STATEMENT OF AREA OF IMPROVEMENT: To increase the average student proficiency by 33% across content areas.
1) Motivate and improve work ethics. 2) Hold students more responsible for learning and their future. 3) Increase students’ comprehension skills.
SLOs: Problem Solvers; Innovative Thinkers; Responsible Contributors; Academic Achievers, Technologically Literate Consumers; Effective Communicators; Successful Learners
LEGEND: underlined=added to final document; (deleted)=deleted from final document
GOAL 1: To increase student academic achievement by having students actively participate in setting individual goals and monitoring their individual progress based on clear assessment criteria.RATIONALE: Teachers must help students to raise their expectations for themselves and to assume active responsibility for their own learning process by clearly describing the task to students and explaining what they are to do. Identify and discuss the abilities and skills necessary and have students evaluate the activity and themselves.
Specific Steps
(Strategies and Action Steps) / Professional Development
(Resources Needed) / Who is Responsible and Involved? / Timeline / Means to
Monitor and Report Progress / Extent of Student Accomplishments with
Critical Learner Needs
SLOs and
Academic Standards / Overall Follow-up Process for Ongoing Improvement
Clearly identify learning goals that are aligned with the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and the Guam Department of Education (GDOE) content standards in collaboration with students. / µ Professional Learning Communities (PLCs)
µ Yearly Professional Development (PD)
µ Curriculum Maps / µ Content Representatives
µ Teachers (deleted)
µ Administration (deleted)
µ C&I Admin / Yearly
(Review by September 30th of each school year.) / µ Skills assessment checklist
µ Common assessments including rubrics and supporting evidence of data / µ Student assessment data (Rubrics)
µ Student artifacts
Develop grading rubrics collaboratively to facilitate the learning process.
Develop other assessment guides to evaluate their work and the work of peers.
Provide support for students to self-regulate, self-evaluate, and self-monitor. / µ PLCs
µ PD February 2013 / µ Common Planning Time (deleted)
µ Teachers
µ Students
µ Focus Group Leaders (deleted)
µ Content Representatives
µ Teachers
µ Administration / March 2014- June 2014
Quarterly / µ Content Standards
µ Skills assessment checklists
µ Common assessments including rubrics and supporting evidence of assessment data. / µ Student assessment data
µ Student work samples used to self-monitor and self-evaluate
Provide enrichment/remediation activities specifically related to students needs and challenges. / µ PLCs
µ Faculty Meetings / µ Reading/Math Enrichment Teachers
µ Counselors
µ Teachers
µ Administration
µ C&I Admin
µ ESL/SpEd
µ CIA / Quarterly / µ Content Standards
µ Skills assessment checklists
µ Common assessments including rubrics and supporting evidence of assessment data. / µ Mobile Computer Lab
µ Cooperative Learning and lunchtime tutoring
Promote Professional Learning Communities (PLC) to review student assessment data and tuning protocols. / µ PLCs
µ PDs / µ Content Representatives
µ Teachers
µ Administration / At least three times monthly / µ Data analysis / µ PLCs agenda and minutes
µ Pre/Post assessment data results, conclusion and solutions
Reinforce Character Education objectives and SLOs to encourage students to strive for personal excellence. / µ PLCs
µ PDs
µ HB/Character Ed / µ HB Teachers
µ Administration
µ Counselors
µ Support Staff / Continuous / µ Data analysis and conclusions of analysis
µ Ahoy/PBIS Assemblies / µ Yearly self-reflection
Provide Differentiated Instruction strategies to ensure the mastery of essential skills. / µ PLCs
µ Yearly PDs / µ Content Teachers
µ Administration
µ ESL/SpEd / Continuous / µ Data analysis and conclusions of analysis / µ Student work samples and assessment used to self-monitor and self-evaluate.
GOAL 2: To increase student social successes in and out of the classroom.
RATIONALE: Students’ regular review of behavioral data will develop an awareness of becoming positive role models hence creating a safe and nurturing learning environment.
School Climate Cadre (SCC) will implement Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (PBIS) and [Response to Intervention (Rti) deleted] SCC will meet regularly to monitor students exhibiting at risk behaviors, review data and implement recognition of exemplary behaviors through reward and incentive programs that are student led. / µ Common Planning Time (CPT)
µ School Climate Cadre (SCC)/Admin Training
µ Yearly PD / µ SCC Members
µ Team Teachers
µ Administration
µ Counselors
µ Parent(s)
µ Student(s) and student representatives
µ Support Staff / At least twice monthly (deleted)
Weekly / µ SCC goals, action steps and activities.
µ Teacher awareness of PBIS
µ SCC binder with PBIS action and activities / µ SCC evidence binder
µ SCC incentive and reward program listing
µ Student-led assemblies
Track and monitor data sheets for all at-risk behaviors and identify intervention [supports (deleted)] for students who display academic or behavioral at-risk characteristics. / µ PLCs (deleted)
µ Teachers (deleted)
µ Counselors (deleted)
µAdministration (deleted)
µ SCC Trainings / µ Team Teachers
µ Administration
µ Counselors
µ SCC / Monthly / µ Staff will review SWIS and PowerSchool quarterly data
µ Team Teachers will suggest helpful curriculum or staff development. / µ SCC evidence binder
µ SSO At-risk binder with student evidence
µ Check-In Check-Out (CICO)
Ensure that the behavior matrix is implemented by teachers and followed by all students. Visual matrix banners shall be displayed for visual reinforcement. / µ PLCs
µ Staff / µ Team Teachers
µ Administration
µ Counselors
µ Support Staff / Continuous / µ Teachers will continue to teach the Big 9
µ Monthly assembly agenda and evidence / µ Teacher evidence binder
µ At-risk data sheet
GOAL 3: To increase parental involvement for curricular and co-curricular activities.
RATIONALE: Active parental involvement will increase student performance both academically and socially. Parental involvement provides ownership of their child’s educational progress and success.
Track and accurately monitor student use and parent acknowledgement of the planner.
Issuance of student planners and acknowledgment of Student-Parent Handbook, Technology Use Policy, Truancy Letter. / µ SCC/Admin
µ Training / µ Teachers
µ Students
µ Parents
µ Administration
µ SCC / Daily / µ Compile and collect Acknowledgement Sheet and Parental Involvement Checklist for each student receiving a Student Planner for recordkeeping.
µ Teachers check planners once a week / µ SCC evidence binder with parent/student acknowledgement form
µ SCC quarterly review and data collection
Track and monitor Parental Involvement and Participation.
Parent Teacher Conference (PTC), Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO), Student awards and recognition ceremonies, school functions and activities and Parent/Teacher/ Student meetings (CST, IEP, Check-In Check-Out (CICO), DAC, Parent Shadowing, Conferences) / µ PLCs / µ Teachers
µ Administration
µ Office Staff / Continuous / µ Parent(s); Guardian(s) attendance sheet
µ Conduct Parent Survey
µ Compile and summarize data
µ Encourage students to facilitate assemblies / µ Parent sign-in sheets and data collection
Ensure information is disseminated and/or published on a regular basis to inform parents and families about school functions, activities and community events.
Website, Educational Update, Planners, Quarterly Newsletters, news media, Parent Portal / µ PLCs
µ SCC/Admin / µWebsite Administrator
µ Administration
µ Computer Operator
µ Students / Continuous
Monthly -1st of the Month
Quarterly-1st Day of the Qtr. / µ Track website log
µ Website comment and feedback box should be provided.
µ Track the changes, comments and feedback on AIJMS Websites monthly / µ Parent data collection binder (documents to include parent letters, newsletters, etc.)
Plan and facilitate Symposiums/ Village meetings on current issues and community trends.
All interdisciplinary teams shall sponsor at least one activity per year to foster parental involvement / µ PLCs
µ Community Outreach Programs
µ Parent Outreach
µ Administration / µ Faculty and Staff
µ Administration
µ Parent(s)
µ Student(s) / Twice a Year / µ Administrators regularly updates Community Announcement
µ Compile and summarize post surveys on village meetings / µ Data collection (sign-in sheets, agenda, meeting minutes and notes)
Provide culminating events/ activities to support content areas.
Spelling Bee, Geography Bee, IRA Read-A-Thon, Academic Challenge Bowl, Art-a-thon, Cultural Food Fair, Cultural Exchange Program, Red Ribbon, Science Fair, Mock Trial and Career Day. / µ CPT
µ Curriculum Admin. / µ Teachers
µ Club Advisors
µ Administration
µ Parent(s)
µ Student(s) / Continuous / µ Track and monitor the culminating activities’ attendance sheets, evidence and summary report. / µ Participation evidence (certificates, memos, pictures)
GOAL 4: To increase the use of technology in the classroom to further enhance student achievement.
RATIONALE: With the ever changing technological tends in society, student should be given the opportunity to experience and demonstrate adequate knowledge of the use and access of appropriate equipment and its resources to enhance learning.
Provide opportunities for student and cooperative groups to use various forms of technology in class assignments. / µ Technology Training
µ Curriculum Admin. / µ Teachers
µ Students
µ Administration
µLibrarian / Continuous
At least once quarterly / µ Lesson Plans
µ Logs of technology use of students / µ Data collection
Provide at least one opportunity per quarter for students to demonstrate their ability to utilize technology within a lesson. / µTechnology Lessons
µCurriculum Admin. / µ Teachers
µ Students
µ Administration / Once per quarter/semester / µ Track and monitor student participation and assess using rubrics / µ Student work samples
Provide a work space area for parents to be able to use a computer, hook up to the internet or as a meeting place with their child. / µ Teachers
µ Students
µ Administration / Continuous / µ Track and monitor log in sheets / µ Log in sheet
GOAL 5: To develop a clearly defined leadership structure and their roles to meet the 5 district goals of what all students should know, understand, and be able to do.
RATIONALE: In previous years, no clearly defined leadership structure was in place to ensure the implementation and monitoring of the District Goals, SAP or the SPRC.
Identify and display the leadership roles and responsibilities of the school’s learning communities-PLCs and CLTs (Collaborative Learning Teams):
Content Representatives Team Leaders, Club Advisors, SCC. / µ CPT
µ Administration
µ Handbook / µ Administration
µAccreditation Chairperson / Continuously / µ Prepare and provide all stakeholders with expectations.
µ Quarterly review and discussions regarding strengths and growth areas. / µ Data collection (sign-in sheets, agenda, meeting minutes and notes)
Review the SMART goals and SAP and amend if needed continuously. / µ PLCs
µ SMART goals and SAP. / µ Administration / Continuously / µ Review annually with all stakeholder and endorsed. / µ Endorsement from stakeholders
Provide time for teachers to meet in PLCs and CLTs to discuss and plan specific strategies and interventions for all learners. / µ CPT
µ Curriculum Admin.
µ Team Leader
µContent Representative / µ Teachers
µCurriculum Administrator / At least twice monthly / µ Provide common planning time for content and teams to meet on a daily basis. Reevaluate at the end of the year with stakeholder input. / µ Data collection (sign-in sheets, agenda, meeting minutes and notes)
After careful review of the original 2008 SAP and the present Full Self Study Report, the schoolwide action plan was revised to become a 3-year long range school level initiative and therefore is a testament to the commitment of all stakeholders at AIJMS towards increasing student achievement and social successes. Historically, the school has experienced various transitions in teachers and administrative personnel; hence, the impetus to make this newly revised document credible and transferrable. Having fully credentialed personnel with the professional experience required by the GCEC, will ensure that Goals 1 through 4 continue to successfully evolve. These personnel (see Appendix D) have voluntarily taken on roles to complete the carefully outlined Action Plan. Additionally, a proposed schedule for half day professional development will be dedicated to the follow up process for ongoing improvement:
PLC / TASK / Facilitating person/sPROFESSIONAL ½ DAY I / Update School Profile and review SAP with teacher endorsements / Self Study Coordinator, focus group leaders, principal
PROFESSIONAL ½ DAY II / Revisit SLOs and alignment with Critical Learner Needs; make modifications if necessary / Self Study Coordinator, homebase teachers, focus group leaders, content representatives, team leaders, curriculum and discipline administrators
PROFESSIONAL ½ DAY III / Review SAT 10 data with alignment to curriculum maps and SMART goals / Self Study Coordinator, team leaders, content representatives, curriculum administrator
PROFESSIONAL ½ DAY IV / Complete extent of accomplishment and follow up procedures for SAP / Self Study Coordinator, focus group leaders
In closing, the transferability of this new document allows for administrative personnel, veteran and freshman alike, to successfully execute their duties and responsibilities on the continuum to success, most especially outlined in Goal 5. Ultimately, after this upcoming WASC visit, ALL concerned school personnel as well as the community partners mentioned throughout this document henceforth will be responsible for leading and carrying out the processes outlined in the 3-year long-range SAP.
1. Regularly engage students in self-reflection and self-assessment relevant to their learning.
2. Increase the opportunities for content teachers to collaborate on student assessment, data, and results to include the possible funding to purchase the software of the analyses.
3. Restructure and implement a more productive parent outreach and community involvement designated for parent internet access and other student support services.
4. Increase professional development training on teaching strategies and best practices.
5. Increase and update the development and use of common assessments for all subject areas.
6. Develop a 5 year capital improvement plan and identify funding within the GDOE to address specific safety and security concerns within the school.
7. Utilize academic, attendance, discipline and outreach data to improve support services for students.