Al-Isra Private University

Faculty of Nursing

Maternal and Newborn Nursing (Clinical)

Course Syllabus

Academic year


Second semester

Isra University

Faculty of Nursing

Course Syllabus

2nd semester 2015/2016

Course Title: Maternal and Newborn Nursing (Clinical)

Course Code:

Course Number: 0901348

Course pre-requisites: 0901327/ 0901342

Credit Hours: 3 hours

Time and venue: Sunday 7am-7pm

Course Instructor: Sandi Al-Shahwan RN, MSN.

E-Learning Address:

Instructor’s e-mail:

Course Description, Main aims and objectives:

This course focuses on the application of the principles of primary health nursing care, which include maintaining the health of women and prevention of the disease through the application of the nursing process steps. The student's education and training in this course will accentuate the application of skills related to nursing care of women during pregnancy, childbirth and after childbirth, as well as learning the skills related to family planning methods and caring for women with various diseases.

Newborn’s assessment will be discussed and learned to be managed based on the standers of nursing care, and cultural value system.

This course aims at facilitating the opportunity for the students to utilize critical thinking in the assessment and management of the client/family through the childbearing experience.

Course Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs):

  1. Knowledge and understanding:
  1. Understand basics of human reproduction.
  2. Identify different roles of nurses across different stages of childbirth experience.
  3. Recognize normal and abnormal physiological and psychological changes through childbirth experience.
  4. Recognize principles of nursing management of common and life threatening health problems during childbirth experience.
  1. Cognitive and Intellectual Skills:
  1. Detect the components of health assessment for the woman across different stages of childbearing experience.
  2. Diagnose physical and psychological alteration during different stages of childbirth experience.
  3. Plan for standardized care based on assessment.
  4. Integrate professional values and norms while caring for mother and their families across different stages of childbirth experience into practice.
  5. Evaluate the risk/ benefit ratio of various family planning methods.
  1. Specific Practical Skills:
  1. Practice different roles of nurses across different stages of childbirth experience.
  2. Perform physical examination for women with various obstetric and gynecological conditions.
  3. Provide rationalized nursing intervention for the women with various obstetric and gynecological conditions.
  4. Practice holistic nursing care according to the priority of needs during different stages of childbirth experience.
  5. Demonstrate health education plan for mothers and their families across different stages of childbirth experience.
  6. Perform basic and advance skills needed in obstetric and gynecological clinical areas.
  7. Provide safe management for high risk situations to prevent maternal mortality and morbidity.

Course Content:

  1. Take history from mother.
  2. Calculate gestational age.
  3. physical assessment during pregnancy.
  4. Abdominal examination.
  5. Auscaltation for fetal heart rate.
  6. Vaginal examination.
  7. Assessing uterine contraction by palpation.
  8. Care of oxytocin infusion.
  9. Assessment of laboring woman in different stages of labor.
  10. Labor handling.
  11. Immediate baby care (complete apgar score, Cord care, promote bonding, eye care, measure vital sign, growth measurement, and neurological examination).
  12. Uterine massage.
  13. Lochia assessment.
  14. Perineum assessment.
  15. Documentation of the finding.

Teaching and Learning Activities (TLAs):

-Demonstration and re-demonstration.

-Group Discussion.

-Case Studies.


-Multimedia Instruction (video, picture...).

-Brain storming and problem solving.

-Collaborative Learning (group work).

Assessment Methods (AMs) & Schedule:

Students will be evaluated according to the following:

Clinical Evaluation 20%

Seminar Presentation 10%

Quizzes and Assignments 10%

Midterm exam (Clinical) 10%

Health Education Session 10%

Final Exam (Written) 20%

Final Exam (Clinical) 20%


-Pillitteri, A. (2010) Maternal and Child Health Nursing: Care of the Childbearing and

Childbearing Family (6th). PA: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.

Recommended Readings:

-McKinney ES, James SR & Ashwill JW. (2006) Foundation of Maternal – Newborn Nursing .4th Ed .Elsevier Inc.

-Davidson, M, London. M, Ladewig, P (2014). Olds' Maternal-Newborn Nursing & Women's Health across the Lifespan, 9TH ED, Prentice Hall.

Course policies:

  1. There will be 12 clinical hours per week on Sunday.
  2. Students must attend each lab clinical day no later than 7:00 AM and leave7: 00 PM. Any student comes after 7:15 AM will be considered absent for that whole day.
  3. Any one day late will be considered as one absent without excuse.
  4. A seminar will be conducted throughout clinical days. All students must be present in the scheduled day.
  5. Student must adhere to the school of nursing regulations regarding uniform and general appearance. Faculty reserves the right to send students home or adjust their grades, anytime the code is violated.
  6. The maximum amount of clinical experience student can miss is 1 clinical days without acceptable excuses. If do so he/she will receive a written warning letter from the course coordinator. Students who miss more than 2 clinical days they will receive 35% as a final grade for the course.
  7. Absence without acceptable reason will results in Zero in the daily clinical evaluation, daily worksheet, and all other planned assignment for that day.
  8. Arrangements must be made with the course coordinator prior to the absence if the student plans to attend a professional activity during a scheduled examination.
  9. Neither absence nor notification of absence relieves the student of course requirements.
  10. Assignments turned in after the specified date & time will not be accepted & therefore given a grade of zero.
  11. There are no provisions for make-up of any clinical experiences. All clinical experiences are mandatory and cannot be rescheduled (this includes all clinical conferences and days at clinical facilities).
  12. Smoking, eating, chewing gum prohibited.
  13. Students must conduct themselves in professional manner all times including the break hours.