AIAA Management Technical Committee (TCM)

October 15-16, 2014

Wright Brothers Institute/TecEdge, Dayton, OH

Wednesday, October 15

0830 Sivaram welcome. Coffee etc $7 per day. 6PM social. 29th floor Kettering tower, validate ticket, Dayton Raquet club, express elevator.


Thomas Irvine

Wilson Felder

George Vlay


Raymond Flores

Marvine Hamner

Laura McGill

Sivaram Gogineni

Robert Schafrik

Carol Cash

Rex McWaters

Paul Collopy (Thu only)


Khrish Naisimhan, STC

Steve Erickson, Parker Hannifin

Bruce Walker, U of Cincinnati

Paul Orkwis, U of Cincinnati

Lance Chenault, AIAA Dayton

Rick Wills, AIAA Dayton (and AFRL)

Les McFawn, Wright Institute

0835 Introductions.

0850 Introduction to Wright Institute, idea lab, etc. Les McFawn(?)

Carol Cash: the “Good the Bad and the Ugly” theme is international collaboration.

Paul Orkwis: Cincinnati Chongqing co-op institute. Discussed comparison of China today to US in the 1950s. There is a ‘60s coming in China! A shop in every space. Question raised about reciprocity: what’s in it for the US partner? What’s the win-win for the relationship in China. Example from Chris N. metrics of reciprocity in agreements. Ultimately risk management by weaving reciprocity into the process from the beginning.

1030 Break

1049 James D. Howley. 200 cleared contractors in Dayton area associated with Wright-Pat. Excellent film about “RIS” whose employee was targeted by Chinese.

1300 Steve Erickson. Parker Hannifin. Strategic Intelligence. Old style is like the gazelle, but global economy is like the cheetah. Need to change. Understand better, respond quicker. Economic data exploited to look at data through a “Parker filter” to identify places where the company should be focusing. Business data on a continuum from data to modeling to optimization. Market research, key element is the targeted interview process. Competitive intelligence “what problem are you trying to solve” not answering all questions, but just a few. Trade show intelligence: use sales folks and booth people in elicitation techniques. Competitive potential responses, future scenario analysis.

1410 Group discussion. What is the balance between intellectual freedom and IP? Person leaves the country after 20 years, with trade secrets in their head? How about academics: basic research and sharing v. protection of IP.

1545 Jim Daly. GE aviation. History of global enterprise (engineering) at Honeywell and GE. A couple of dozen sites in half a dozen countries. Global collaboration is with us, and beneficial. Have to get through the emotions and infrastructure. Long term vision, plan for scale and career growth. Plan for adequate travel for physical presence. Described C919 program, joint venture with AVIC – AVIAGE – plus GE will provide engines for C919. GE power system simulator in Dayton. To show OEMs that the system works.

1630 Adjourn.

Thursday, October 16

0800 Les McFawn, tour of Wright Institute, Idea lab, etc. Small business hub.

0900 Chairman’s remarks. Thanked the program sub-committee for two recent great meetings. Need for help on Program Subcommittee and Awards (in the area of recruiting nominations). Sivaram will update his prior nomination and submit. Tom will work with AIAA to get relief on the deadline. X-51 would be an excellent choice. We don’t know the project manager(s) were, X-2 Nick Lapos was project manager. Tom will attempt to get a nomination. Ray Flores will try to find an appropriate recipient for the X-51. Carol will try to find a recipient for the LEAP engine.

AIAA is looking at issues around holding ITAR sessions. If any member is interested in working on this problem, they should contact Nancy Anderson.

We have been asked to consider a scholarship in honor of Von Braun. If a graduate scholarship, then the TCM and Space Systems TC will do it. We need to decide whether we want to make a suggestion. We will recommend an undergraduate scholarship to a rising senior and the full $5,000.

Laura McGill will send a resume to Tom; we will have a vote on membership for her. We’ll wait to vote on Mark and Tom.

Program: 17/18 Feb. Tom will arrange dates for Spring. We need a host. Pittsburgh in the Fall. That will lock down the schedule for CY 2015.