Type of Report: Final report.
Period Covered: 1. 12. 1998. –1. 12. 2002.
Title of Project:The Rationalization of Variety Trials
Contract Number:AZ – 42 - 98
Project Start Date:1. December, 1998.
Principal Investigator:prof. Đurđica Vasilj, PhD
Participating Institution:Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zagreb
Department of Genetics, Plant Breeding and Biometrics
______31. January, 2002. (Signature of Principal Investigator) (date)
The Rationalization of Variety Trials
Executive Summary
The purpose of the project was to find the solutions for rationalization in evaluating the new cultivars, both newly created and introduced, through the experiments, by determining the minimum number of locations/sites and minimizing the size of experimental field. The aim was to investigate the types of experiments in which the newly created varieties and hybrids could be checked, evaluated and analyzed, and their results presented for the recommendation to the end users – farmers, in the shortest possible period of time.
The alpha design field trials with winter wheat, winter and spring barley, potatoes, soybeans, sunflower and sugar beet were carried out every year (1998 – 2001) and the resulting datasets were analyzed in few different statistical models. As for minimizing the experimental field size, the results of analyses in most cases showed the increase of the experimental efficiency using alpha design instead of randomized completely block design (RCBD). The greatest amount of the increase that we have reached in our project was in analysis of potato dataset, and it can be interpreted as a gain of nearly two replicates. In some cases there was no efficiency increase, so the different models resulted the same. Relatively lower efficiency of our trials, in comparison with the results of some other authors, can be partially explained by the small number of varieties, small plot sizes, as well as the higher coefficients of variability.
As the efficiency of alpha design can never be lower than the RCBD and in several cases we gained in it, this design is proved to be adequate especially for the crops/species with many varieties in trials – for example winter wheat. The further research on this problem is needed.
Research Objectives
Three years of investigation have confirmed the necessity of rationalization of variety trials, in order to increase their efficiency, decrease the expenses and enabling faster access to information about new varieties. Results of the research are presented in publications (list of which is attached to this report).
Research Achievements
In 1999, investigation focused on the analysis of the results from preliminary investigation (trials from season 1998/99) in order to validate and test the proposed trial designs. Results of this analysis served as a guideline for preparation and planning of the following seasons’ trials. Analyses have been carried out separately for each year and then integrated over whole three years of investigation.
Final results are satisfactory. Various biometrical methods and analysis have been tested and it is confirmed that some of them can lead to faster, more efficient and unbiased evaluation of new and introduced genotypes (varieties and hybrids). Furthermore, an emphasis is given on the investigation of the stability of economically important traits of tested genotypes as well as their adaptability to various ecological conditions – from the extensive to the intensive production level.
Administrative/Management Issues
The project has been managed and administered as planned and scheduled, and there have been no problems.
Submitted proposal for this project was based on total amount of 276 000 kn. When accepted, project was granted with 216 000 kn. With the maximum rationalization of all the expenses we have managed to carry out our investigation and keep the expenses within the granted amount.
Activities / Planned inputs / Expenses1. Salaries / 0 / 26.000
2. Administrative costs / 16.800 / 13.000
3. Material costs / 127.500 / 112.000
4. Travels / 20.700 / 17.500
5. Other costs / 111.000 / 47.500
TOTAL / 276.000 / 216.000
Collaboration and Publications
Close collaboration has been established with the Institute for Seeds and Seedlings in Osijek. For the employees of this Institute we have organized several seminars on increasing the efficiency of variety trials.
Possible gaines of the rationalization of variety trials have been presented to the scientific and professional public at the Croatian agricultural meetings in Opatija in 1999, 2000 and 2001. Results of the investigation have also been presented in the following publications.
Gunjača, J., Jambrešić, I., Pecina, M., (1999).
Usporedba slučajnog bloknog rasporeda i alpha dizajna. I. Učinkovitost pokusa. Zbornik
sažetaka, XXXV znanstveni skup hrvatskih agronoma s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem,
Opatija 22. –25. veljača, 1999.
Gunjača, J., Jambrešić, I., Pecina, M., (1999).
Usporedba slučajnog bloknog rasporeda i alpha dizajna. II. Procjena učinaka sorata.
Zbornik sažetaka, XXXV znanstveni skup hrvatskih agronoma s međunarodnim
sudjelovanjem, Opatija 22. –25. veljača, 1999.
Gunjača, J., Vasilj, Đ., Pecina, M., Čermak-Horbec, K. (1999).
Variety trials system in Croatia. Biuletyn Oceny Odmian / Caliński, Tadeusz; Kaczmarek,
Zygmunt; Pilarczyk, Wiesław (ur.). Słupia Wielka : Centralny Ośrodek Badania Odmian
Roślin Uprawnych, 1999. 39-44
Gunjača, J., Pecina M. (2000).
Primjena alpha dizajna u sortnim pokusima sa žitaricama.Postignuća i perspektive
Hrvatskog poljodjelstva / Kovačević, Vlado (ur.). Osijek : Poljoprivredni fakultet, 2000. 86
Gunjača, J., Pecina M. (2000).
EM-AMMI analiza sortnog pokusa s jarim ječmom.Postignuća i perspektive hrvatskog
poljodjelstva / Kovačević, Vlado (ur.). Osijek : Poljoprivredni fakultet, 2000. 86
Gunjača, J., Pecina M. (2001).
Analiza sortnih pokusa s jarom zobi 1998-92. 37 Znanstveni skup hrvatskih agronoma,
Opatija 19-23. veljače 2001.
Šindrak, Z., Vasilj, Đ., Pecina, M. (2001).
Alpha design u pokusima sa suncokretom. 37 Znanstveni skup hrvatskih agronoma, Opatija
19-23. veljače 2001.
Šindrak, Z. (2001).
Struktura blokova i učinkovitost plana i analize poljskih pokusa.Magistarski rad.
Agronomski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu.
Gunjača, J. (2001).
Interakcija genotip x okolina u nebalansiranim serijama pokusa. Disertacija. Agronomski
fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu.