REPORT TO: Social Affairs, Health & Housing Scrutiny Committee
REPORT OF: Head of Adult Social Care (Statutory Director of Social Services)
DATE: 14 December 2011
CONTACT OFFICER: Steve Williams, Ext 8019
SUBJECT: CSSIW ‘Annual Review and Evaluation of Performance 2010/11’ report.
To provide Members with information on the Care and Social Services Inspectorate Wales (CSSIW) ‘Annual Review and Evaluation of Performance 2010/11’ report.
2.1 The CSSIW introduced a new ‘Annual Review and Evaluation of Performance’ process in 2009/10, which led to an initial report being presented to SAHHSC in February 2011. The CSSIW has now produced their report for 2010/11, which includes information from the Statutory Director of Social Services ‘Annual Report’ as presented to the Executive Board in July 2011.
2.2 Both the Chief Inspector’s covering letter and the CSSIW ‘Annual Review and Evaluation of Performance 2010/11’ report for 2010/11 are attached as appendix A and B respectively for Members consideration and comment.
2.3 The Statutory Director of Social Services can confirm that the messages within the CSSIW report concur with those included within the Annual Report as presented to the Executive Board in July 2011.
2.4 The Statutory Director of Social Services can also confirm that the improvement actions detailed within the CSSIW report are being taken forward via the Departmental Business Plan as presented to the Executive Board in July 2011 (there are no notable exceptions) and also via Heads of Service Business Plans where they are more service specific. Some improvement actions are also being progressed via regional joint-working for example. Section 4.11 of this report provides more detail.
2.5 Quarter one and two performance reports to the Statutory Director of Social Services, indicated progress is being made against the CSSIW improvement priorities (there are no notable exceptions). Furthermore, a meeting with the CSSIW Regional Director, in November 2011, also noted that progress continues to be made in taking forward the required improvements.
3.1 That Members consider and comment on the CSSIW ‘Local Authority Social Services Inspection Evaluation and Review 2010/11’ report.
3.2 That Members note that the draft Director of Social Services Annual Report for 2011/12 is scheduled to be presented to SAHHSC in March 2012.
4.1 The CSSIW ‘Annual Review and Evaluation of Performance’ report was produced for the first time for the 2009/2010 period. The report draws from the following sources of information, amongst others:
§ Year-end performance indicator and data submissions to the Welsh Government;
§ CSSIW Inspections;
§ Quarterly meetings with senior Social Services officers, and;
§ The content of the Director of Social Services Annual Report.
4.2 The CSSIW report will be taken into account by the Wales Audit Office as part of their assessment of the performance of the Council as a whole.
4.3 The CSSIW report is also intended to inform the CSSIW annual Inspection Plan for each Local Authority.
4.4 The Statutory Director of Social Services, along with senior Social Services managers and CSSIW inspectors entered into dialogue to review the draft CSSIW report, to ensure that the final published report would present a reasonable and accurate picture of Social Services performance.
4.5 Members will also be aware of the statutory requirement on the Director of Social Services to produce an Annual Report on Social
Services Performance. The Annual Report for 2010/11, and the associated Business Plan for 2011/12, was presented to SAHHSC in March 2011 and June 2011 and to the Council’s Executive Board in July 2011.
Business Plans
4.6 Adult Social Care Business Plans operate essentially at two levels.
4.7 A Departmental Business Plan is produced each year, which is influenced by the Council Plan, Welsh Government policy, Welsh Audit Office recommendations and the Adult Social Care modernisation agenda. The Departmental Business Plan also draws from the CSSIW ‘Annual Review and Evaluation of Performance 2010/11’ report.
4.8 The Departmental Business Plan was presented to SAHHSC and the Executive Board at the same time as the Social Services ‘Annual Report’ was presented earlier this year.
4.9 Progress of the Departmental Business Plan is reported each quarter to the Statutory Director of Social Services and a half-year update is being presented to SAHHSC on the 14th December 2011.
4.10 To support the Departmental Business Plan, a series of Head of Service Business Plans are also produced to take forward improvements within that particular service area, such as older people services, or services to carers for example. The Head of Adult Services receives updates on these business plans each quarter.
CSSIW Improvement Actions
4.11 The following table provides details on how the improvement actions detailed within the CSSIW ‘Annual Review and Evaluation of Performance 2010/11’ report are being taken forward during 2011/12. The numbering is not intended to represent any order of priority.
CSSIW improvement area / Taken forward via1 / Evidence of effectiveness of sign posting and meeting of needs to support independence and future planning / Departmental Business Plan under ‘Personalisation’.
2 / Further development of the care coordinator role in learning disability services to support integrated service provision for service users. / Departmental Business Plan under ‘Personalisation’ - Citizen Directed Support (CDS) element.
3 / Further development of transition arrangements for children with disabilities accessing adult services / Via joint-working plans between Head of Services in Prevention and Social Care and Adult Social Care
4 / Further development of the council’s localisation objectives including community resources and engagement for individuals with a learning disability and a locality model for mental health. / Departmental Business Plan under ‘Localisation’.
5 / Further development and ongoing evaluation of housing and respite options for people with mental illness so they are able to remain socially included and avoid unnecessary hospital admissions / Head of Service Business Plan for Mental Health.
6 / Member training and engagement in the POVA agenda / Departmental Business Plan under ‘Safeguarding’ .
7 / Clarity of funding and integration model for reablement and intermediate care services. / Departmental Business Plan under ‘Integration’.
8 / Completion of a commissioning strategy for people with a learning disability and mental health / Head of Service Business Plan for Learning Disabilities.
9 / Clear strategy for the use of Citizen Directed Support to provide increased options for service users to exercise choice and control in choosing services that meet their needs / Departmental Business Plan under ‘Personalisation’ - Citizen Directed Support (CDS) element.
10 / Greater shared planning with other council departments and BCUHB / Via Transformation Programme and regional Director / Lead Member forums.
11 / Further development of RAISE to support performance management . / Departmental Business Plan under ‘Remove Reliance on Legacy CIS system’ and via the RAISE Project Board chaired by the Statutory Dire tor of Social Services.
12 / Analysis of complaints within a wider context to ensure more effective use is made of the available information to improve services. / Via presentation of an annual ‘complaint’ report to SAHHSC in March 2012 and via quarterly Head of Service performance workshops.
13 / Service planning with new BCUHB organisational structures. / Via regional working groups
14 / Further development of member engagement to maximise member contribution to the social care agenda. / Via all-Member workshops on budget planning and regional development work (such as the commissioning hub)
15 / Further engagement and joint working with other council departments. / Via the Transformation Programme.
16 / Scrutiny functions to provide greater focus and to further support the improvement agenda. / SAHHSC forward work programme.
There is an on-going programme of Equality Impact Assessments within each service area as required.
Any resource implications are contained within the budget plan for each service.
It is encouraging to note the positive comments made by CSSIW regarding Adult Social Care. It is important that the improvements identified by CSSIW are taken forward and Business Plans will continue to be closely scrutinised to ensure that this happens.
BACKGROUND PAPERS / LOCATION / WEBSITE INFO.Social Services Annual Report 2010/11 and Business Plan for 2011/12 / Internet /
Final Draft Social Services Annual Report 2010/11 and Business Plan for 2011/12: / Internet /
Draft Social Services Annual Report 2010/11 and Business Plan for 2011/12: / Internet /
Appendix A
Director of Social Services
Social Services Department
2nd floor
Crown Buildings
31 Chester Street
LL13 8ZE
31 October 2011
Dear Mr Figiel
Local Authority Social Services Inspection Evaluation and Review 2010-2011
CSSIW has now reviewed and analysed evidence from the 2010-2011 performance year. Please find attached the overall judgements concerning the evaluation of your local social services performance based on an approach that evidences the strengths and areas for development for your services.
We have taken account of all available sources of evidence including the arrangements for directors of social services to report annually on their performance and plans for improvement. We have also taken into account the views of other auditors and inspectors as well as our own regulatory and other work.
The performance of each council has been moderated to ensure a consistent, transparent and proportionate approach to the work. An independent moderator was commissioned this year to assist with this area of the process. All of the draft reports were sent to directors for factual accuracy checks as part of the established evaluation and review process. In light of your feedback, where appropriate, we have made the necessary amendments to the final report.
The outcome of the evaluation and review process will help to inform both the current national inspection plans to ensure that we use available national resources to best effect together with the local inspections for 2011-2012. I am aware that discussions are currently taking place between you, CSSIW regional directors and local authority inspectors about the mutually identified key areas for those local inspections.
As an agreed part of this process we will be happy to present our findings and inspection plans to your authority following your receipt of this report. I should be grateful if you would contact the local regional director so that together you can discuss a mutually convenient time for that meeting to take place.
By working together I believe that we have achieved a great deal this year in a challenging and changing environment. I know that working in partnership we can maintain our focus on delivering sustained social care improvements for the vulnerable members of your local communities.
Yours sincerely
Chief Inspector
AGGCC/CSSIWParc Cathays/Cathays Park
CF10 3NQ
Ffôn / Tel: 029 2082 3196
Ffacs / Fax: 029 2082 6912
Ebost / Email:
Appendix B
Local Authority Name: / Wrexham
This report sets out the key strengths and areas for development / improvement in Wrexham Social Services for the year 20010-11.
1. Summary of overall evaluation:
Wrexham CBC has been engaged in a programme of change in both adults and children’s services with a view to providing modernised sustainable services for local residents. In 2010/11 progress has been made in many of the development areas identified last year. However Children’s Services continue to experience some particular challenges. Whilst timely decision making in relation to referrals has shown significant improvement, initial assessments and re referral rates remain at an unacceptable level of performance. This is the second year that the need for improvement has been identified in these aspects of Children’s Services and whilst actions have been taken with the aim of improving performance, these have not yet had sufficient impact.
An inspection of the council’s arrangements for the assessment and care management of children in need is scheduled for winter 2011-12.
The council has shown a commitment to engaging service users, carers and citizens in service development and review. The council recognises that this is not being consistently demonstrated across all service areas and as a result, the development of a Stakeholder Participation and Involvement Strategy has been identified by the council as a priority for 2011/12 .The strategy’s main aim is to enable the council’s engagement activity to be coordinated and effectively managed so that the contributions made by residents are meaningful and sustainable. The development of commissioning strategies remains another priority development area.
2. The key strengths and areas for development / improvement identified in the review and analysis of evidence available about Wrexham County Borough Council Social Services are set out, by theme, below.
Getting help
Overall evaluation on this theme:
In common with other councils in Wales, Adults and Children’s Social Services in Wrexham have had to respond, to a challenging environment of increased demand for services within a national climate of economic restraint.
The council has continued to improve and expand people’s access to information.
The Wrexham County Borough Council website is easy to use and provides a range of information regarding the nature of services available to its residents.
Questionnaires circulated by the council found that 90% of respondents felt the information they needed was easy to acquire.
Nevertheless the council is aware of the need to develop its website further both in terms of information and accessibility. Plans are under consideration to make access to the website available to people who do not have internet access at home e.g. through the family information service in public libraries. In addition the council is also improving its published information in a variety of written formats to inform people of services available and encourage service take up.
Children’s services
In response to the improvement areas identified in last year’s annual report, the council have introduced some new initiatives and also further developed existing approaches. Examples include the further development of the Team around the Child (TAC) service model, the Integrated Family Support Service (IFSS) and the Wrap Around Care Service (WRAP). There has also been further development of the Multi agency planning (MAP) panel for access to integrated health and social care services for children with disabilities. The aim of these initiatives is to improve service access, promote timely assessment and support effective decision making,