PCC Policy Committee Meeting November 7-8, 2013


Agenda with links to documents discussed at the meeting:

http://www.loc.gov/aba/pcc/documents/PoCo-Agenda-2013.doc (Word 62 KB)

1.  Termination date for AACR2 bibliographic description is set: Dec. 31, 2014


  1. All newly contributed PCC BIBCO and CONSER records will be RDA
  2. CONSER guidelines for authenticating copy and working with legacy records are in place.
  3. RDA start date announced to BIBCO and CONSER members December 10, 2013

2.  ISNI:

Outcome: PoCo generally supports ISNI development. Some follow-up questions:

  1. How does PCC membership in ISNI work?
  2. How would diffusion or adding of ISNI to the name authority file (NAF) happen?
  3. Should incorporation of other identifiers such as ORCID be considered at the same time we are looking at ISNI in the NAF?

Action: The PCC Steering Committee has been following up with Andrew MacEwan and continues to discuss the issues surrounding ISNI and the NAF as of Jan. 23, 2014.

3.  Phase 3 of authority record coding (the 95% of records that can be recoded RDA):

Status: LC was tasked to look at costs/benefits of recoding the records from its perspective and confirmed support for recoding these records.

Action (as of Jan. 23, 2014): The PCC Steering Committee will charge a task group to develop specifications and a plan for the project.

4.  Undifferentiated names:

Action: Wording of 008/32 in DCM Z1 has been revised to clearly say that undifferentiated name records should not be created. The revision is posted on the PCC web site until it is published in the February 2014 update of Catalogers Desktop.

5.  Proposals for Non-MARC authority projects

Action: The PCC Steering Committee will select submitted proposals for presentation at the PCC Participants Meeting at ALA annual 2014

6.  Future of the PCC

Action: A facilitated session is being planned for the PoCo 2014 meeting to develop new strategic directions and mission statement.

7.  Advisory Committee on Initiatives

Action: The committee has been extended for one more year

Action: The committee was charged to write a report on authorities in a non-MARC environment including linked data issues. The report is expected June 2014

8.  BIBFRAME update and discussion. Ideas for PCC involvement were suggested:

  1. participation in BIBFRAME round tables
  2. participation in testing the BIBFRAME client (expected to be available early 2014)
  3. possible BIBFRAME BSR mapping

Action: The PCC continues to seek opportunities for involvement in BIBFRAME developments

9.  Recommendations of the report on PCC documentation final report

Action: Secretariat will begin implementing task group recommendations

10.  Automated changes to hybrid records

Status: As of January 23, 2014, the Standing Committee on Automation is working on specifications for this task.

11.  Microform reproductions task group report.

  1. Preliminary task group report was submitted to the Standing Committee on Standards (SCS) for initial review.
  2. The SCS reported that the number of new records for reproduction microforms in OCLC is decreasing each year. The format is not as prominent as it once was though many institutions still need to handle such resources.
  3. PoCo discussed maintaining the “status quo” for cataloging reproduction microforms

Status: SCS is working on its recommendations as of Jan. 26, 2014

12.  CONSER Standard Record (CSR) revised draft

  1. This version of the CSR includes elements for rare serials

Status: The SCS completed revision in December 2013 and sent the draft to the CONSER coordinators for additional formatting. Additional introductory material will be added, implementation is set for February 2014.

13.  Updates to governance document and strategic directions

Action: After the meeting, the secretariat incorporated changes suggested by PoCo members to both documents and will post new versions of the documents in early 2014.