

REPORT TO: / Executive Board
DATE: / 5 July 2011
LEAD MEMBER: / Mark Pritchard
(Housing and Planning)
LEAD OFFICER: / Head of Community Wellbeing and Development
CONTACT OFFICER: / Anna Irwin (Tel: 292531)
SUBJECT: / Local Planning Guidance Note 12: Shopfront Design and Security
WARD: / All


1.1 To seek adoption of the proposed Local Planning Guidance Note 12: Shopfront Design and Security.


2.1  This proposed supplementary planning guidance will be a material consideration in the determination of planning applications for the alteration and replacement of existing shopfronts and new retail and commercial developments.

2.2  The objective of the Local Planning Guidance note is to improve design standards, raising the quality of an area, enhancing its commercial attractiveness and encouraging investment through the application of design principles relating to new and existing shopfronts.

2.3  The guidance note has been prepared in consultation with local agents, architects, and other organisations such as the Wrexham Town Centre Forum and the Wrexham Chamber of Trade and Tourism.


3.1  That the Executive Board adopts the updated Local Planning Guidance Note 12: Shopfront Design and Security, attached at Appendix 2.


To provide guidance to applicants and agents on specific design issues relating to shopfront design and security and to improve the quality of the environment within commercial centres.

Lawrence Isted

Head of Community Wellbeing and Development


4.1  This local planning guidance note offers a framework within which creative designs for the repair or improvement of existing shopfronts, introduction of new shopfronts and associated signage and security measures can be developed.

4.2  This document supersedes existing Guidance Notes 12: Shopfronts and 18: Shopfronts and Security which were both adopted in October 1993. The draft guidance seeks to provide more detailed advice, not only on the replacement of existing shopfronts but on repair and maintenance, the design of both new and replacement shopfronts, shop signs, signage in Conservation Areas and on Listed Buildings and the appropriate installation of other features such as blinds, awnings and cash dispensers. Furthermore, the introduction of shop security measures cannot be designed in isolation but rather should be integrated into the overall shopfront design and for this reason it is proposed to merge existing guidance notes 12 and 18.

4.3 The objective of this note is to improve design standards, raising the quality of an area, enhancing its commercial attractiveness and encouraging investment through the application of design principles relating to new and existing shopfronts.

4.4 Local Planning Guidance Note 12, enclosed in Appendix 2, will also be made available as a bilingual and large text document and will in time be placed on the Council’s website.


5.1  Consultation was carried out during April and May 2011. This involved local agents and architects and other groups including the Wrexham Town Centre Forum, Wrexham Chamber of Trade and Tourism, Wrexham Area Civic Society and Wrexham Access Group. Additionally a press release was issued in the Town Centre Newsletter which is distributed to all businesses within the town centre. Other departments within the Council were also consulted.

5.2  Only two responses were received to the public consultation. The points raised by the consultation and recommended responses are summarised in Appendix 1.

5.3  The issue was referred to the Planning Committee on 4 July 2011. The Planning Committee’s recommendation will be reported orally to the Executive Board.


6.1  Not applicable.


7.1 Policy. Amplifies existing policy within the Wrexham Unitary Development Plan and provides guidance to applicants and agents on how to achieve a high standard of design. It is reflective of proposed policies within the emerging Local Development Plan and takes account of national guidance.

7.2 Budget. There are no budget requirements

7.3 Legal. There are no legal requirements

7.4 Staffing. There are no staffing requirements

7.5 Equalities. Promotes inclusive design and access. The aim of inclusive design and access is to ensure that developments take account of the needs of all potential users.




Comment from: / Comment / Local Authority Response
Lawray / 1. Document seems acceptable / 1. Noted
Wrexham Area Civic Society / 1.  The basics of good shopfront design and local requirements are scattered through this guidance although it might be better set out in a more systematic style with more detail on the principles of good design being highlighted and illustrated.
2.  A concerted effort to lift the standard of shop front design can only be achieved if Councillors are determined to refuse the poor and mediocre and inappropriate. Some shopfront approvals have not even followed current guidance for example the shop currently occupied by Peacocks. The guidance states that the shop front should preserve or enhance the character and appearance of the Conservation Area. It would be hard to argue that the full height and width glazed frontage complies with this requirement.
3.  The photographs should be annotated to make it clear what point is being made.
4.  It is important for the usage of upper floors that new shopfronts do not eliminate separate access doors unless alternative means are available and incorporate access where it does not currently exist.
5.  Good design in this context is about well considered form and function and an appreciation of the character of both an area and the host building. It remains to be seen if the format of this guidance will do anything to raise the quality of design above that secured under the existing guidance. / 1.  Agree. The document has been amended to place greater emphasis on good design through more clearly annotated examples.
2.  Noted.
3.  As above, the document has been amended to place greater emphasis on good design through more clearly annotated examples.
4.  Noted. Section 4 of the document has been amended accordingly.
5. Noted.