Notice Paper
Monday 23 June 2014 at 7pm
Council Chamber, Stonnington City Centre,
(enter off Glenferrie Road, Malvern)
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We acknowledge that we are meeting on the traditional land of the Boonwurrung and Wurundjeri people and offer our respects to the elders past and present. We recognise and respect the cultural heritage of this land.
Almighty God, we humbly beseech you, to grant your blessing on this Council, direct and prosper its deliberations to the advancement of your glory, and the true welfare of the people of the City of Stonnington. Amen.
Council business is conducted in accordance with Part 4 Division 3 of the Meeting Procedure section of Council’s General Local Law 2008 (No 1). Some copies are available with the agenda or you can find a copy on Council’s website under local laws.
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Council Meeting
Notice Paper
Monday 23 June 2014
Order of Business and Index
a)Reading of the Reconciliation Statement and Prayer
c)Adoption and confirmation of minutes of previous meeting(s) in accordance with Section 63 of the Act and Clause 423 of General Local Law 2008 (No 1)
1.Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 2 June 2014...... 5
d)Disclosure by Councillors of any conflicts of interest in accordance with Section 79 of the Act[1]
e)Questions to Council from Members of the Public
f)Correspondence – (only if related to council business)
g)Questions to Council Officers from Councillors
h)Tabling of Petitions and Joint Letters
i)Notices of Motion
j)Reports of Special and Other Committees; - Assembly of Councillors
1.Reports of Committees: IMAP...... 7
k)Reports by Delegates
l)General Business
1.planning permit application 0936/13 - 78 wattletree road, armadale – construction of a dwelling on a lot less than 500 sqm in the residential 1 zone and a reduction in the car parking requirements 9
2.planning permit amendment 0049/10 - 24 hyslop parade, malvern east – secondary consent amendment application to the approved plans comprising changes to the landscaping and driveway 23
3.cranbourne-pakenham railway corridor upgrade...... 31
4.amendment c177 – environmentally sustainable development– local planning policy – consideration of recommendations of the panel and advisory committee and adoption of amendment 35
5.planning scheme amendments c199 & c201 - permanent heritage protection for 24 grange road, toorak - update 41
6.burke road glen iris level crossing removal - rail under...... 49
7.return of general revaluation 2014...... 53
8.council plan 2013-2017 year 1 - budget activities quarterly report, quarter 3...... 57
9.union street reserve - shade sails...... 59
10.aged care reform...... 63 street car park, south yarra – proposed permanent closure to through traffic .67
12.Replacement of South Yarra to St Kilda Water Main...... 73
13.Winter Arts Festival: Glow...... 79
14.Midsumma Festival support...... 83
15.Windsor Square - Public Art Proposal...... 89
m)Other General Business
n)Urgent Business
o)Confidential Business
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Adoption and Confirmation of Minutes Of Previous Meetings
23 June 2014
That the Council confirms the Minutes of the Council Meeting of the Stonnington City Council held on 2 June 2014 and Minutes of the Confidential Meeting of the Stonnington City Council held on 2 June 2014 as an accurate record of the proceedings.
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Reports of Special and Other Committees; -Assembly of Councillors
23 June 2014
j)Reports of Special and Other Committees; -Assembly of Councillors
1.Reports of Committees: IMAP
Civic Support Officer: Judy Hogan
Manager Governance & Corporate Support: Fabienne Thewlis
General Manager Corporate Services: Geoff Cockram
The Cities of Melbourne, Port Phillip, Stonnington, Yarra and Maribyrnong have set up the Inner Melbourne Action Plan Implementation Committee, pursuant to Section 86 of the Local Government Act 1989, to provide a coordinated decision making process to facilitate the implementation of the Inner Melbourne Action Plan (IMAP) as adopted by member Councils in December 2005.
The Committee held A meeting on Friday 28 February 2014. The minutes of the meeting are submitted to Council for confirmation.
Human Rights Consideration
This recommendation complies with the Victorian Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006.
1. / IMAP Minutes 28 February 2014 Attachment 1 of 1 / ExcludedRecommendation
That Council confirms the minutes of the Inner Melbourne Action Plan Implementation Committee (IMAP) meeting held on Friday 28 February 2014.
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General Business
23 June 2014
l)General Business
1planning permit application 0936/13 - 78 wattletree road, armadale – construction of a dwelling on a lot less than 500 sqm in the residential 1 zone and a reduction in the car parking requirements
Acting Statutory Planning Manager: Gareth Gale
General Manager Planning & Development: Stuart Draffin
For Council to consider a planning application for a new two storey dwelling over basement on a site less than 500 sqm in the Residential 1 Zone
Executive Summary
Applicant: / Craig TanWard: / South
Zone: / Residential 1
Overlay: / None
Date lodged: / 16/12/2013
Statutory days: / 68
Trigger for referral to Council: / Councillor Call Up
Number of objections: / 1
Consultative Meeting: / No
Officer Recommendation: / Issue a Notice of Decision to Grant a Planning Permit
The Proposal
The plans that form part of the basis of Council's consideration were prepared by Craig Tan Architects Pty Ltd. They are known as TP100, TP101, TP150, TP151, TP250, TP260, TP261, TP300, TP301, TP302, TP303, TP320, TP322, TP321, TP350, TP351, TP352, TP353, TP410, TP500, TP501, TP510. The plans are Council date stamped 15 April 2014. The development plans are accompanied by a landscape planning report prepared by Oculus which is Council date stamped 19 February 2014.
Key features of the proposal are:
Removal of the majority of existing dwelling (no permit required). A portion of the western boundary wall will be retained.
Construction of a two storey dwelling over a basement.
The basement features a wine cellar, studio, courtyard and a gym/storage area.
The ground floor features a living room, kitchen and dining room, study and associated amenities, and a car port accessed via the rear laneway which provides one on site car space. Open space is provided in the form of a garden and terrace to the north of the dwelling.
The first floor features three bedrooms and associated amenities.
The dwelling has a maximum height of RL 55.690 (6.52m above the street level).
The building has been designed in a contemporary manner. The proposed construction materials include pre-cast concrete, timber screens, timber hardwood decking, bronze plated steel fin panels, clear glazing and polycarbonate roof sheeting.
NB: it is unclear as to the proposed materials for the projecting north and south facing first floor elevations. The perspectives show this area as bronze steel coated steel fins, whereas the elevations seem to show timber hardwood screens (amongst other things).
This will be discussed in more detail later in the report.
It is further noted that revised plans were lodged on 15 April 2014. The revised plans removed a car space from the proposed garage, which now features a single space.
Site and Surrounds
The site is located on the south side of Wattletree Road. The site has the following significant characteristics:
The site is regular in shape and has a frontage of 7.93m, a depth of 38.96m, an overall area of 315sqm and a north-south orientation.
The land has a slight slope down towards the south.
The land is affected by the Residential 1 Zone and no overlays.
The land benefits from laneway access to the rear of the site.
The site is currently occupied by a single storey brick dwelling with a tiled roof. An existing carport is currently located along the rear of the site. The dwelling is constructed boundary-to-boundary in part, however is predominately sited along the western property boundary.
No. 80 Wattletree Road abuts the site to the east. The site is occupied by a double fronted weatherboard dwelling that is located between approximately 1.29 and 1.71m from the common property boundary. The dwelling features a two storey extension to its rear and a number of habitable room windows that are orientated towards the subject site. A garage is developed within the south western corner of the allotment.
No. 76 Wattletree Road abuts the site to the west. The site is occupied by a single storey brick dwelling with a hipped iron roof. The dwelling is situated approximately 1.486m and 1.467 from the common property boundary and features a number of habitable room windows orientated towards the subject site.
The unnamed laneway is located to the south of the site.
Previous Planning Applications
A search of Council records did not uncover any relevant history for the site.
The Title
The site is described as Lot 1 on Title Plan 688051E on Certificate of Title Volume 02290 Folio 842. The land is not impacted by any easements or covenants.
Planning Controls
The following controls/permit triggers are considerations for this application:
Clause 32.01- Residential 1 Zone
Pursuant to Clause 32.01-4, a permit is required to construct a dwelling on a lot less than 500sqm. Development must also meet the requirements of Clause 54.
There are no overlays covering this site.
Particular Provisions
Clause 54 – One Dwelling on a Lot
Clause 52.06 – Car Parking
Pursuant to Clause 52.06-3, a three bedroom dwelling requires two car spaces to be provided on-site. The proposal only features one on-site space, and as such a car parking waiver is required.
Proposed New Residential Zones
Following Council’s resolution on Monday 16 December, an amendment request was made to the Minister on 24 December 2013 to delete the existing Clause 32.01 (Residential 1 Zone) and introduce Clauses 32.07 (RGZ), 32.08 (GRZ) and 32.09 (NRZ). Council is still awaiting a response and the proposed zones are yet to be gazetted.
The subject land is located within the Residential Growth Zone – Residential Boulevards. This requires a mandatory maximum height of 12m.
Relevant Planning Policies
Clause 15.01 Urban Environment
Clause 15.02Sustainable Development
Clause 16.01 Residential Development
Clause 21.03 Vision
Clause 21.06Built Environment and Heritage
Clause 32.01Residential 1 Zone
Clause 52.06Car Parking
Clause 54One dwelling on a lot
Clause 65Decision Guidelines
The original application was advertised pursuant to Section 52 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 by sending notices to the owners and occupiers of adjoining land any by placing two signs on site. The public notification of the application was completed satisfactorily.
The site is located in South Ward and an objection from 1 property (80 Wattletree, Armadale). The objection raises the following concerns:
Double storey form to the rear of the site
Visual bulk
Design of the building and how it fits in the streetscape
Reduction in outlook due to visual bulk of building
A Consultative Meeting was not held for this application.
It is noted that formally revised plans were lodged on 14 April 2014. The key change as illustrated on these plans was the removal of a car space to ensure that the remaining space was easily accessed from the rear laneway. The loss of a single space was not considered to cause material detriment to any person. On this basis, the proposal was not re-advertised.
Infrastructure (comments provided in response to advertised plans)
The only concern from an Infrastructure perspective is that the floor levels are sitting low relative to the site.
Could you please place a condition stating that a report for the legal point of discharge must be obtained from Council and a drainage design for the development must be prepared by in accordance with that report prior to a building permit being issued.
Parks (comments provided in response to advertised plans)
I have inspected the submitted landscape concept and it is suitable for approval.
Transport (comments provided in response to advertised plans)
The parking provision meets the requirements of the Planning Scheme and is considered satisfactory.
The traffic impact of this development, considering the small number of parking spaces provided on site, is anticipated to be negligible.
The Planning Scheme states that parking bays in double garages are to be at least 6m long, and 5.5m wide. The dimensions of the proposed car spaces in the garage do not meet the requirements of the Planning Scheme for a garage, and instead appear to be proposed as individual spaces that are 4.9m long and 2.6m wide.
For these individual spaces proposed on site, the Australian Standards state that an apron width of 6.4m is required for a parking space that is 2.6m wide. As the R.O.W has a width of 3.1m these individual spaces cannot be provided on site as the required apron width cannot be provided so this will just be assessed as a double garage. The double garage proposed is 5.8m long which does not meet the requirements of the Planning Scheme.
The dimensions on the plans are very unclear so the applicant is to revise the plans to ensure that the necessary changes are provided and are clearly legible.
The dimensions show that the height between the floor and garage door is proposed at 2.4m. This exceeds the requirements of the Australian Standards. The applicant is to ensure that the minimum clear height of 2.2m is provided to the lowest point in the garage, including the door in the open position.
The Australian Standards state that the minimum width for a double garage door is 4.8m. The submitted material states that the width of the double garage door will be 7.9m.This exceeds the requirements of the Australian Standards and this can be considered satisfactory.
The applicant has provided swept path diagrams to demonstrate that ingress and egress is possible when accessing the garage from the Right of Way (R.O.W). The swept path diagrams the applicant has provided are not clearly defined on the plans and it is difficult to assess the plans due to this. The applicant is to revise the swept path diagrams to ensure they can be clearly seen on the plans.
The width of the R.O.W from the garage door to the fence on the south side is 3.1m. This is a concern as it suggests that the manoeuvre a vehicle has to make to enter, and in particular exit the garage, may be too tight due to this narrow width of the R.O.W. Vehicles are not to take more than one movement to enter and exit the garage, as this would impact the R.O.W function.
The plans submitted do not detail the proposed floor gradients of the entire parking area. The minimum gradient of the parking area shall be 1 in 100 (1.0%) for outdoor areas and 1 in 200 (0.5%) for covered areas to allow for adequate drainage as per AS 2890.1.
The revised plans that were submitted on 15 April 2014 were lodged in response to the ingress and egress concerns listed in the transport comments. The revised plans removed a car space which allows for additional maneuvering room. In this respect, the revised plans are considered to be satisfactory. It is noted that the change also results in a car parking dispensation being required. It is considered that an assessment on this aspect of the proposal can be made without a formal referral to Council’s Transport Department.
Strategic Justification
The State Planning Policy Framework encourages higher density development and a range of dwelling types in areas that are well serviced by established physical and social infrastructure. The proposal is generally consistent with these policies as the site is located in a residential area that is within proximity of the public transport links, community services and commercial outlets located along Wattletree and Glenferrie Road to the east.
At a local level, the subject site forms part of a Substantial Change Area due to its immediate abuttal to a main road which features a tramline. Due to these policy directions, it is envisaged that Wattletree Road will accommodate increased densities and more prominent built form over time.
The Local Planning Policy Framework also encourages development that does not undermine the valued character of the City of Stonnington. It seeks to ensure that development is consistent with the surrounding neighbourhood character, makes a positive contribution to the host streetscape, does not cause unreasonable amenity detriment to other properties and is of a high design quality. An assessment against these key policy requirements will be explored through the following Clause 54 Assessment.
Neighbourhood Character and Detailed Design
Wattletree Road is predominately characterised by detached single or double frontage brick and weatherboard dwelings. The dwellings are typically single storey in height; however there are examples of two and three storey infill medium density residential development to the west.
Development along the southern side of the street reserve has occurred at varied setbacks, and there are examples of built form extending deep into the property allotments. In terms of vegetation, the dwellings in the area typically feature landscaped areas within their front and rear setbacks.
The proposed two storey contemporary dwelling is considered to be significantly different in design and form compared to the older dwellings that abut the site. The proposal features a first floor that will be visually prominent as it cantilevers over the ground floor street setback. The proposal features contemporary construction materials such as precast concrete panels, bronze plated steel fin panels, polycarbonate roof sheeting and timber. A two storey building featuring these materials will be noticeable when viewed against the single storey weatherboard cottages that characterise the majority of the street.
The neighbourhood character objective (Standard A1) requires an assessment against the existing or preferred neighbourhood character. Whilst the predominant character of Wattletree Road is derived from older single storey development, the land is well located from a strategic perspective (insofar as its proximity to public transport, services and facilities) and is not encumbered by heritage or neighbourhood character overlay controls that provide more prescriptive design guidance. Consequently, it is expected that over time Wattletree Road will redevelop to feature higher densities commensurate with what state and local policies envisage and encourage in well serviced inner city areas. It is also expected that new development will introduce a wider variety of architectural styles into this urban area. On this basis is it considered the proposed scale and contemporary design of the building is consistent with the preferred neighbourhood character.
As noted above in the ‘proposal’ section, it is unclear as to the proposed materials for the front cantilevered façade. The perspectives seem to indicate bronze steel, whereas the elevations show timber.