Agriculture Department- Semester SAE Project Guidelines
As a student enrolled in an agricultural class at All Tribes Charter School, you are required to complete at least 15 hours this semester working on an agriculturally related project of your choice. In order to verify your participation in an SAE Project, you are to submit an SAE Report by !
The following items must be submitted as a whole by the date listed above in order to be accepted:
- This sheet MUST cover your whole report
- A cover page with your name, class period, and project name
- A two page description that is two pages in length and typed. (MLA format, double spaced, 12 pt. font, and 1 inch margins)
- Report must include at least 3 pictures with typed captions.
- Updated FFA Record Book must accompany the SAE Report to verify expenses, receipts, and hours accumulated while working on the project.
The SAE Report is to contain the following:
Item / Points Possible / Points EarnedTwo Page Typed Description:
- General Description (What it was, size, etc.)
- Why did you choose this project?
- What was learned?
- What were your successes and failures?
- How would you change the project?
- Would you choose the same project again?
- Three (3) Color Pictures
- You must be in the pictures.
- Each picture should have a caption (about 20 words) describing what is happening in each.
- Pictures and written description prove that the project was valid and completed by the student during the semester.
- You must include your log from the project. This simply a piece of paper or a calendar at home where you record the dates and amount of time that you worked, what you did on those dates, and the amount of time spent doing so.
- You may also include copies of any receipts from items purchased during your project.
FFA Record Book:
- This portion will be done in class.
- You will be responsible for transferring your SAE log into the official CA FFA Record Book.
- This book must be submitted with your final project
*Class time will be provided to allow time to work on the record book portion of your SAE project. Until those dates, time worked should be kept in a personal journal at home.
SAE Project- Agreement Form
The SAE program is an integral part of the total agricultural education program. The purpose of the SAE is to provide real-world experiences to help the student select a career, secure employment or prepare for further education. A quality SAE program contains a variety of experiences. SAEs can include home or community improvement projects (landscaping, vegetable gardening, floral arrangements, food processing, fence or compost bin construction, etc.), job placement (for wages or experience), agriscience research investigations, entrepreneurship (start-up business), environmental projects (Adopt-A-Stream, wildlife habitat improvement), directed lab activities after school (greenhouse management, improving animal lab facilities), and ag communications projects (topical magazine, web-site development). The best projects are those that can be continued and expanded next semester.
This agreement form is due to Ms. Calac no later than !
What will your SAE project consist of? List all the activities in which you will be involved. Be specific. Examples: Shadow a local business leader for a day, develop a marketing plan for an agricultural commodity, observe and/or assist a florist, cut firewood with a chain saw, raise a 20’ by 20’ garden, work 2 hours a week at Johnson’s supply store, landscape the home lawn.
Who will provide the materials and resources required for your SAE project? Example: If you need to buy soil and seeds, who will buy them? If you need space for a garden, who’s space will you use?
For activities in which a profit (or loss) might occur, describe who will receive the gain (or loss) or how it will be divided:
How do you intend to keep track of the money and hours you spend on this project?
Student Signature:Student Name:
Parent Signature:Period:
Teacher Signature:Date Turned In: