AHSS Student Research Award 2018

The purpose of the AHSS Student Research Award is to make special projects (research and/or creative endeavors) feasible to AHSS students who would otherwise face cost-prohibitive travel or other expenses. Up to five awards for up to $1,250 each are available. All full-time undergraduate and graduate AHSS students (graduating no earlier than August 2018) are eligible. The award must be used between May 15, 2018, and June 30, 2019.


The recipients of the AHSS Student Research Awards are selected by the AHSS Elected Faculty Committee (EFC) and the dean. EFC members will be asked to recuse themselves from the application review process if they are supervising a student applicant.

Apply via Qualtrics here. Applications are due by 11:59 p.m. on Friday, April 13, 2018. As part of the application, you will need to upload a single PDF with the following information. You should prepare the PDF before starting the Qualtrics application.

  • A statement (250-300) words including the following information:
  • A description of the project and its expected outcomes
  • An explanation of how the project supports your educational goals
  • An explanation of how you will share the results of the project with your peers and/or community
  • An itemized budget and a budget justification
  • Itemize each planned expense (e.g., not just “travel: $500” but “round-trip airfare DEN-LAX $250; shuttle $50,” etc.)
  • Budget justification should explain why the expenses are necessary for the project
  • A current degree audit or unofficial transcript
  • For graduate students only: a current CV (no more than 2 pages)
  • A brief letter of support (1-2 paragraphs) from the faculty member who will supervise your project. The faculty member’s letter should:
  • Explain the faculty member’s relationship to the student
  • Address the significance of the project, and how will it support the student’s academic goals
  • Address the student’s ability to successfully complete the project
  • If the student’s project involves human subjects, confirm that the student is aware of and prepared to go through the IRB approval process prior to beginning the project

All projects involving human subjects must go through the appropriate IRB approval process before the project begins. By applying for and/or accepting an award, students affirm that they will meet the appropriate IRB standards.

You will receive an e-mail confirming receipt of your application. Questions should be directed to .

Applicants will be notified in mid-May. Awards will be dispersed in a timely fashion thereafter. Selected award recipients may be asked to share their experience at AHSS programs, such as student mentorship events or in the newsletter.