Minutes for the Meeting of the Page 6 of 6

City Planning Commission

February 19, 2013

Minutes of the Meeting of the City Planning Commission

City Hall, Syracuse, New York

February 19, 2013

I.  Summary of cases discussed herein:

R-13-01 / SR-12-19 / SR-11-07 M1 / Z-2756
Z-2758 / Z-2759 / Z-2760 / SP-00-18 M2
SR-01-01 M1 / SR-01-02 M1 / CS-09-30 / SP-93-02 M1

II.  Attendance

Members Present Staff Present

Dr. Ruben Cowart Ms. Heather Lamendola

Ms. Linda Henley Ms. Meghan McLees Craner

Mr. Arpad Kolozsvary Mr. Jeff Harrop

Ms. Rebecca Livengood

III.  Meeting called to order at 6:07 p.m.

IV.  Approval of the minutes

Ms. Rebecca Livengood made a motion to accept the minutes of the January 28, 2013 meeting of the City Planning Commission. Ms. Linda Henley seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

V.  Public Hearings

1)  R-13-01


Divide One Parcel into Two New Lots

414 Erie Street

Helen Kiggins Walsh (owner)

Daniel Buyer (applicant)

Residential, Class A-1

Mr. Daniel Byer, at 415 Erie Street, and Ms. Helen Walsh at ??, spoke to the Commission about the proposal , which consists of dividing one parcel into two new Lots for the purpose of selling one of the proposed Lots on property situated at 414 Erie Street.

No one spoke in favor of or in opposition to the proposal.

After further discussion and review, Ms. Linda Henley made a motion to approve the request with a negative SEQR declaration. Ms. Rebecca Livengood seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

2)  SR-12-19

Site Plan Review

Replace Six Antennas with Three Antennas

947 Pond Street

Syracuse Housing Authority (owner)

Christine Howell for HPC Wireless Services (applicant)

Residential, Class B-1

Ms. Christine Howell, agent for HPC Wireless Services at 1765 Whiting Road, Memphis, New York, spoke to the Commission about the proposal, which consists of replacing six existing communication antennas with three new communication antennas to an existing roof-top antenna array on property situated at 947 Pond Street.

No one spoke in favor of or in opposition to the proposal.

After further discussion and review, Ms. Rebecca Livengood made a motion to approve the request with a negative SEQR declaration. Ms. Linda Henley seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

3)  SR-11-07 M1

Site Plan Review Modification

Install a Wall Sign and Modify Elevations

901 and 909-911 North Geddes Street

Salt City Enterprises, LLC (owner)

Eastern Security Services (applicant)

Lakefront, T5

Mr. Craig White, with Eastern Security Services at 911 North Geddes Street, spoke to the Commission about the proposal, which consists of installing a wall sign and modifying the previously approved Site Plan Review on property situated at 901 and 909-911 North Geddes Street.

No one spoke in favor of or in opposition to the proposal.

After further discussion and review, Ms. Linda Henley made a motion to approve the request with a negative SEQR declaration. Mr. Arpad Kolozsvary seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

4)  Z-2756

Change of Zone

Inner Harbor/Lakefront

City of Syracuse Bureau of Planning and Sustainability (Petitioner)

Ms. Katelyn Wright, with the City of Syracuse Bureau of Planning and Sustainability, spoke to the Commission about the proposal, which consists of a comprehensive Change of Zoning for properties within the Lakefront district from Lakefront T4, T5, GR and PK to Lakefront T5 and Industrial, Class A.

No one spoke in favor of or in opposition to the proposal.

After further discussion and review, Ms. Rebecca Livengood made a motion to approve the request with a negative SEQR declaration. Ms. Linda Henley seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

5)  Z-2758

Change of Zone

West Genesee Street Corridor

City of Syracuse Bureau of Planning and Sustainability (Petitioner)

Ms. Katelyn Wright, with the City of Syracuse Bureau of Planning and Sustainability, spoke to the Commission about the proposal, which consists of a comprehensive Change of Zoning for properties along the West Genesee Street Corridor from Residential, Class A, Residential, Class B, and Local Business, Class A to Local Business, Class A, Commercial, Class A and Industrial, Class A.

No one spoke in favor of or in opposition to the proposal.

After further discussion and review, Ms. Linda Henley made a motion to approve the request with a negative SEQR declaration. Ms. Rebecca Livengood seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

6)  Z-2759

Change of Zone

Butternut Street Corridor

City of Syracuse Bureau of Planning and Sustainability (Petitioner)

Ms. Katelyn Wright, with the City of Syracuse Bureau of Planning and Sustainability, spoke to the Commission about the proposal, which consists of a comprehensive Change of Zoning for properties along the Northside Butternut Street Corridor from Residential, Class A, Residential, Class B, Residential, Class B-1 and Commercial, Class A to Local Business, Class A.

One person spoke in favor of the proposal. No one spoke in opposition to the proposal.

After further discussion and review, Ms. Rebecca Livengood made a motion to approve the request with a negative SEQR declaration. Ms. Linda Henley seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

7)  Z-2760

Change of Zone

South Avenue Corridor

Bureau of Planning and Sustainability (Petitioner)

Ms. Katelyn Wright, with the City of Syracuse Bureau of Planning and Sustainability, spoke to the Commission about the proposal, which consists of a comprehensive Change of Zoning for properties along the South Avenue Corridor from Residential, Class B and Local Business, Class A to Local Business, Class A and Residential, Class B.

Seven people spoke in favor of the proposal. No one spoke in opposition to the proposal.

After further discussion and review, Ms. Linda Henley made a motion to approve the request with a negative SEQR declaration. Mr. Arpad Kolozsvary seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

  1. Old Business

1)  SP-00-18 M2

Special Permit Modification-Restaurant

Floor Plan Modification

725 East Fayette Street and 216-218 Forman Avenue

Huang Si Bin- JNJ Syracuse, Inc. (owner)

Anthony Catsimatides (applicant)

Commercial, Class A

Ms. Heather Lamendola spoke to the Commission about the proposal, which consists of modifying the floor plan and signage to an existing Special Permit for a Restaurant in order to expand the customer area on property situated at 725 East Fayette Street and 216-218 Forman Avenue. The Commission held a public hearing for the proposal on January 28, 2013, whereupon the Commission deferred action on the proposal pending review by the City of Syracuse Department of Public Works regarding the increased requirement for off-street parking.

After discussion and review, whereupon the Commission noted it had not yet received review comments from the City of Syracuse Department of Public Works regarding the increased requirement for off-street parking, the Commission agreed to defer acting on the request until its next regularly scheduled meeting on March 11, 2013.

  1. New Business

1)  SR-01-01 M1

Site Plan Review-Communication Antenna

Replace six antennas with three new antennas

801-833 University Avenue

Syracuse University, Sheraton Hotel and Conference Center (owner)

HPC Wireless Services (applicant)

Planned Institutional District

Ms. Heather Lamendola spoke to the Commission about the proposal.

After discussion and review, Ms. Rebecca Livengood made a motion to approve the request with a negative SEQR declaration. Ms. Linda Henley seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

2)  SR-01-02 M1

Site Plan Review-Communication Antenna

Replace six antennas with three new antennas

1207-1211 Almond Street

Syracuse Housing Authority (owner)

HPC Wireless Services (applicant)

Residential, Class B and Business, Class A

Ms. Heather Lamendola spoke to the Commission about the proposal.

After discussion and review, Ms. Rebecca Livengood made a motion to approve the request with a negative SEQR declaration. Mr. Arpad Kolozsvary seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

3)  CS-09-30

Certificate of Suitability (Previous Administrative Hearing)

129 Dell Street-Two Family (Non-conforming Parking Surface Coverage)

Norman Roth (owner)

Residential, Class AA

Ms. Heather Lamendola spoke to the Commission about the proposal.

After discussion and review, Ms. Linda Henley made a motion to approve the request with a negative SEQR declaration. Ms. Rebecca Livengood seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

  1. Minor Modifications

1)  SP-93-02 M1

Special Permit Modification-Restaurant

Modify Floor Plan and Signage

2922-2948 East Genesee Street

FBBT/US Properties, LLC/Benderson Development Co., LLC (owner)

Good Time Pizza, LLC (applicant)

Business, Class A

Ms. Heather Lamendola spoke to the Commission about the proposal.

After discussion and review, Ms. Rebecca Livengood made a motion to approve the request with a negative SEQR declaration. Ms. Linda Henley seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

IX.  Authorizations

Ms. Rebecca Livengood made a motion to authorize those cases listed for Monday, March 11, 2013 meeting. Ms. Linda Henley seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

X.  Adjournment

Ms. Linda Henley made a motion to adjourn at 7:10 p.m. Ms. Rebecca Livengood seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.