I.Roll Call

A.Sovereigns of the Kingdoms.

1.HRM Reinhardt Von Konrad (Galandor)

2.HRM Dame Ehwaz Braggidotti (Galandor)

3.HRM Kelli McGregor (Ostgard)

4.HRM Sir Mathias of Glen Devon (Vega)

5.HRM Dame Daria (Vega)

B.Imperial Electors and Members of the Imperial Estates

1.Earl Sir Maxmillian Des Pegases

2.Contessa Dame Isabeau Des Pegases

3.Dame Emlyn Vigamor Enke Ulfgud

4.Contessa Dame Chimera the Cleric

5.Earl Sir Siegfried Von Lubeck,

6.Marquessa Dame Kyrie McKay

7.Viscount Sir Largo Eximas

8.Contessa Dame Damaris

9.Dame Ginevra Della Cascata

10.Countess Dame Beethag De La Glen

11.Lord Sir Otto de Bear

12.Duke Don Sir Michel de Pictramala

C.Members of the Board of Directors

1.Earl Sir Vladimir Tolos

2.Lady Dame Vladis Gydja

3.Dame Satiana

4.Lord Sir Paul de Marseilles

5.Lord Sir Ian Michael Pact


A.Announcement from President of the Board of Directors

III.Reports from Imperial Officers

A.Imperial Minister of Combat

B.Imperial Mistress of Arts

C.Imperial Mistress of Rolls

D.Imperial Exchequer

E.Imperial Sovereign of Arms

F.Imperial Web Minister

IV.Old Business

V.New Business

A.Motion to Adopt the Revised Legis Imperium [submitted by Earl Sir Vladimir

Tolos, Lord Sir Paul de Marseilles, and Baron Sir Sanguinius]

Please see Proposed Manual on the Imperial Website.

B.Motion to Adopt the Revised Imperial Manual of Ministry [submitted by

Baroness Dame Mina Vaughn]

Please see Proposed Manual on the Imperial Website.

C.Motion to Adopt the Revised Imperial Manual of Combat [submitted by

Viscountess Dame Mynwyn verch Gruffydd]

Please see Proposed Manual on the Imperial Website.

D.Motion to Adopt the Revised Imperial Manual of Arts [submitted by Barra

Dame Selene Ravenscar]

Please see Proposed Manual on the Imperial Website.

E.Motion to Adopt the Revised Imperial Exchequer Manual [submitted by

Dame Satianna]

Please see Proposed Manual on the Imperial Website.

E.Motion to Adopt the Revised Imperial Sovereign of Arms Manual [submitted

by Duke Don Sir Michel de Pictramala]

Please see Proposed Manual on the Imperial Website.

F.Proposals for Adoption by the Imperial Estates-General Policies

1.Have all Imperial Estates Meetings conducted telephonically.

Reasoning: The Empire has grown geographically over the last several years. With the rising costs of gas and travel, it has become extremely difficult and expensive for individuals to travel from one section of the country to another to attend the Imperial Estates Meeting. As was demonstrated in the Emergency Imperial Estates Meeting, a telephonic conference can allow all members of the Imperial Estates to participate in a meeting without the need for travel. The Emergency Estates meeting had almost 100% participation. In addition, substantial cost savings to the Empire can be realized by utilizing this technology since the Empire will not be required to reimburse individuals to travel. This technology can also allow for meetings of the Imperial Estates on less than a weeks notice.

This proposal is being submitted by Earl Sir Vladimir Tolos.

2.Have all memberships expire on a date certain in March, i.e. March 1.

Reasoning: The current requirement simply provides that membership expire in March. I have personally seen much confusion from many members of the Empire who are simply not sure when in March their membership expire. The first in March is an easy day to remember. It would also give the members of the Kingdom of Vega additional time to get their yearly membership in before their Crown War. I am willing to set the due date for any other day in March as long as we have a specific date.

This proposal is being submitted by Baroness Dame Mina Vaughn, KMn, KA.

3.Add a Place for members to input their membership numbers on the Official ECS Membership form.

Reasoning: This proposal is designed to make the job of an Imperial Rolls Officer as well as Kingdom Rolls/List Officers easier. We now have over 300 members within the Empire. Names and Addresses change over time for our individual members. The only unchanging variable in terms of identification is the membership number.

This proposal is being submitted by Baroness Dame Mina Vaughn, KMn, KA.

4.Add a place on the Official ECS Membership forms for minors under the Age of 18 to place their birthdays.

Reasoning: This proposal is designed to make the job of an Imperial Rolls Officer as well as the Kingdom Rolls/List Officers easier. This requirement would make it easier for Kingdom Rolls Officers to know when minors will and/or are required to pay for official membership. It would also make it easier to enforce the age requirements for combat.

This proposal is being submitted by Baroness Dame Mina Vaughn, KMn, KA.

5.Add "Legal Name Change" checkbox and a space for people to write his/her previous name in the "Check the Appropriate box" section of the Official ECS Membership Form.

Reasoning: I have found several instances of duplicate members in the Imperial database because of name changes. A place on the form to write any previous legal names would help streamline the process of keeping track of our members and prevent duplicative membership in the future.

This proposal is being submitted by Baroness Dame Mina Vaughn, KMn, KA.

6.Redrawing of the Map of the World

Action: To redraw the "map of the world" showing the Kingdoms' area of influence.

Reasoning: The old map is unavailable and could probably be updated anyway.

This proposal is being submitted by Lord Sir Lassidor Vandolini, KMn, KB.

7.Terra Norte's Requests for Monies

"Terra Norte does humbly request their portion of membership dues for 2005 and 2006 from the Imperial Estates. The money is needed to run our territory (operating costs) effectively and efficiently. If the proposal passes to make us our own Kingdom, this money will becomes extremely important as we will have additional costs such as publishing the Kingdom newsletter and additional events (Kingdom and Duchy)."

This proposal was submitted by Baroness Dame Ginevra della Cascata, Exchequer of Terra Norte.

7.To waive the membership requirements for the Territory of Terra Norte and declare them a Kingdom (or principality if that passes).

Reasoning: Terra Norte has been in existence for around 14 years (I think). They have at least 12 Knights. Two of which are K3. Their population has for the last several years been consistent with or greater than Ostgard's. They had one of the four counties ever to be in existence. The population requirements were waived for both Ostgard and Vega originally when they becomes principalities. This would the right and just course of action to take on their behalf.

The proposal is being submitted by Lord Sir Lassidor Vandolini, KMn, KB.

8.To add the following to the policies of the Imperial Estates:

"Since it is organizationally necessary to maintain the Kingdom of Galandor, the Sovereign of Galandor shall assume the following function. If none of the following officers (any BoD member, Imperial Exchequer or Imperial Rolls) physically reside in Tucson, AZ, the Sovereign shall, at least twice a month, empty the Imperial mailbox and forward it's contents on to the appropriate Officers. Forwarding cost shall be paid for by the Imperium.

Reasoning: If none of the appropriate Officers reside where the Imperial Mailbox is located then there needs to be a default person to maintain the mailbox and its contents.

This proposal is being submitted by Lord Sir Lassidor Vandolini, KMn, KB.

9.Preferential Treatment for Candidates for Imperial Exchequer

"In selecting the Imperial Exchequer, the highest preferential treatment shall be given to a candidate who physically resides in Tucson, AZ."

Reasoning: The Empire's bank is an Arizona bank and having the Exchequer reside where the P.O. Box is located will greatly aid in the operational business of the Empire.

This proposals is being submitted by Lord Sir Lassidor Vandolini, KMn, KB.

10.Change for all Imperial Manuals

All places where the word "Territory" is used, please specify if it is "Sovereign", "Subject" or both.

Reasoning: Too many times there is confusion for a Sovereign and/or a subject territory and if a particular rule applies to them.

This proposal is being submitted by Arbella Silverwind

G..Proposed Changes to the Legis Imperium Version 13.4.

The following are proposals for changes to the Legis Imperium Version 13.4:

1.Section IV Officers, E. Ministry of Arts and Sciences, 2. The Imperial

Minister of Arts shall set the minimum acceptable level for Masterworks.

Action: Delete in its Entirety

Reasoning: Imperial Minister of Arts is a ministry post and can be held by anyone. Allowing one person, who may not even have any knowledge of Art in question for a masterwork to make a decision on acceptability of a Arts Masterwork could be extremely detrimental to the Arts and Artisans of the Empire. This could allow one person to block others from their ability to obtain advancements in the Arts with no oversight nor appeal privileges. There are enough Artisans in the Empire to allow the Arts Peerage and chosen Arts judges to determine the suitability of a Masterwork.

This proposal was submitted by Dame Emlyn Vigamor Enke Ulfguld, Knight Doctor, Knight Minister, LOC.

2.Section IV-Officers, E. Ministry of Arts and Sciences, 3. Each territory shall have an Arts officer who shall a. be required to attend or by represented by a Warranted Deputy at all official Arts events"

Action: Item "a" to be replaced with "a. be required to attend or by represented by a Warranted Deputy or approval Arts Autocrat at all official Arts events. However, failure of the minister/deputy/autocrat to attend due to unforeseen circumstances or emergency does not cause the Arts to be non-sanctioned."

Reasoning: No event should be allowed to fail due to non-attendance by any one person. Current wording could be interpreted to mean that if the minister or deputy does not attend, the event is not valid. This is unfair to the populace. New wording would clarify that the requirement is on the minister and not the event and failure would only mean the minister is failing in his/her job and that the event is not in jeopardy.

This proposal was submitted by Dame Emlyn Vigamor Enke Ulfguld, Knight Doctor, Knight Minister, LOC.

3.Section IV Officers, E. Minister of Arts and Sciences, 3. (b)-"report Arts points to the Territorial Minister of Lists"

Action: Replace Item (b) with the following: "b. be required to review copy of Arts points for accuracy within thirty days after an Arts event and report any discrepancies to the appropriate official (territorial ruler and/or territorial Minister of Lists) for appropriate action to be taken."

Reasoning: To clarify the obligation of the Minister of Arts and Sciences is only to assure accuracy and not to take the responsibility for tallying and reporting points away from the autocrat of the Arts event. The autocrat of an event should have the responsibility for all points at his/her event and should maintain all points lists and turn all of them directly to the Minister of Lists together. Responsibility of the Minister of Arts and Sciences should be only to review for accuracy, similar to responsibility of Minister of Combat to review combat points and sovereign to review ministry points.

This proposal was submitted by Dame Emlyn Vigamor Enke Ulfguld, Knight Doctor, Knight Minister, LOC

4.Amend the following sections of the Legis Imperium as follows (Changes in Bold):

“V.B.4.a. Imperial Electors are granted this title by the Imperial Estates for service as the Sovereign Crown of a Kingdom for terms cumulative to 38 months or more.

V.C.3.a-Earl or Countesses-non landed title granted by the Kingdom Estates for reigning as a Sovereign Crown or Subject Crown for a period of 30 months.

V.C.4.b-Viscount or Viscountess-non-landed title granted by the Kingdom Estates for reigning as a Sovereign Crown or Subject Crown for a period of at least 18 months.

V.C.4.c-Court Baron or Baroness-non-landed title granted by the Kingdom Estates for reigning as a Sovereign Crown or Subject Crown for a minimum of 12 months, as a Duke or Duchess for 12 months, as a Marquis/Marquessa for 24 months or as voted by the Crown Estates.”

All current ranks are grand-fathered. Any current reigning monarchs shall choose whether or not to step down with the new or with the old system.

Reasoning: One of the problems faced by Estates is the large number of personal

votes as opposed to landed votes. This is especially true of Territorial and Kingdom Estates as every Kingdom is making in most cases 1 or 2 new personal votes every reign. I believe that by stretching out the time between earned step down titles, this will help alleviate this matter. I also personally believe that you should reign for longer than 1 year before getting a personal vote on the Estates.

This proposal is being submitted by Viscountess Dame Mynwyn verch Gruffydd, KMn.

5.Proposal: Children should be able to earn points towards Knighthood again. This provision was in L.I. 13 but has been taken out.

Reasoning: If our children are working at an event, they deserve the points attributed to that service. I believe that we are short changing our youth. If I go to an event and I work my rear end off, I expect the points for my service. Nothing says that these children will be able to attain Knighthood based on their points at thirteen since they would still have to pass a Peer Circle and a ministry project. In Arts, if they are going head to head with adults, they certainly should be given the points that they have earned.

Therefore, children should be allowed to earn points towards Knighthood at any age.

This proposal is being submitted by Lady Devyn Aine MacLochlainn.

6.Change in wording of Section IV Officers, Section G 1-C and G 2-A

To remove the wording Person Names from the description and duties of the Office of SoA."

Reasoning: The Empire does not registered names.

This proposal is being offered by Duke Sir Michel de Pietramala, Knight Premier, Knight Artisan.

7.Add the following to the Legis Imperium

"Any and all Courts must be called within 180 days of the incident in question. In the event of an ongoing issue, the Court must be called within 180 days of the first documented incident to be brought forth. Any actions prior to this Bylaw have 180 days from the date of passage to be brought forthwith to a Court."

Reasoning: Much as people have a right to a fair and speedy trial, they also have a right to fair and speedy charges. There are too many instances of people being threatened with Courts for incidents that happened more than a year ago. The purpose of the 6 month time line is because for us it is the equivalent of 90 days. We do not always see each other more than once a week at practice; therefore, there can be a time lag in information gathering.

This proposal is being submitted by Baroness Dame Ephiny, KMn.

8.Section IV, Officers E:2

Action: Remove the following from the L.I.

"The Imperial Mister of Arts shall set the minimum acceptable level for Masterworks."

Reasoning: This needs to be removed from the L.I. The Imperial Arts Minister may, at one time, be a Non Arts Knight.

This proposal is being submitted by Dame Selene Ravenscar, KC, LoC.

9.Change the Time Line for this Organization

“B: Purpose-The purpose of this nonprofit educational corporation is to study, and teach the general public, the ideals, history, and arts from the Year 800 to the Year 1650 A.D. specifically covering the geographic boundaries of Europe, and to provide an organized effort in the collection, interpretation and distribution of Historical data through publication and demonstration.”

Action: Change the time from of this Organization from 800 to 1750 A.D.

Reasoning: By adding 100 years at the end of the time period, many members can fit in at other Ren Faires. This change will also allow for those who have an increasing love of the pirate time period.

This proposal is being submitted by Dame Selene Ravenscar, KC, LoC.

10.Change Section V-B.8.b. to the following:

"b. A Board of Directors position must be the predominant position.

ii. Anyone holding multiple votes must forfeit all save the Board of Directors Position and vote for the duration of holding the Board office; unless

iii. If the BoD member is a co-ruler of a sovereign territory. Then the BoD member must vote as BoD and the co-ruler must exercise the sovereign's vote."

Reasoning: A Sovereign territory shouldn't be punished because a BoD member is elected as a co-ruler.

This proposal was submitted by Lord Sir Lassidor Vandolini, KMn, KB.

11Renumber Sections V-C.3 e and f by placing Marquis ahead of Counts.

Reasoning: A March is a geographical estate while a County is a Landed (populous) estate. This would provide better grouping and distinction between the two.

This proposal was submitted by Lord Sir Lassidor Vandolini, KMn, KB.