NNBHC Meeting

March 13, 2018

UNR Redfield Location Room 214

9:00 am – 10:30 am

Welcome and Introductions

Agenda item #1 Jason Thomsen (SOAR) – WellCare power point to be distributed by Jeanyne

Expand on housing? What has SOAR been able to do with regard to housing? SOAR has been able to get them set up to group homes (hensen family services), wait lists for various city apts, other lower income housing options. It is difficult for anyone in housing. They help with section 8 housing lists. Work with case managers in community to help with housing. SOAR does not take a cut of the SS money. Once you are SOAR certified, it is good forever. SOAR members on ACT teams make a huge difference. Jason will send next SOAR Training to Jeanyne to distribute. Katie Pace took online training and it took 7 weeks. Very informative with regards to social security requirements. Key that SOAR provides to SS is the Medical Summary report, helps SOAR person look for thing to highlight in SS. Even if you are not a SOAR rep, it is helpful for someone in your agency to know what SS is looking for when applying for benefits. Rob with VA homeless program, might come across a veteran who needs this service, how do we get ahold of SAOR? SOAR will come to VA or anywhere they are to help them. Jason to come to VA to give them info.

Agenda item #2 Suzanne Baillie – Human Behavioral Institute. Crisis Stabilization program – presentation to be distributed to Jeanyne to send out to the group.

If treatment is 10-4 for adolescents, what about school? School is notified and the classes are excused.

What about parent groups? Parents like to be engaged in the process.

Does child have to have completed a program for the parents to attend the support group? No, as long as they have insurance. NAMI basics is a great Segway course from this.

They use the CAFAS for both adolescents groups and little kids.

About 223 kids have gone through the program in 1.5 years.

Adult program is new. Different building – DBT, skills, goal setting.

Washoe County school district has had HBI come talk to their counseling staff and all absences are excused.


52 bed in patient unit for adults in Carson Tahoe

Mallory Crisis center at Carson Tahoe Behavioral Health does not keep kids, they get them set up with services for kids. Mallory Center is the 1st 24/7 crisis center in Nevada.

Washoe County Behavioral Health Policy Board met yesterday (Sandy and Char are on the board). All of the public seats were filled in the room. Behavioral Health problems do not discriminate and it will take all of us to set a solution. The concept through last legislative session 4 regional policy boards, each has a BDR for next session.

Karen Torrey Green (Beacon Healthcare) – Healthcare guidance program is closing. June 30, 2018. Possibly start up again next March. 3 issues #1 (staff) available for labor pool. #2 (clients) , 41,500 people, chronically ill complex., most are going to MCO’s but there are about 12K people that the State is going to take care of. #3 (Karen Torrey Green) wants to stay in Behavioral Health certified DBT Therapist. PhD in integrated healthcare management, she is also a peer with bi polar. She is looking for opportunities. or

Staff available is rural, Southern and Northern Nevada.

Dani with Ridge house – Ridge house has multiple position open, MFT’s Peer Support staff, LCSW’s, LADC’s. Multiple shifts available. Add on indeed.com (peer support specialist) – call Ridge house ask for Dani. Paid 12$ for shift work. 24 hour slots have different pay grade. Pay for casat peer training and peer certification.

Senator Hellorco-sponsored a bill STOP 2018 – bring funding authorize 75mill 2018 and 100 mill annually for next 10 years to help funding for school training with regard to violence.

Don Butterfield – Reno Behavioral Hospital open for business seeing patients on limited basis. 10 is current capacity based on current staff. Seeing adults in patient only, eventually will expand all ages in patient and out patient. Have 124 beds at full capacity. Open house will come – early to mid-April. Steve would like to come to future meeting to meet clinical team.

Family to Family course at VA starting April 12 6-830 every Tuesday evening for 12 weeks.

Next Agenda: Tuesday April 10 9:00 – 10:30 Location TBD

Gary Harrel HBI

Reno Behavioral Health Hospital

Esmeralda Chavez

Licensed Boards

Jake- MFT

Sandra- SW

Agata - LADC