Aims and Objectives of Wenceslas Lodge


The Lodge was formed at a time when lodges were failing and numbers were falling. Too many lodges chasing too few candidates with the inevitable result that the quality of candidates had dropped and retention had become a very real problem.

Apart from the economic pressures of dining fees rising to £18 for a pretty sub standard meal, room rentals escalating and dues to Grand Lodge and Province rising Lodges still insisted upon keeping to their traditional opening times of between 5 and 6 pm. This had the effect of making Masonry unattractive to younger people who had jobs to go to and young families to support. Thus the usual candidate inevitably was well over forty and masonry was attaining an aging generation with the result that deaths and resignations exceeded the number of initiates each year

So eyebrows were raised when a group of brethren who had come together under the auspices of a Rose Croix Chapter decided that they enjoyed each others company so much and more importantly cared about masonry enough to start a new lodge at such a time.

But it was always intended that this lodge would be different from other lodges in that it would be more user friendly and the emphasis would be on having fun whilst actually learning more about the message of Masonry.

So in the hope that this will still be read at the Centenary meeting and beyond we the founders let you know what we intended and why. We have no wish to bind you in any way so that you are free to enjoy your freemasonry in the way that pleases you.

The aims set out below are not set in stone and will doubtless be added to or changed as time goes by and the membership alters. The only one that should not change is the first one

  1. The first Rule is that there are no Rules
  1. The lodge will open at 7.00pm for regular meetings and 6.30pm for installations
  1. The Admin and or matters on the summons will be done first down to the risings at all meetings including installations. This means a member can arrive at 7.30 ( or 7 for installation) and not have missed the ceremony
  1. Grand Officers in the Lodge will only be saluted at nights of installation. If there is a visitor who is a Grand Officer then all Grand Officers will be saluted
  1. Provincial officers will be saluted at every meeting
  1. Grand Lodge Certificates will be presented at a regular meeting by the person nominated by the Preceptor. The Chapter pack will also be handed over
  1. The Ruler on nights of installation will be asked to welcome any new member/initiate on behalf of the Province
  1. The WM does no chair work so as to encourage those who are worried about performing ritual to continue through the chair
  1. Chair work will be done by past masters
  1. Only the Preceptor shall prompt during ceremonies and any brother disobeying will do the next ceremony
  1. The meal will be a buffet and start at 9 pm. The DC is in charge of all that happens at the festive board
  1. Each officer will prepare his own job description and pass it to his successor for updating
  1. The office of Secretary, Treasurer, DC , Chaplain and Preceptor shall only be held for a period of 3 years so as to prevent staleness. They are to find and train their own replacements
  1. The office of Charity Steward and Almoner shall only be held for a period of five years for the same reason.They are to find and train their own replacements
  1. There is to be an officers and past meeting in the month before installation. Any other meetings may be held on an ad hoc basis as the need arises
  1. A class of instruction is at the discretion of the Preceptor
  1. Each Candidate is assigned a Past Master who must take him visiting at least twice in a masonic year. Thus when he gets to the wardens chair he will have met and know most of the past masters