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Premium List

AKC Sanctioned B/OB* Match

(Event #2018078404)

AKC Sanctioned B/Rally*Match

(Event #2018078405)

Conformation Match for Airedale Terriers only

*Obedience & Rallyopen to All AKC Recognized breeds*

Larsen Park

(A.k.a. William Larsen Park)

S Central Ave & West Ferdinand St,

Tracy, CA 95376

Saturday May 12, 2018

9:00 AM

Match Chairperson

Nancy Strohmaier

1286 Eagle St.

Tracy, CA 95376

(209) 836-4454

PRE-ENTRY ONLY (Received by 5/5/18)

Permission has been granted by the American Kennel Club for the holding of this event under the

American Kennel Club Rules and Regulations

California Airedale Terrier Club, Inc.

OfficersBoard of Directors

President...... Angelique ShearNancy Dirgo

Vice President….Virginia Smith Christine Hyde

Secretary………..Nancy StrohmaierKristi Burrus

Treasurer………..Michael GowringGloria Lawson-Riddle

Amy Bauman

Judges and Classes

Conformation: Ms. Elena Metz310 G St., Fremont, CA 94536

Classes offered for all Airedale Terrier Dogs and Bitches

Puppies: 4-6 Months6-9 Months 9-12 Months12-18 Months

Adult: American BredBred By Exhibitor NoviceOpen

Junior Showmanship:

Novice Junior Novice Intermediate Novice Senior

Open Junior Open Intermediate Open Senior

Obedience/Rally:Ms. Sandy Svendsen1254 Winchester Ave., McKinleyville, CA 95519

Obedience Regular Classes:

Beg. Novice A&BNovice A&B Open A&B Utility A&B

Rally Classes:

Novice A&B Intermediate A& B Advanced A&B Excellent A&B Masters A&B


Entry Fees

Pre Entry First class$15.00

Pre Entry* Second Class, Same Dog$ 7.00

Junior Handler Classes $ 5.00

Parade of Title Holders (Airedale Terriers only) Free

*Pre-entry received by June 3, 2016. Send entries to Match Secretary (address on cover page)



First PlaceRose Ribbon

Second PlaceBrown Ribbon

Third PlaceLight Green Ribbon

Fourth PlaceGrey Ribbon

Obedience Award:

Qualifying ScoreGreen Ribbon

High in TrialRosette

High CombinedRosette

Conformation Awards:

Best PuppyRosette

Best Opposite Sex Puppy______Rosette

Best AdultRosette

Best Opposite Sex Adult______Rosette

Junior Showmanship Awards:

Best Junior HandlerRosette

All dogs entered will receive a toy

Day’s Schedule of Events

9:00 AM Obedience, Rally to follow

11:00 AM Conformation (Airedale Terriers only)

To follow: Parade of Title Holders (Airedale Terriers only)

12:00 Potluck Lunch

Potluck Lunch

(AiredaleTerrier club)

If your last name begins with A-H bring a Main Dish

If your last name begins I-Q bring a Desert

If your last name begins R-Z bring a Salad

CATC to provide Soda/Water, plates, paper towels and utensils

Emergency hospitals:

  • Tracy Sutter Hospital, 1420 N Tracy Blvd, Tracy, CA 95376. (209) 835-1500

(Driving distance = 2.1 miles)

  • Affordable Pet Vet Clinic, 2630 S Tracy Blvd #110, Tracy, CA 95376 (209) 832-8882 (Driving distance = 1 mile)

Parade of Title Holders Information:

