Bertocchio P...... 107
Bertoni E...... 98
Bialecki P...... 7
Bigi A...... 98
Bodier-Houlle P.....96
Bodis D...... 113
Boe J...... 256, 261
Bohatyrewicz A....7, 47
Bonjour JP...... 261
Borges TM...... 109
Bourke CA...... 40
Brizendine EJ...... 118
Brothwell DJ...... 258
Brugge N...... 145
Burghardt TP...... 103
Burgstahler AW1, 45, 133
187, 191, 263 (correction)
Burkhart KM...... 104
Burt BA...... 35
Cabarcos OM...... 101
Castiglione MJ.....106
Caverzasio J...... 261
Chachra D...... 125
Chen X...... 103
Chen XQ...... 153
Chen YH...... 33
Chestnutt IG...... 119
Chinoy NJ 138, 162, 204, 215
Choubisa SL...... 39
Cleland WW...... 99
Clutterbuck F...... 137
Cojazzi G...... 98
Colquhoun D...... 142
Conrad DS...... 104
Conzen P...... 96
Cooper SE...... 35
Corbella J...... 41
Cortese JD...... 106
Coudore F...... 107
Cuisinier FJG...... 96
Czarnowski W...... 91
Czerwinski E...... 259
da Motta MV...... 20
Dabkowska E...... 7
Dai DY...... 33
Dale N...... 102
Dallner G...... 33
Darroudi F...... 98
de Liefde B...... 255
de Souza DN...... 20
DeFelice TP...... 115
DenBesten PK.....127
Diaz E...... 109
Diaz C...... 109
Dote T...... 263
Drake KM...... 259
Duan R...... 55
Dunipace AJ118, 125, 259
Duursma SA...... 98
Eckert GJ...... 259
Ekambaram P...... 120
Elmidaoui A...... 108
Featherstone JDB...126
Foulkes RG.....2, 138
Frey PA...... 99
Friedlein J...... 259
Fung KF...... 109
Fuster F...... 101
Gandolfi M...... 98
Garcia AR...... 116
Ghosh PK...... 60
Gibson S...... 131
Gigante DP...... 128
Gopal R...... 60
Gotjamanos T...... 115
Goupille P...... 36
Green EL...... 117
Grynpas MD...... 125
Guan ZZ...... 33
Guerrero S...... 38, 39
Gusta A...... 7
Gustavsson N...... 255
Haley VB...... 117
Hariri Z...... 84
Hatloy A...... 128
Hausen H...... 33
He G...... 55
Heinrich-Ramm R...260
Heintze SD...... 37
Hernandezguerrero JC.41
Hesseltine SM.....124
Hiller KA...... 36
Hirano S...... 262
Iacono VJ...... 120
Icaza G...... 38
Ichioka M...... 122
Inase N...... 122
Ismail AI...... 110
Jacobson APM.....119
Jakobsen JR...... 35
Jang P...... 243
Jayakumar AR.....120
Jeannou J...... 36
Jinn Y...... 122
Jones KA...... 97
Jooste PL...... 127
Joubert L...... 101
Kai T...... 97
Kaku T...... 105
Kalfas S...... 125
Kanellis MJ...... 129
Kanno S...... 262
Karkkainen S...... 33
Katz RV...... 34
Kelly SA...... 259
Kennedy DC...... 251
Khan MA...... 113
Kierdorf H...... 114
Kierdorf U...... 114
Kiritsy MC...... 108
Kongerud J....256, 261
Kono K...... 263
Koyama H...... 105
Krechniak J...... 91
Kreidman J...... 67, 71
Kriek JA...... 127
Kukielka RT...... 259
Kumar JV.....117, 256
Kumria MML...... 60
Kurttio P...... 255
Lahermo P...... 113
Lee JR...... 145
Lehmann R...... 123
Leske GS...... 117
Levy SM35, 108, 129, 257
Li D...... 55
Li HB...... 117
Li P...... 55
Libanati CR...... 124
Limeback H....111, 258
Lininger LL...... 117
Lisy JM...... 101
Liu JL...... 33
Liu K-t...... 243
Louw AJ...... 127
Loyolarodriguez JP...41
Lucks H...... 120
Lund K...... 261
Lussi A...... 131
Ma L-Y...... 243
Mabelya L...... 118
Machida K...... 153
Machoy Z...... 7
Machoy-Mokrzyńska A248
Madan NK...... 60
Madden PA...... 106
Malki S...... 108
Mameri N...... 108
Mammou S...... 36
Mansfield P...... 27
Martinez OB...... 109
Marumo F...... 122
Mascarenhas AK....35
Mcknight CB...... 35
Mehta D...... 162, 204
Meunier PJ...... 129
Miller GW...... 74, 146
Moolenburgh HC....144
Mozaffari MS...... 121
Mukherjee AK...... 60
Murakami T...... 140
Muraszko-Klaudel A..91
Nakade O...... 105
Natarajan T...... 98
Needleman TG.....123
Netelenbos C...... 122
Newbrun E...... 131
Nicolau J...... 20
Nicolay A...... 107
Nie Z...... 55
Nishiura H...... 263
Nobile CGA...... 130
Nowak D...... 260
Nuscheler M...... 96
Ogoński T...... 7
Ohkouchi M...... 122
Orton V...... 115
Ottaway SJ...... 40
Ouchi K...... 171
Palmer G...... 261
Panzavolta S...... 98
Park S...... 103
Paslawska S...... 14
Patel C...... 121
Patel TN...... 215
Patil SKB...... 60
Patočka J...... 230
Paul V...... 120
Pekkanen J...... 255
Pendrys DG...... 34
Perez JP...... 109
Peter K...... 96
Picard G...... 101
Piekos R...... 14
Pozosguillen AJ.....41
Presley J...... 146
Radon K...... 260
Rapant S...... 113
Refsnes M...... 261
Reich E...... 131
Reynier JP...... 107
Riordan PJ...... 112
Robison VA...... 118
Rodamilans M...... 41
Rojas-Sanchez F....259
Roveri N...... 98
Sampaio FC...... 128
Sandstrom T...... 261
Sanz-Medel A...... 116
Schafer F...... 119
Schatz A...... 43
Schmalz G...... 36
Schultz M...... 114
Schwartzstein S....120
Schwarze P...... 261
Sedlacek F...... 114
Seppa L...... 33
Shigematsu A...... 171
Shupe JL...... 74
Silvi B...... 101
Sindelar P...... 33
Sjostrom S...... 125
Slager SL...... 108
Sostrand P...... 261
Soyseth V...... 256
Spittle BS 45, 134, 142, 199
Spoz A...... 7
Sridharan K...... 60
Stephen KW...... 119
Steuer P...... 96
Stolarska K...... 91
Stookey GK....118, 259
Strunecká A...... 230
Sun QQ...... 102
Susa M...... 100
Suzuki A...... 261
Swango PA....117, 256
Szadkowski D...... 260
Tagawa T...... 263
Takada J...... 105
Taky M...... 108
Taraszewska-Czarnowska M91
Tarvainen T...... 113
Terpstra IJ...... 98
Thomas JE...... 257
Toma S...... 67
Torra M...... 41
Torre I...... 130
Tsunoda H...... 141
Turner CH...... 125
Upadhyay TN...... 60
Urbańska B...... 91
Usuda K...... 263
Valat JP...... 36
van Asten P...... 98
Vartiainen T...... 255
Vedina O.....67, 71, 74
Veliksar S...... 67
Villa AE...... 38, 39
Villalobos J...... 38, 39
Villari P...... 130
Voegel JC...... 96
von der Fehr FR....128
Wang G-Q...... 243
Wang YN...... 33
Waren JJ...... 108
Warner DO...... 97
Warren BK...... 121
Warren JJ.....129, 257
Weight MJ...... 127
Weinheimer CJ.....101
Wen T...... 55
Whitford GM...103, 257
Wilfart G...... 36
Williams S...... 131
Wilson B...... 143
Wilson M...... 106
Wong JWC...... 109
Wong MH...... 109
Xantheas SS...... 101
Xiao Bi-Yu...... 243
Xiao KQ...... 33
Xu XR...... 117
Yiamouyiannis J.147, 193
263 (correction)
Yoder KM...... 118
Yu M-H...... 147, 171
Zager RA...... 104
Zhang C...... 243
Zhang ZQ...... 109
Fluoride32 (4) 1999
1999 Subject Index 1
Fluoride32 (4) 1999
1999 Subject Index 1
Absorption...... 104
Acid-base balance...119
Across-shift changes.260
Acute renal failure...See Renal
Adenosine triphosphate 105
Adhesion...... 263
Adolescents...... 120
Age...... 91
Airborne fluoride 3, 153, 248
Alkaline phosphatase.105
Allergy...... 256
Altitude...... 119
Aluminium toxicity...215
Aluminofluoride complexes 230
Aluminum...... 230
Aluminum fluoride 3, 5, 102, 261
Alveolar macrophage.263
Anesthetics...... 96
volatile...... 98
Antarctica...... 115
Anthropogenic impact.67
Antioxidases...... 243
Apatite-crystal...... 97
Appearance...... See
Dental fluorosis
Aqueous solutions...100
Arsenic poisoning...252
Arsenic-fluoride poisoning 243
Arsenism...... 243
Artificial fluoridation...27
Ascorbic Acid...... 215
ATPase...... 103
Biomarker...... 257
Bone...... 27
density...... 125
fluoride content9, 47, 126
fractures 122, 124, 129, 256
mass...... 47
mineral content....104
mineral density 3, 9, 91, 124
249, 260
pathology....115, 181
strength...... 47, 124
Bottled drinks...... 41
Bottled water...107, 113
Brain...... 34
Brick tea...... 110
Bronchoalveolar lavage 262
Bronchodilation...... 98
Burozem fluoride.....71
Calcium...... 215
Carbonated apatite..126
Caries experience....39
Caries frequency.33, 255
Cariostatic agents....37
Cattle...... 40
Cell proliferation....105
Chemical compositionSee
Bottled water
Children132, 256, 258, 259
Chilean children.....39
Cholinesterase activity121
Clinical trial...... 120
Coal burning...3, 14, 55
Confocal microscopy.107
Contamination index.114
Creatinine...... 263
Critical period...... 39
Cytogenetic effects98, 261
Cytokine...... 263
Dairy-cows...... 40
Defluoridation...46, 108
Density functional theory 102
Dental caries 39, 112, 113, 118
119, 120, 126, 131, 199, 249,
Dental fluorosis 3, 34, 35, 36, 37
39, 41, 55, 104, 111, 113, 115, 116, 118, 119, 127, 128, 130, 131, 252, 257, 258, 259
Dental pulp cells....105
Dentifrices.....120, 123
Dentine crystal,...... 97
Diabetes...... 122
Diet...... 132
Distillation...... 117
Diuresis...... 122
Domestic animals....40
Drinking water...... 60
Drinking water fluoridation See
Dual-energy x-ray
Electron localization function102
Enamel...... 127
Enamel fluorosis....See
Dental fluorosis
Endemic fluorosis....55
Energy transduction..103
Enflurane...... 96
Environmental fluoride248
Environmental geochemistry114
Environmental pollution115
Enzyme disturbances.215
EPA...... 179
Epidemiologic methods34
Epidemiology 27, 37, 255, 256
Esthetic concerns....36
Estrogen...... 122
Evidence-based medicine 129
Fatty acid...... 34
Female mice...... 215
Femoral...... 47
Femur...... 47
Fertilizers...... 67, 71
F-exposure...... 171
Finland...... 33
Fluoridated toothpaste199
Fluoridation 4, 27, 37, 38, 45
112, 118, 123, 131, 134, 179,
199, 255, 257
and blood-lead levels..5
discontinued...... 33
impact on crocodiles..5
Fluoride...... 230
accumulation ...... 74
aerosol...... 153
analysis...... 84, 117
and arsenic research251
and brain phospholipid34
and fertility...... 4
and goitre....128, 252
and IQ...... 5, 180
and malnutrition...128
and paradoxical effects43
and respiratory health260
balance and caffeine104
benefits & risks - a review 113
cumulative exposure127
dentifrices...... 123
effects on dental tissues 125
excretion in diabetic rats 122
excretion in urine...104
exposure...... 257
in food & dental....258
in rats...... 20
in saliva...... 257
in the pineal gland4, 180
in water...... 256, 258
in water & dental...258
in water, food, & dental37
ingestion...... 259
inhalation.153, 262, 263
injections...... 20
Fluoride (continued)
intake.....55, 60, 260
intoxication...... 45
pollution...... 67
pre-eruptive vs.
professional applications 33
removal...... 14
supplements37, 109, 111
112, 113, 126, 127
therapy...... 125
toothpaste...... 35
toxicity...125, 256, 260
toxicosis...... 74
Fluoride content
in bone...... 124, 126
in bottled water....107
in brain tissue.....252
in cortical bone.....14
in dental pulp.....105
in geothermal waters.74
in hair...... 91, 250
in infant formula....34
in plant samples...117
in snow...... 115
in soft drinks/juices..41
in soil & plants.....67
in soils...... 71
in tea...... 110
in trabecular bone....9
in urine3, 27, 38, 91, 250
in urine and serum...42
in wines...... 109
Fluoride determinationSee
Fluoride ion...... 101
Fluoride resin...... 123
Fluoride treatment...204
Fluoride-exposed mice153
Fluoride-treated mice.162
Fluorine Symposium.248
Fluorosis....34, 39, 110
dental and skeletal 40, 204
Fly ash...... 14
Foliar application.....74
Follow-up studies....37
Food additives.....119
Fractures...... See Bone:fractures
Free fatty acid...... 105
G protein97, 101, 102, 107
230, 261
Gallium...... 103
Gastrocnemius muscle215
Gastrointestinal function60
Genotoxicity...... 98
Geothermal waters...74
Glucose metabolism..20
Glutamine...... 162
Glycine...... 162
Goa, India...... 35
Goitre...... 128
Goitrogens...... 128
Groundwater contamination114
Guizhou Province, China 55
Gypsum...... 40
Halo effect...... 199
Heat stress...... 60
Hemodialysis...... 107
Hepatocyte...... 107
High-fluoride intake....See
Fluoride intake
HPLC separation....171
5-HT...... 102
Hydration...... 101
Hydrofluosilicic acid....5
Hydrogen bonds....100
Hydroxyapatite...97, 99
Hypobaric hypoxia...119
ICP-MS detectors...117
Idaho...... 74
Imported bottled water brands
See Bottled water
Infants...... 109
Inflammation...... 262
Infusion...... 110
Inorganic fluoride....96
Interaction potentials.106
Invertase...... 171
Iodine...... 128
Ion chromatography..117
Ion exchange membrane 108
Ion exchange resin...84
Ion selective electrode 109, 116
Ion specific electrode..42
Irrigation...... 74
Isoflurane...... 96
Isozymes...... 171
Italy...... 131
Kalemia...... 107
Kidney failure chronic..36
Kingston, NY...... 118
Lactate dehydrogenase 105
Lipid peroxidation...243
Liver intoxication....215
Local bottled water brands 113
Lymphocytes...... 98
Magnesium.....99, 103
Male mice.....162, 204
Mechanical plaque removal120
Mechanical properties.47
Meta-analysis...... 111
Metabolism...... 257
Metallic elements...243
Methoxyflurane...... 96
Mexico...... 41
Mineral waters...... 36
Mod DDE index.....37
Moldova...... 67, 71
Motor coordination...121
Mottled enamel...... See
Dental fluorosis
Mouse testis...... 162
Mung bean seedlings.171
Muscle effects.....215
Muscle protein.....121
Myosin light chain....98
Myosin tryptophan 510103
Nanocrystals...... 99
National Academy of Sciences
letter...... 187
Natriuresis...... 122
Nephrotoxicity...... 96
Neutral lipid...... 34
Newburgh, NY.....118
Nonfluoridated communities45
NTEU...... 179
N-type Ca2+ channels102
Nucleotide analog...103
Nutrition...... 119
Nutritional status....128
Occupational exposure.3
Octacalcium phosphate97
Oral hygiene...120, 123
Osteoarthrosis...... 27
Osteoblast...... 101
Osteoblastic cell line.105
Osteoporosis4, 27, 55, 98
122, 125, 129, 249
Osteosclerosis...... 55
P/q-type Ca2+ channels 102
Paediatric dentistry..116
Pan-Asia-Pacific Conference6
Patient study...... 98
Periodontal disease..115
Perioprosthetic bone density9
Permanent dentition..130
Permanent teeth.....39
Pertussis toxin.....107
Phosphate precipitation84
Phospholipase a....105
Phospholipid...... 34
Phosphoric acid.....84
Plant sample...... 117
Plaque...... 123
Plaque control.....120
Plasma fluoride.107, 257
Poland...... 91
Polyacrylic acid...... 99
Polymer fume fever..123
leukocyte...... 263
Post-column fluorimetry 117
Postmenopausal women 122
Potentiometry...... 109
Prevalence.....39, 130
Prevention...... 113
Primary aluminum industry 260
Primary dentition.130, 132
Probe binding cleft...103
Protein kinase...... 101
Protein levels...... 162
Protein metabolism,..215
Protein-deficient diet.204
Protein-supplemented diet 204
Public health dentistry131
Pulmonary edema...123
Quantitative computed
tomography...... 125
Rabbit model...... 126
Rajastan, India...... 40
Randomised clinical trials 129
Rat kidney...... 243
Rat liver...... 243
Rat saliva...... 20
Rat study...... 47
Receptor-derived peptide 102
Red blood cells.....105
Renal...... 4, 122
acute failure...105, 263
patients...... 42
Reproductive organs.204
assessment...... 131
factors for dental caries 131
factors for dental fluorosis34,39
indicator for dental fluorosis35
Salivary enzymes....20
Salivary fluoride.249, 257
Salt...... 111
Schedule...... 111
Separation...... 117
Sevoflurane...... 96
Signal transduction 101, 107
Silicofluorides...... 5
Silver fluoride...... 116
Simulation studies...106
Single-cell imaging..107
Skeletal fluorosis3, 55, 115
181, 252
Snow...... 115
Social class...... 132
Sodium fluoride.3, 98, 106
121, 162
Sodium fluoride toxicity, 215
Sodium silicofluoride...5
Soil minerals...... 71
Spirometry...... 260
Spondylosis...... 27
Spontaneous motor activity 121
Subgingival irrigation.125
Submandibular glands.20
Succinate dehydrogenase 162
Sugars...... 132
Supragingival plaque.120
Systemic fluoride....112
Systemic progressive
disease...... 122
Tablets...... See
Fluoride supplements
Tea...... 110
Testicular steroidogenesis, 162
Testosterone...... 162
Third Fluorosis Workshop 46
Thorium nitrate titration.84
Tissue necrosis.....125
Tocopherol acetate..215
Toothbrushing 120, 123, 132
Toothpastes...... 120
Topical fluoride.....112
Topological analysis..102
Total hip arthroplasty...9
Toxicity reversal.162, 215
Toxicological effects of Al-F230
Toxicosis...... 40
Trends...... 36
Tribal villages...... See
Rajastan, India
Trivalent aluminium..106
T-type Ca2+ channels102
Type i collagen.....105
Udaipur district, Villagers See
Rajastan, India
Urinary excretion....104
Urinary fluoride.....See
Fluoride content:in urine
Utah...... 74
Vichy St-Yorre water.107
Volatile...... See Anesthetics
Water...... 14, 128
Water fluoridation...See
Water fluoride...... 91
Water-proofing spray.123
Wines...... 109
Xenopus...... 102
XXIIIrd Conference 152, 202
XXIInd Conference....2
Yellowstone National Park 74
Fluoride32 (4) 1999