Examination System and Process
AICTE All India Council for Technical Education
AIUAssociation of Indian Universities
BCI Bar Council of India
CGPACumulative Grade Point Average
COEController of Examination
DAADean Academic Affairs
DP Discontinued from the Program
FN Foreign Nationals
GA Grade Awaited
IP Internship Programme
NRI Non Resident Indian
NS Not Satisfactory
PCI Pharmacy Council of India
RC Registration Cancelled
RDCResearch Degree Committee
RRA Required To Register Again
SGPA Semester Grade Point Average
TS Thesis-Seminar
UGC University Grants Commission
W Withdrawn
Rayat Bahra Group is at the forefront of uplifting the quality education in India for over 16 years now. By laying special emphasis on roping in highly skilled and experienced faculty and creating state of the art infrastructure, Bahra University is relentlessly creating new benchmarks in the education sector.
Bahra University has been established vide H.P. Govt. Notification no. LLR – D (6)-28/2010- Leg. Dated 29th September, 2010 and Bahra University (Establishment And Regulation Act, 2010) Act No. 2 of 2011. Himachal Pradesh Government Notification LLR-D (6)-36/2010 Leg. Dated 27th January, 2011. Bahra University has been enlisted on the University Grants Commission (UGC) website and is empowered to award degree under section 22 of the UGC Act 1956 and member of AIU vide letter No. Meet/GC/336/2015 Dated 15th December, 2015.
The main objective of Bahra University is to lay emphasis on:
Curriculum based on Industry Focus
Delivery focus on Learning, with Engagement and Involvement of Students
Domain Skill, Soft Skill, Industry Interface as a part of Curriculum
Credit Based Continuous Evaluation Grading System accepted Nationally and Internationally
Focus on Entrepreneurship Skill Development with International Exposure
At the core of the growing popularity of Bahra University among students and parents is the industry focus in curriculum adopted by it, which enables students to become employment-ready by the time they complete their course. The University believes in making learning effective by involving and engaging students. In line with this, students are provided ample opportunities to apply the knowledge acquired in real life scenarios.
To help students adapt easily to the industry environment, the University has made Domain Skills, Soft Skills and Industry Interface an integral part of its Curriculum. In addition, the University aims to develop world-class Entrepreneurs with its focus on Entrepreneurship Skill Development with International Exposure.
Keeping above in view, Examination System and Process have been devised and is as under:
1.1. Each academic year shall be divided into two semesters - Autumn (July to December) and Spring (January to June). The autumn semester shall ordinarily begin in July for students already on rolls and the spring semester shall ordinarily begin in January. However, the first semester (autumn, for newly admitted students) may begin a little later depending on completion of admission process. The number of teaching days in each semester shall be 90.
1.2. Eligibility for Admission: -Admissions to Under Graduate courses of the University shall be based on criteria decided by the Academic Council of the University in accordance with the stipulations of AICTE/PCI/BCI/NCTE/UGC/HPPERC modified from time to time. There shall be provision for direct admission for a limited number of NRI/FN students. Details of criteria for admission shall be as per provisions of the rules formulated for the purpose. Physically handicapped candidates shall be required to satisfy the prescribed medical fitness norms. Admissions shall ordinarily close on a specified date as per the order of Hon'ble Supreme Court of India/statutory bodies.
1.3. Duration: - The duration of the program shall be governed by the regulations of AICTE/PCI/BCI/NCTE/UGC/ HP Govt. As per the prevailing regulations, the duration of different programs / courses is as under:
Undergraduate Courses:
a) B. Tech., B. Pharm., B.H.M. programs are of four years (eight semesters) duration.
b) B.B.A, B.C.A, B. Com., B.Sc., LLB are of 3 years (six semesters) duration.
c) Integrated programs like B.A.LL.B., is of five years (ten semesters) duration.
d) BPT program is of 4.5 years (8 semesters and 6 months internship) duration.
Postgraduate Courses:
e) M. Tech., M. Pharm., M.B.A., M.T.T.M., M.Sc., & LL.M programs are of two years (four semesters).
f)MCA program is of three years (six semesters).
Ph.D. /M.Phil.The duration of the program shall be governed by the regulations of AICTE/PCI/BCI/NCTE/UGC/ HP Govt.
1.4. Maximum duration for completion of a course is 2 years more than the normal duration.
1.5. Each year, the University shall draw out a calendar of academic and associated activities, which shall be adhered to. The same is non-negotiable. Details of curricula and syllabi shall be as decided by Board of Study (BOS) and approved by the Academic Council with provision for modification from time to time as per the needs of the industry/ specializations concerned.
Teaching and evaluation are the two sides of a coin. Examination cell plays a key role in evaluation part. The Examination Cell in Bahra University is headed by the Controller of Examination with supporting staff. The Prime responsibility of Examination Cell is to conduct all examinations in fair and systematic manner and evaluation of all the examinations and to prepare/declare the result within the stipulated time frame as per the Academic calander. All evaluation process is as per Academic Regulations for Undergraduate, Post gradation, M.Phil. and Ph.D. programmes.
The examination system of Bahra University is based on an evaluation system that tests the Rational & Concrete Understanding of the students performance on varied parameters. The programs of the University are based on semester system.
3.1Pre Examination work:
(a)Procurement of the study schemes along with the detailed syllabus of all the courses from Dean Academic Affairs.
(b)Procurement of the List of the students for each course from Registration In charge/Dean/HODs of the concerned School.
(c) Procurement of answer books
(d)Preparation of date sheet on the basis of the academic calendar for all the courses and conveyed to the respective Schools at least one week prior to the start of examinations.
(e)Preparation of seating plan as per the strength of the students and the same is displayed on the notice board on the day of the examination.
(f)Setting of the question papers as per respective school evaluation pattern.
(g)Two to three sets of the question papers submitted by the Instructor In charge will be presented to the Vice-Chancellor for selecting the final question paper.
(h)Printing of the question paper as per the strength of the students.
(i)Formation of flying squadin consultation with the Vice-Chancellor for the smooth conduct of all the Examinations.
3.2 Conduct of Examination:
(a)The invigilation duty chart is prepared prior to the examination and the same shall be conveyed to the respective School Dean/HOD and invigilators from all the schools.
(b)The question papers sealed in an envelope along with required number of the answer sheets room wise and the attendance sheet of the students are distributed to the invigilator at least 20 minutes prior to the start of the examination.
(c)The complete record of the answer scripts and question papers is kept in the proforma already prepared before the start of the examination. After the completion of the examination the invigilator shall submit all the used and the unused answer sheet in the examination cell.
3.3 Post Examination Work:
(a)The answer sheets are distributed to the concerned subject instructor for evaluation by making entry in the proforma. The answer scripts are evaluated and shown to the students. The performance of the students in the examination should be discussed in the class giving as much details as possible like the highest, lowest and average performances. It is the responsibility of the individual student to see his/her answer script after the end of every examination.
(b)The subject instructor submit the award list of his/her subject to the examination cell after the evaluation of the answer scripts for each examination.
3.4Preparation of Grade Sheet: The grade sheet subject wise is prepared by the concerned subject teacher.
3.5Preparation of Result: The final grade list received in the Examination Section shall be processed for the calculation of Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA) for each semester and Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) for all the completed semesters.
3.6 Notification of Result:The CoE then prepares the gazette notification of the result class wise which contains all the grades obtained by the students in all the subject in that particular semester with his/her SGPA/CGPA and put it to the Vice Chancellor for approval. After the approval of Vice -Chancellor, the CoE declares the result.
3.7 Preparation of Grade cards: The final Grade Card/Report shall be prepared by the examination cell after the completion of the process of declaration of result. These grades cards/reports shall be handed over to the students through the Dean/HOD of the respective Schools.
3.8 Preparation of Provisional and Original Degrees: After the preparation of final grade card the provisional degree certificates will be prepared by the examination cell. After the completion of the degree program the original degree will be prepared by the examination cell within six months from the declaration of result.
3.9 Holding of Convocation: The examination cell will hold the convocation as per the date decided by the University authorities.
The Controller of Examination shall work under the direct supervision of the Vice – Chancellor and shall by his approval, exercise and perform the following powers and functions: -
a)He will, arrange for and supervise the examination work of the university in accordance with the manner specified in the Academic Regulations and rules of the University
b)He will conduct the examination according to the Academic Calendar published by the Dean Academic Affairs / Registrar of the university.
c)He will obtain the Course scheme, structure, syllabus and credit of each course running as per the current semester before the commencement of the semester for the preparation of the date sheet of examination to be conducted.
d)He will conduct the examinations, make preparatory arrangements for the examinations, setting up of the examinations centers, appointment of the supervisory, invigilation, fying squad and other staff required for the proper and smooth conduct of examination, receives back the used and unused answer books from the invigilators.
e)He will get the question papers set for all university exams from the examiner or paper setters by ensuring the question papers are set in the required format provided by the examination cell and as per the prescribed syllabi for a particular course or paper. He shall maintain utmost confidentiality of the entire process of paper setting at all stages.
f)He will fix the commencement of the dates of examination, prepare the date sheet, and schedule for the examinations as per the Academic calendar and publish the same well in time for the information of all the concerned.
g)He will get the answer books for all examinations evaluated so that the award list in all such cases are supplied to the examination cell for tabulation, scrutiny and finalization of examination results ,get these declared and published within the scheduled time frame. He shall also provide the opportunity for the rectification of the results and re-checking of answer sheets, wherever applicable.
h)He will get the Detailed Grade report, Degrees and other relevant testimonials prepared for all those students passing out from the University.
i)He will make arrangements for verification of credentials of students who had passed out if required by the student or the University or any other body.
j)He will finalize the list of examiners, paper setters, evaluators, members of the flying squad, observers, from the competent authority of the University
k)Sign the Grade Card report and all other certificates wherever it is required to do so, with the confidential seals and stamps of the University’s examination cell, and shall keep the same in the safe custody.
l)He will keep liaison with the Registrar, Dean Academic Affairs, Deans/Heads of Departments for the details regarding the enrolment, conduct of exam, and other issues relating to the students and teachers.
m)He will be liable to conduct all the examinations.
Duties of Deputy/Assistant Controller of Examination (Conduct):
The Deputy /Assistant Controller of Examination shall work under the direct supervision of CoE and shall by his approval, exercise and perform the following functions:
(a)Procurement of the study schemes along with the detailed syllabus of all the courses from Dean Academic Affairs.
(b)Procurement of the List of the students for each course from Registration In charge/Dean/HODs of the concerned School.
(c)Procurement of answer books
(d)Preparation of date sheet on the basis of the academic calendar for all the courses and conveyed to the respective Schools at least one week prior to the start of examinations.
(e)Preparation of seating plan as per the strength of the students and the same is displayed on the notice board on the day of the examination.
(f)Setting of the question papers as per respective school evaluation pattern. He shall maintain utmost confidentiality of the entire process of paper setting at all stages.
(g)He will conduct the examination according to the Academic Calendar published by the Dean Academic Affairs / Registrar of the university.
(h)Prepare the invigilation duty chart prior to the examination.
(i)Printing of the question paper as per the strength of the students. He shall maintain utmostconfidentiality of the entire process of paper printing at all stages.
(j)Formation of flying squad for the smooth conduct of all the Examinations
Duties of Deputy/Assistant Controller of Examination (Evaluation):
The Deputy /Assistant Controller of Examination shall work under the direct supervision of CoE and shall by his approval, exercise and perform the following functions:
a)He will get the answer books for all examinations evaluated so that the award list in all such cases are available in the examination cell for tabulation, scrutiny and finalization of examination results.
b)He will collect all the grade sheets from all the Schools of the University.
c)He will arrange the meeting of the moderation committee for the finalization/moderation of result.
d)He will collect all the detailed marks sheetwith Grades from the subject instructor within 03 working days after their respective paper(for compiling the final grades)
e)He will send back the reviewed grades to the subject instructors for necessary modifications, as suggested by Moderation Committee (if any) and get the grade modified from the subject instructor (if any).
f)He will collect the modified grades if any within the stipulated time.
g)He will calculatethe S.G.P.A and C.G.P.A with the help of assistants and data entry operator.
h)Prepare notification regarding the declaration of result and put it to the COE for the final approval of Vice Chancellor.
i)Final Grade Card/Report shall be prepared by him after the completion of the process of declaration of resultand handed over these grades cards/reports to the students through the Dean/HOD of the respective Schools.
j)After the preparation of final grade card, he prepares the provisional degree certificates. After the completion of the degree program the original degree will be prepared by him within six months from the declaration of result.
k)He will make all the arrangements for the proper storage of the grade cards/results.
Duties of Assistantsand Data Entry Operators (Conduct/Evaluation):
The Assistants and Data Entry Operators works under the direct supervision of Deputy/Assistant Controller of Examinations of their respective branch and shall by his approval perform the duties as directed by him from time to time.
- Procurement of answer books
- Collection of question papers for Mid Term Test -I and Mid Term Test- II from the subject instructor.
- Secrecy of the question papers collected:-
- Question papers storage in sealed almiras
- Sealing of the examination cell
- Preparation of:-
- Date sheet course wise for all schools for all the examinations in a semester.
- Seating plan for students of all streams
- Invigilation duties for faculties and supporting staff (prior to Mid Term Test – I, Mid Term Test –II and End term examination)
- Receipt of list of students who are detained from appearing in the examination from Dean Academic Affairs prior to Mid Term Test – I, Mid Term Test –II and End term examination.
- Printing of question paper one day prior to the scheduled date of examination.
- Room wise distribution and sealing of question papers in envelopes.
- Issue of answer sheets and question papers with seating plan to respective invigilators on duty (20 minutes before the commencement of examination)
- Attendance of students in attendance sheet with the help of supporting staff and their submission in examination cell
- Collection of answer sheets with seating plan from respective invigilators on duty (after the completion of examination)
- Distribution of answer sheets to respective subject instructor for evaluation on the same day of their respective examination
- Collection of results within 03 working days after respective paper
- Collection of detailed marks sheetwith Grades from the subject instructor within 05 working days after their respective paper(for compiling the final grades)
- Reviewed grades sent back to the subject instructors for necessary modifications, as suggested by Moderation committee( if any)
- Collection of modified grades if any
- Calculation of S.G.P.A and C.G.P.A
- Prepare notification regarding the declaration of result and put it to the Vice Chancellor for final approval
- Declaration of Result.
- Printing the grade cards
- Printing of Provisional and original degrees.
- Distribution and storage of result