Meeting Minutes

Metropolitan Utility Coordinating Council

March 26, 2008

ATTENDEES: See attached listing.



Treasurer’s Report for February 2008: (March not available at this time)

Payments / Purchases: Purchases made for the 2008 Home Show, Rulers for give a ways, booth rental including carpet and table and misc. extras.

OUCC Dues are still due. MUCC Dues invoices will be sent out. Jarrod has an updated list of paid members.


Damage Report:

The website is easy to access, so take a look. Shannon has asked that you please send your damage reports directly to her and she will input them into the website. This way Shannon can better track the damage reports. Also, if your agency doesn’t care for the way your damages are reported, please contact Stephanie Baxter (website owner).

Please make sure to send your damage reports to Shannon by the 20th of each month!


Fax: (541) 388-5269

Phone: (541) 388-5296

OUNC continues to sponsor a program to encourage participation for local Councils to submit monthly damage reports. OUNC is offering cash incentives monthly and quarterly to those Councils who report their damages to them. The incentive is up to $1200. We must have a minimum of five reports in order to qualify for these incentives.

These reports let us know how the damages are occurring and at what percentages. Please report your damages every month!

Each monthly report will now be attached to these minutes.

No report for March 2008



Standards Manual:

The Standards Manual has been voted for acceptance by the OUNC Board with some changes to the FAQ’s. ______


P&E Report (Publicity and Education):

CARD HOLDERS, CALENDARS AND COLOR CODE CARDS. Sheri Clark will check with Don Patterson on the Home Depot display.

HOME AND GARDEN SHOWS. 2009 Yard, Garden & Patio Show (February 2009). The P&E Committee will help pay for the booth costs for this show. Dawn will complete and submit the application.

811 CAMPAIGN: Beginning this month, the 811 campaign information will be displayed on the back of 30 TriMet buses in Portland and 2 in Salem for two months. P & E Committee is checking into more 811 bumper stickers, window clings and magnets, should have info back next week. Jarrod Morrison with PGE has bumper stickers available. Check with Anita for any “trinkets / trash” before our council purchases, some of these items we can get from her without purchasing.

DIG SAFELY: Anita is still waiting to hear back from Kerry on the denim shirts.

CALL BEFORE YOU DIG SIGNS: They are almost gone; we only have about a dozen left. Please contact Anita Floyd with Qwest (503-242-8290).




Locate Rodeo: June 6 & 7, Linfield College, McMinnville. Paul with Staking University in Chicago will hold the 8 hour seminar. So far we have 5 participants for the seminar and 2 competitors. We have 1000 brochures and 150 posters printed. We still need volunteers.

RAA hearing: No RAA’s for the month of March. Next hearing scheduled for April 22, 2008 with 5 cases on the docket.

In lieu of calling 911, the Non-Emergency Response phone numbers by County are:

Washington County 503) 629-0111

Multnomah County (503) 823-3333

Clackamas County (503) 655-8211

811 Campaign: Anita and Kim are working on getting the campaign spotlighted in the movie theaters during the “previews”.

Website: Take a look at the website!!! New information is getting posted regularly.

MUCC Golf Tournament: The 4th Annual Golf Tournament July 11, 2008 at Stonecreek Golf Course in Oregon City. We have 3 sponsors for the golf tournament. Looking for players and sponsors. Charity this year is Ronald McDonald House.

Call Before You Dig T-shirts: We just received 500 T-shirts. Short sleeve is $3.00 each and long sleeve is $4.00-$5.00 each with contractors’ logo. See Jamie Stencil.




The Board voted and approved to obtain a post office box for all correspondence for the council. The post office box will be located in the Portland area where we meet. Kim is securing location.

2009 Yard, Garden & Patio Show (February 2009) – Dawn will complete and submit the application. Cost is $675.00.

Yamhill & Mid Willamette Joint Contractors Breakfast is Wednesday April 2, 2008 at Spirit Mountain Casino. Kevin Hennasee with PUC is the keynote speaker.

Dig Safely Seminar – Spring 2009: Next spring there will be two locations in the Portland Metro area for the seminar. This fall there will be one in Albany at the fairgrounds.

Trevor Voris with Washington County referred to the county website for additional information on upcoming projects.

John Harris with Multnomah County has two projects out to bid now with another project in the works.

ODOT has reorganized the “Sunrise Corridor” project, as of this date the project is on hold.



Food to digest: As you can read there are several opportunities for all to volunteer and help spread the word of our Call before You Dig message. These are great opportunities to network and get to know each other better too. Take advantage of these opportunities and make new friends. If you are able, make yourself available to be on a committee or to volunteer on upcoming project(s) these next couple of years. This is what this Council is all about and how we strive to be excellent!



Oregon Oregon

Utility Utility

Notification Coordinating

Center Council

Check out these websites for information on the Oregon Dig Law, upcoming events and information on your local Council(s).

Also available: information on best practices at



Respectfully submitted by Marci Johnson.

The next meeting:

Location: Village Inn at 1621 N.E 10th Ave in Portland

Date: Wednesday, April 23, 2008 at 7:30am

The 2008 schedule is as follows:

(4th Wednesday of each month except December)

January 23rd February 27th March 26th April 23rd

May 28th June 25th July 23rd August 27th

September 24th October 22nd November 26th Dec - No meeting

2008 MUCC Executive Board


Jarrod Morrison
Portland General Electric
3700 SE 17th Ave
Portland, OR 97202
Office - 503-736-5505
Cell - 503-849-7043
Fax - 503-736-5500


Sheri Clark
NW Natural
220 NW Second Ave
Portland OR 97209
Office - 503-226-4211 Ext. 6745
Cell - 503-705-6825
Fax - 503-721-2504 (fax)


Marci Johnson
(503) 319-5520


Gary Hyatt

NW Natural

220 NW 2nd Ave, 3rd Floor

Portland OR 97209

Office - (503) 226-4211 ext 4320


Shannon Davis


100 NW Kearney Ave

Bend, OR 97701

Office - 541-388-5296

Fax - 541 388-5269


as of 07-03-07

1st choice Traffic Control, LLC / Locate Down Under
Locating, Inc.
Applied Professional Services
Multnomah County
Bones Construction, Inc.
North Sky Communications
City of Fairview
City of Gresham, OPS Center / ODOT
City of Hillsboro / Olympic Pipeline Company
City of Lake Oswego
City of Oregon City / PacifiCorp / Pacific Power
City of Tualatin / Port of Portland
Civil Works NW, Inc. / Portland General Electric
Clackamas County
Comcast / Qwest Communications
Dirt & Aggregate Interchange, Inc. / Robinson Bros Construction Inc.
Ditch Witch Northwest
Tri-State Construction
Excel Excavation, Inc. / Tualatin Valley Water District
Henkels & McCoy / Utility Vault
Integra Telecom / Washington County LUT
Williams Communications