Company Number 1217770

MINUTES of the Eleventh (11th) ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING (Statutory)

of The Institute of Brewing & Distilling

held at 44A Curlew Street, London, SE1 2ND
on the 24th day of June 2015 at 1530 Hours

  1. The Chair was taken by Prof Charlie Bamforth. The Chairman announced that due notice of the Meeting had been given to those entitled to receive it and that there being at least seven Statutory Members personally present at the Meeting, there was a quorum

Ordinary Resolutions

  1. Election of President

The Past President reported that Council had nominated Prof C Bamforth for election as President of the Institute and that he had consented to act as such if elected. The following resolution was proposed as an Ordinary Resolution

THAT Prof C W Bamforth be and is hereby elected as President of the Institute.

Proposed; Alan Barclay

Seconded; Katherine Smart

Unanimous vote in favour

Upon election the President said that it had been a challenging but productive first year as President as a new governance structure beds in. He is confident that the Board of Trustees have worked through most issues as they review the detail of how that body operates to ensure that the detail of the Articles and Byelaws fully reflect the direction of travel and intent established in the review of Governance that took place in 2014. The President said that he had very much enjoyed participating in activities in all sections, with the exception that he was unable in his first year to visit the Asia-Pacific Section, though that would be rectified with the Sydney event in March 2016. Not only had be visited sections for dinners, but he had also made a point of making technical presentations to most of them, as well as to events in which the IBD had an interest, such as the SIBA event in Sheffield and the CAMRA AGM in Nottingham. He in particular saluted the Scottish Section and the Africa Section for the outstanding congresses that they had put on.

  1. The Chairman reported that the Council had nominated Prof K Smart for election as a Deputy President of the Institute and that she had consented to act as such if elected. The following resolution was proposed and passed as an Ordinary Resolution:

THAT Prof K Smart be and is hereby elected as a Deputy President of the Institute.

Proposed; Charlie Bamforth

Seconded: Kevin Mitchell

Unanimous vote in favour

  1. The Chairman reported that the Council had nominated Dr T J Cooper for election as Deputy President elect of the Institute and that he had consented to act as such if elected. The following resolution was proposed and passed as an Ordinary Resolution:

THAT Dr T J Cooper be and is hereby elected as Deputy President elect of the Institute.

Proposed; Charlie Bamforth

Seconded; Rob Greenaway

Unanimous vote in favour

  1. A copy, signed by the Chairman by way of identification only, of the draft Annual Subscriptions for 2015 that had been attached to the Notice of the Meeting was produced and passed as an Ordinary Resolution:

THAT the annual subscriptions for 2016 set forth in the Table of Annual Subscriptions for 2016 produced to the Meeting initialled by the Chairman by way of identification only be and they are hereby approved and, in so far as such Table shows that different rates are to apply to Members falling within a particular category and the criteria that determine which rate is to apply to each person within that category, such criteria be and they are hereby also approved.

Proposed; Alan Barclay

Seconded; Katherine Smart

Approved without objection

Nigel Fitch abstained

  1. The motion to reappoint the Auditors was proposed and passed as an Ordinary Resolution

THAT the Auditors are reappointed and the Board of Trustees be authorised to fix their remuneration

Proposed; Ken Fairbrother

Seconded; David Pierpoint

Unanimous vote in favour

Ordinary Business

  1. The Minutes of the Tenth Annual General Meeting of the Institute of Brewing & Distilling held on 25th June 2014 were approved and confirmed.
  1. The Trustees Report for the year ended 31st December 2014 was laid before and considered by the Meeting. It was adopted unanimously.
  1. The income and expenditure account and the balance sheet and reports of the Council and Auditors for the year ended 31st December 2014 were laid before and considered by the Meeting. The reports were adopted unanimously
  1. The names and representatives of the Sections appointed to serve on the Council were laid before and considered by the Meeting. The nominees were accepted unanimously
  1. The names of Trustees nominated by the Council to serve as such were considered by the meeting. The nominees were accepted unanimously.
  1. The name of the Trustee nominated by the IBBS to serve as such we considered by the meeting. The nominee was accepted unanimously.

Ordinary Resolution

  1. The Chairman reported that the Council had nominated Mr L Specterman for election as Honorary Treasurer of the Institute and that he had consented to act as such if elected. The following resolution was proposed and passed as an Ordinary Resolution.

THAT Mr L Specterman be and is hereby elected as Honorary Treasurer of the Institute

Proposed; Charlie Bamforth

Seconded; Colin McCrorie

Unanimous vote in favour


  1. Dr D G Taylor asked the Chairman if he could clarify the relationship between the Chair of the Board of Examiners (BoE), the Executive Director and the Council. Dr Taylor was concerned that the recent advertisement for the CEO vacancy implied that the CEO was responsible for IBD qualifications. The Chairman responded that the Chair of the BoE attends Council meetings and is responsible to the Council for the maintenance of the integrity of all IBD professional qualifications. Day to day management of the processes that support the delivery of the qualifications clearly falls within the remit of the ED (CEO to be). Contd.

Mr M Butterworth asked for clarification regarding an item within the income and expenditure reports which referred to the amortisation of intangible assets. Mr L Specterman confirmed that in anticipation of changes within FRS 102 which relate to the treatment of intangible assets, that in the year ended 31st December 2013 the value of such assets had been written down and the resulting charge taken within the accounts for that year.

End of Meeting

  1. There being no further business the Meeting then ended.


Chairman – Prof Charles W Bamforth


Charles Bamforth

Katherine Smart

Alan Barclay

Leonard Specterman

Alan Pateman

Colin West

Darren Guiney

Datis Sol

David Taylor

Ken Fairbrother

Kevin Mitchell

Marilyn Seedhouse

Mike Butterworth

Nigel Fitch

Rob Greenaway

Tim O’Rourke

Tim Stonehouse

James Stephenson

Susan Chisholm

Derek Prentice

Peter Channon

Colin McCrorie

David Pierpoint

Flo Vialan

Mark Kinsman

Simon Jackson

Steve Curtis

David Quain


Alan Mackie

John Andrews

Chris Marchbanks

Graham Stewart

Institute of Brewing & Distilling

Schedule of Subscription rates for 2016

Standard Member£136

Certificate Member£98

Student Member£46

Retired Member£46

Retired Member – commute to life£460

Schedule of Representatives to Council and Trustees 2015/16

Mark KinsmanScottish SectionCouncil

Flo VialanMidlands SectionCouncil

Nigel SadlerSouthern UK SectionCouncil

David PierpointGreat Northern SectionCouncil

P J TierneyIrish SectionCouncil

Stephen ExingerAsia Pacific SectionCouncil

Greg UdehAfrica SectionCouncil

Michaela MiedlInternational SectionCouncil

Derek PrenticeIBBSCouncil

Nigel FitchIBBSTrustee

Ken FairbrotherTrustee

Peter ChannonTrustee

Colin McCrorieTrustee

Kevin MitchellTrustee