Airline Ambassadors Board Meeting Minutes
Sunday, April 1, 2017
3:30 - 4:30 PMEST
550 14th Road South Arlington, VA 22202
Call in #712-775-7031MeetingID 614-435-430Pin 5735
Attendees: Nancy Rivard – President
Sandy Ettinger,
Lourdes Venes
Sandy Dhuyvetter (phone)
John Cordoba (phone)
Diane Zyatts( phone)
Observers:David Rivard,Brian Kidwell, Christina Andersen, Luci Prosapio– volunteered to take notes
Meeting Called To Order
Nancy called the meeting to order, with 6 members represented,constituting a quorum.
Adoption of Minutes
Minutes from the December 11, 2016 Board meeting were distributed in advance.Upon motion and secondedthe Board voted that the minutes be entered into AAI’s formal record as written. Resolved
Sandy Ettinger gave the report. Current finances are:
Operations $34,912.94
Escort Account $5,123.69
Sponsorship $112.79
Savings $100,223.07
TOTAL: $140,372.49
Challenges with PayChexSandy shared the problems with payroll service: PayChex. They have continuously made mistakes, and filed both state and federal filings late. They did pay the late fees, but researching and following up on their mistakes has cost AAI $1,500 of accountant’s time, andmany hours of Nancy Rivard’s and his own time. Board agreed to get another Payroll service in place, and make sure 1st quarter reports are filed and then to let Paychex know their services are no longer needed. Nancy shared that The CPA, Ali Amini, suggested Dave Rivard handle payroll (as a former contractor), however Dave said he did not think it would “look right” for a related party to handle this and declined. Nancy said she would engage Ali Amini for this. Sandy also informed the Board that he had sent a “demand letter” asking Paychex to pay for the accountant’s fees with no response. He moved that AAI file a small claims lawsuit to recover this expense as another payroll service was set up. Motion seconded by Lourdes – motion approved Resolved
Equity payment:Sandy shared that AAI had only paid Nancy half of what was due, and reminded the Board that $11,000 (was still owed). He suggested that 50% of this amount be paid to Nancy in 2nd Quarter, as soon as a payroll service was engaged. Motion seconded by Sandy Dhuyvetter. Resolved
Audit Update
Nancy shared that draft audit was complete and excellent. Auditor Ali Amini had said that he thought AAI was one of the best organized NGO’s he had seen, with excellent back up and documentation. She pointed out that the audit shows $909,182.00 in revenue, but clarified that $719,141.00 represents in kind aid and services – donated miles from AA and UA; and value of professional services (medical escorts, human trafficking experts).
Old Business
Nancy reported that all programs are going well. Children’s Medical Escorts is valuable to AAI in the lives we impact and the huge in-kind value of each escort ($2000 per child). Missions program isnot accomplishing as much as in prior years as airlines have stopped providing in-kind freight. She mentioned that Jose went to Peru to help. It was a nice mission and he is going to go back at the end of April and Lourdes might join him. However, the newest human trafficking awareness program is expanding rapidly. The recent story that came out in February of Shelia Fedrick, Alaska Airline flight attendant, gave AAI visibility on 3000 media stories, including NBC’s Nightly News, ABC, FOX, CNN and much more. She also shared about grant submitted recently with Salvation Army to provide human trafficking trainings locally – which would also support ML Murray’s school initiative.
Dave Rivard reported on the AAI APP highlighting the relationships with Georgia Tech University and University of District of Colombia. Dave highlighted that this reporting APP is a technological solution as an international threat intelligence platform. Nancy reiterated the potential of this development to global security.
Sandy Dhuyvetter reported that AAI’s UA mileage program has generated 385,785 miles in the 1st quarter 2017. AAI provides travel for donors doing humanitarian work and the program generated $1,750 in income so far. Current Mileage Balance is 446,561. She acknowledged Sandy Ettinger with signing up for a cc account that gives mileage. That generated 50,000 miles donated to AAI. She encouraged Board Members to all take advantage of these cc deals.
Lourdes suggested to work with the airlines to include AAI as one of the charitable institutions to which mileage owners can donate their miles. The Board agreed that it is worth pursuing this option. Christina volunteered to check with American Airlines.
New Business
Nancy reviewed AAI’s opportunities with trafficking awareness trainings. April – Kingston, Ocho Rios and Montego Bay, Jamaica (with support of USAID), July - Cartagena, Colombia (with support of UNODC) and August - Malaysia – Kuala Lumpur, Bangkok, Manila and Jakarta (with AirAsia Airlines and US Embassy), and a side event in Vienna in May with UNODC, and Montreal with the WTO (September). She emphasized the need for increased administrative support as she would need to be at most of these events. She praised the support of Administrative Director Luci Prosapio, and her desire to hire Luci once she graduates with her masters in Human Rights Law and Policy and completes her July program at Oxford University.
Nancy informed the Board that Jeannie Mai, host of the REAL talk show, had expressed interest in becoming a spokesperson, and that actress Marisol Nichols had provided a video. Nancy also informed that she would be receiving an Award at an event with actor Ashton Kutcher in May. All these could bring value to AAI. The Board agree that we should look for a partnership with Thorne. Additionally, Lourdes mentioned that we should try to engage sport celebrities to support our work in general, but especially during the Super Bowl. The Board agreed to try to get a spot during the Super Bowl. Sandy D offered to help with some sport celebrities contacts. She also offered to try to get us one of her autographed helmets from Star Wars for our Fall event silent auction.
AAI teams have been reporting unaccompanied minors traveling out of the Texas border to meet with “family” they didn’t know for the last 2 years. Sandy Ettingerreported he submitted a FOIA request for information from Homeland Security on what is happening to an average of 2000 immigrantunaccompanied minors per month coming into the U.S. Nancy added AAI had been given a proposal to partner with Human Trafficking Investigations and Training Experts to develop a joint training program to be offered to the 80 US domestic shelters that are receiving these children. These 80 facilities were recently awarded $580M from HHS to house and place these children, and receiving such training could mitigate risk of a wrong placement that could endanger the child and make them vulnerable to traffickers. Sandy E added that this program could lead to financial sustainability for AAI.
Lourdes highlighted that the strategic plan had not been updated since before the human trafficking awareness program began, and that we had started the strategic planning process to update our plan for the next five years. She informed about our recent SPP meetings and shared our new Mission, Vision and Valuesstatements, as well as the SWOC (Strengths, Weakness,Opportunities Challenges) the team worked on. She reported how working on Google Docs allows for multiple people to participate and Nancy, Diane and Luci all applauded the process. Lourdes invited other Board members to participate as we continue meeting on this creative process and shared that all AAI materials and the website would be updated to reflect a new focus. Nancy added all Board members needed to know mission by heart and praised the leadership and focus of Lourdes in facilitating this effort.
Nancy shared another revenue generator in the concept of Airport Toolkits. SFO Airport requested AAI’s Training, and offered to provide it locally for vast dissemination of education and AAI materials. She proposed that the airport pay $3000 to become “certified” with intellectual property of AAI’s training for 1 year. AAI would provide the generic presentation, 10 alternate slides and videos, and 10 printed supplements. (brochures, posters, fliers, assessment forms, etcetera).The airport asked for a copy of the training to evaluate it. Sandy Ettinger,and others cautioned to not give away AAI’s training without a confidentiality agreement. Lourdes also suggested that the Airport give a “suggested donation”. Nancy agreed and informed the board that AAI training has a 2012 copyright, but is being updated for 2017.
Angel Ambassador Event and Embassy Connections Program
Lourdes shared how she and Nancy looked at four venues for a fall fundraiser – American News Women’s Club, Mexican Cultural Center, Embassy of Peru, and the Organization of American States. The most impressive was the OAS. With support of the Peruvian Mission to the OAS, she reserved the date of Sept. 28th. However, renting of entry courtyard and back room would cost $4000 for a venue for 200 people. If 200 people pay $200 each AAI would bring in $40,000. Lourdes noted that prestigious location will make it easier to get participation from sponsors and dignitaries, and that if we start now to line up celebrities and auction items we could net far more than $40,000. Nancy said that she was not willing to go for this without a committed board. Dave Rivard said that if all 8 Board members agreed to donate $500, the $4000 venue would be covered. Though not on the Board he offered to donate the first $500, Nancy and Lourdes agreed, as well as Sandy Ettinger. Sandy E also suggested we sell the tickets first and then commit, and Nancy agreed to work with Lourdes for the best date and do some pre-work to determine indicators for a successful event before making a deposit. Lourdes also shared that the plan was to use this venue to announce a new “Embassy Connections Program”, which would be a series of quarterly events at Embassies to highlight their culture, raise HT awareness, and also serve as mini fundraisers for AAI. The Peruvian Embassy said that we could use their venue at no cost to AAI, but we need to confirm this by getting the official approval of the request. The first event would be announced at the OAS for a date in Oct, Nov or December.Lourdes motioned that if indicators look good, the AAI Board move forward to schedule an event at OAS. Seconded by Nancy. Board voted unanimously in favor. Resolved
ML’s Proposal to fund VA School trainings – ML’s proposal to fund schools had been circulated to Board before the meeting – she asked for consideration of funding for up to five schools via her new non profit Anna’s Angel Alliance at $1,200 per school. Nancy reminded the Board that ML helped AAI raise $21,000 at the event last year, and although most of that money was already spent on the Houston trainings and Train the Trainer, it would be great to support her new effort. Board agreed that it would be good to support her effort, but we needed to define how much could we give to her efforts, and the terms of reporting. The Board discussed the importance of excellent reporting to maintain our audit and affiliation with Combined Federal Campaign, etc. Lourdes motioned to supportat least the first schooland more to be considered upon receipt of reports, and subject to the outcome of our fall fundraiser and our budget possibilities. Nancy seconded.Board voted in favor. Resolved
Board Business.
Nancy reminded the Board that ML Murray, Diane Zyats and Chris Hansen technicallywould have completed their Board terms. Sandy E and Lourdes Venes agreed to extend their term in our December meeting until December 2017. Nancy shared that ML resigned and we will support her as much as we can. Sandy Dhuyvetter also agreed to stay one more year if someone else would take Secretary. Diane Zyats said that she would love to keep helping with the strategic planning, but she will not be able to remain on the Board due to other commitments.Nancy also mentioned that she felt that the Board should include active AAI members intimately familiar with AAI programs.She asked Christina Andersen, who has been a loyal member for 20 years, if she would like to join the Board. Christina answered yes. Nancy motioned that Lourdes Venes serve as Secretary and that Christina Andersen be added to the Board. Sandy Ettinger seconded, unanimous vote Resolved
Nancy also received notes from others who have expressed interest in being on the Board: Anthony Mazza, UDC law school professor specializing in cyber security, who funded one training and promised more; Henry Marx, Hollywood producer, cyber security expert and funder of the Find Us Campaign;ZeljikaMomirivic, International Relations Houston Airports; Jeff Brodsky, funder of trainings in Anchorage and Denver;and Julie Brady, sister of football player Tom Brady,referred by Sandy Dhuyvetter.
Reminder of Board requirement of 100% board participation as regular donors for at least $20 per month. This can be done in different ways, but is easy to set up via the AAI website homepage.
With no further Business Meeting was adjourned
Respectfully submitted by:
Lourdes Venes
Secretary - AAI Board of Directors