Agree on (Something)

Agree on (Something)


With Verbs

Account for

Agree on (something)

Agree with (someone)

Apologize to

Apply for

Approve of

Argue with (someone)

Ask for

Believe in

Belong to

Blame (someone) for (something)

Blame (something) on (someone)

Blow out

Blow up

Borrow from

Break in

Break into

Break off

Break up

Call back

Call off

Call on (or upon)

Call up

Care for

Clean up

Compliment (someone) on

Come from

Consent to

Consist of

Convince (someone) of (something)

Cross out

Decide on (or upon)

Depend on (or upon)

Do over

Do without

Figure out

Fill out

Fill in

Fill up

Get along with

Get around

Get over

Get rid of

Give back

Give in

Give up

Hand in

Hang around

Hang up

Hear about

Hear from

Hear of

Insist on (or upon)

Invite (someone) to

Laugh at

Leave out

Let down

Let out

Listen for

Listen to

Look at

Look for

Look forward to

Look like

Look over

Look up

Look up to

Make up

Object to

Pick at

Pick on

Pick out

Pick up

Plan on

Provide for

Provide with

Put off

Put up with

Recover from

Remind (someone) of

Run into

Run through

Run out of

Search for

See about

Substitute for

Take back

Take off

Take over

Talk about

Talk back to

Talk of

Talk over

Telephone to

Think about

Think of

Think over

Turn down

Turn off

Turn on

Turn up

Wait for

Wait on

With adjectives & Idiomatic Expressions

According to

Accustomed to

Angry about (something)

Angry at (someone)

Based on

Capable of

Composed of

Content with

Dependent on (or upon)

Different from (or than)

Disappointed in

Due to

Followed by

Fond of

Have respect for

In accordance with

Independent of

In regard to

Interested in

Limited to

Married to

Proud of

Related to

Resulting from

Similar to

Tired of