Minutes of the Meeting of BMW Committee No. 3 Held on 29.12.2010
The following officials attended the meeting:
- Dr. A.K.Ambasht, Member Secretary, DPCC --- In Chair
- Dr. A.K. Sikdar, Medical Superintendent, Aruna Asaf Ali Hospital --- Member
- Sh. D.K. Singh, Environmental Engineer(BMW), DPCC --- Member
- Sh. M.I. Siddiqui, AEE(BMW), DPCC --- Member
- Sh. K. Kumar, AEE(BMW), DPCC --- Member
The meeting of the BMW Committee No. 3 constituted for deciding Authorization under BMW Rules, was held on 29.12.2010. The recommendations of the BMW Committee No-3 agenda wise, are as follows:
- Recommendations w.r.t. Agenda No. 1 (63 cases of Health Care Establishments + 19 cases of Drug units) are at Annexure 1.
- Recommendations w.r.t. Agenda No. 2 (11 Cases of Health Care Establishments, in which inspections were carried out after the last meeting) are at Annexure 2.
- Recommendations w.r.t. Agenda No. 3 (Miscellaneous Cases of 35 Health Care Establishments) are at Annexure 3.
- Recommendations w.r.t. Agenda No. 4 (108 Cases of Renewal of Authorization under BMW Rules) are at Annexure 4. Committee recommended for grant of Authorization under BMW Rules, in cases where the Health Care Establishments (HCEs) have submitted affidavit & valid agreement with Common Bio-Medical Waste Treatment Facility (CBWTF) along with the application for authorization. In the cases where valid agreement with CBWTF has not been submitted by the Health Care Establishments, the Committee recommended for grant of authorization under BMW Rules however to be issued after getting valid agreement with CBWTF from HCEs.
- Recommendations w.r.t. Agenda No. 5 (38 Fresh Cases of Authorization under BMW Rules) are at Annexure 5. Committee recommended to grant authorization in all the fresh cases of authorization except in case of Astha Hospital at Badli, Delhi (S.No.15) & Dr Lal Path Lab at Sector – 18 Rohini, Delhi (S.No. 20) in which inspection was recommended. In these cases status w.r.t D.G. Set(s)(Acoustic Enclosure, Noise Monitoring Report) will be compiled after getting the compliance report from the HCEs and will be submitted in next meeting.
- Recommendations w.r.t. Agenda No. 6 (Cases of Health Care Establishments which have not applied for Renewal of Authorization under BMW Rules) are at Annexure 6.
Inspections were recommended in case of 30 Units at S. No.9, 10, 22, 24, 44, 45, 52, 56, 66, 67, 68, 71, 72, 74, 75, 76, 77, 80, 81 of Annexure 1, S. No.1 8 of Annexure 2, S. No. 4, 6, 13,16, 26, 27 & 34 of Annexure 3 S. No. 15 & 20 of Annexure 5.
Committee recommended to grant Authorizations under BMW Rules to 105 Units S. No. 2, 4, 6, 35 of Annexure 1, S. No. 1 to 7, 12, 15 to 17, 19 to 21, 24, 26 to 31, 33, 35, 38 to 43, 45, 47 to 51, 55, 58, 61, 62, 63,65, 66, 68,75,78, 79, 82, 84, 86, 88 to 93, 95, 96, 98 to 103, 106 to 108 of Annexure 4, 1 to 14, 16 to 19, 21 to 38 of Annexure 5.
Committee recommended to grant authorization however to be issued after getting valid agreement with CBWTF, to 37 units S. No. 8 to 11, 13, 14, 18, 22, 25, 32, 36, 37, 44, 53, 54, 56, 57, 59, 60, 67, 69 to 74, 76, 77, 80, 81, 83, 85, 87, 94, 97, 104 & 105 of Annexure 4.
The meeting ended with a vote of thanks to the Chair.
S.No / Name & Address of the unit / Applied on / Inspection Date / Brief Status / Remarks / Decision on 24-06-2010 / ATR / Recommendations of the Committee on 29.12.1064 / Best Laboratories, C-53, Phase-II, Okhla Industrial area, N Delhi-20 /
25.05.08 / 19.06.09. / Letter issued for valid Aggrementon 15.4.10, no Reply / Reminder asking for valid Agreement / Reminder letter on 12.08.10,valid Agreement received valid upto 18.04.11 / Letter for rectification of deficiencies w.r.t. BMW Mnanagement, seeking an Affidavit along with photographs.
65 / J. Mitra & Co. Ltd. A-180,, Okhla Industrial Area, N Delhi-20 / 24.06.08 / 24.06.09 / Letter issued for valid Aggrement,letter issued on 05.05.10.Agreement received valid upto 30.06.10 / Ask for an Affidavit in respect of compliance with BMW Rules. / Letter issued on 04.08.10, Affidavit in respect of compliance with BMW Rules & Agreement received valid upto 30.06.11 / Case to be put up in next meeting.
66 / Panacea biotech Ltd. A-224, PH-I,okhla Industrial Area,Delhi-20 / 03.11.10 / ---- / Letter issued for valid Aggrement on 21.04.10, received Agreement valid upto 30.05.10 / Inspection / Inspection not done,Valid agreement received valid upto 30.04.11, Renewal for Authorization under BMW received. / Expedite inspection
67 / Panacea biotech Ltd. B-1/E-12,Mohan Co-operative industrial Estate,New Delhi-44. / 13.11.07 / 20-10-10 / Letter issued for valid Aggrement on 21.04.10 received Agreement valid upto 30.05.10 / Inspection / Inspection done, NMR report and agreement valid upto 30.04.11 received. / Re-inspection
68 / Ambey Laboratories -D-10 DSIDC Industrial Complex Rohtak Road, Delhi-11004 / 15.11.08 / 19.06.09. / letter issued for fresh Aggrement on 21.04.10, submitted Agreement valid upto 30-04-2010 / Ask for an Affidavit in respect of compliance with BMW Rules. Defeciencies observed: 1) Total staff was not aware of BMW Rules. / Letter issued on 04.08.10, Affidavit received for the rectification of Deficiencies / Inspection
69 / MANB Health Care, Y-12 Okhla, Industrial Area Phase-II, N Delhi / Not Applied / 19.06.09. / letter issued to apply for Authorization on 15.04.10, No Reply / Reminder letter to be issued asking unit, to apply for Authorization / Reminder letter issued on 12.08.10, Letter return / Reminder letter seeking application for authorization under BMW Rules at new address i.e., Y-30, Phase -II, O.I.A Deldhi - 20
70 / Nav Bharat Impex,
24, lawrence Road, industrial Area,Delhi-110055 / Not Applied / 15.06.09. / letter issued to apply for Authorization on 21.04.10, no reply / Reminder asking unit, to apply for Authorization / Reminder letter issued on 05.08.10, Letter Received stating that unit is not generating BMW / Case to be put up in next meeting.
71 / R.P.L. (India) pharmaceuitcals (P) Ltd. D-8/6, Okhla Industrial Area Phase-I, New Delhi-20+B14 / 25.03.08 / 10.06.09 / letter issued for valid Aggrement on 15.04.10.Agreement received valid upto 30.09.10. / Letter for Rectification of Deficiencies , Defeciencies observed: 1) No isolated storage facility provided for BMW. 2) Records of BMW were not maintained. 3) Leak proof container not provided / Letter issued on 20.07.10,Affidavit received for rectification of Deficiencies with photographs / Inspection
72 / Unipex Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd. D-1651 DSIDC narela indl. Area Delhi-40 / 10.12.08 / ___ / letter to be issued Asking for valid Aggrement,Letter issued on 15.04.10, No Reply / Reminder letter to be issued asking for valid Agreement / Reminder letter issued on 05.08.10, Letter return, as per the postman remark the unit does not exit / Inspection
73 / Narm Pharmaceuticals 9611, Mayapuri Industrial Area, N Delhi-64 / Not Applied / 25.06.09. / letter to be issued asking unit, to apply for Authorization,Letter issued on 15.04.10, No Reply / Reminder asking unit, to apply for Authorization / Reminder letter issued, Letter returned back / Case to be put up in next meeting.
74 / J.K. Remedies 8/41, Kirti Nagar Industrial Area, N Delhi-15 / 17.09.08 / 25.06.09. / letter issued for valid Agreement on 15.04.10.Agreement Received valid upto 14.05.11 / Letter for Rectification of Deficiencies,Defeciencies observed: 1) No isolated storage facility provided for BMW. 2) DG set was found without Acoustic Enclosure,Alsostack height found inadequeate. 3) proper storage container were not provided for sharp waste. / Letter issued on 20.07.10, Letter received for rectification of Deficiencies / Inspection
75 / Tribhawan Injectables, 8/39, Kirti Nagar Industrial Area, N Delhi-15 / 01.09.08 / 25.06.09 / letter issued for valid Agreement on 15.04.10, Agreement received valid upto 14.05.11. / Letter for Rectification of Deficiencies, Defeciencies observed: 1) No isolated storage facility provided for BMW. 2) Records of BMW were not maintained. 3) No proper facility was provided for sharp waste management. / Letter issued on 20.07.10, Letter received for rectification of Deficiencies / Inspection
76 / Pine Pharma Pvt. Limited, 9/2, Okhla Industrial Area-I New Delhi / Applied for Renewal for Authorization on 18.06.2010 / 24.06.09. / letter issued for valid Aggrement on 5.05.10. / Letter for Rectification of Deficiencies, Defeciencies observed: 1) measures not taken for proper handling and disposal of BMW. 2) DG set was found without Acoustic Enclosure,Alsostack height found inadequeate. / Letter issued on 14.07.10 , letter for rectification of defeciencies & valid agreement received valid upto 31.05.11. / Inspection
77 / Aggarwal Pharmaceuticals, B-2644 DSIDC Narela Indl Area, Delhi-40 / Applied on 22.1.09 / ___ / letter issued for valid Aggrement on 21.04.10.Agreement received valid upto 31.01.11. / Letter for Rectification of Deficiencies, Defeciencies observed: 1) Containers are not marked with specified labels. 2) Records of BMW were not maintained. / Letter issued on 20.07.10, Affidavit received with photograph / Inspection
78 / Ralson renedies Pvt. Ltd. J-38, Udyog nagar rohtak road Delhi-41 / Not Applied / 19.06.09. / letter issued to apply for Authorization on 15.04.10, No Reply / Reminder letter to be issued asking unit, to apply for Authorization / Reminder letter issued on 12.08.10, Letter received stating not generating BMW / Case to be put up in next meeting.
79 / I.G. Homeo Remedies Pvt. Ltd. 316, FIE Parparganj Industrial Area Delhi-92 / 7.10.08 / 28.05.09 / letter issued for fresh Aggrement on 21.04.10,valid Agreement received valid upto 07.06.11 / Letter for Rectification of Deficiencies,Defeciencies observed: 1) No color coding and segregation was there. 2) Records of BMW were not maintained. 3) For hazardous waste no seprate bins were there. 4) Display board found display at main but they were not filled. / Letter issued on 20.07.10, letter return / Case to be put up in next meeting.
80 / TOSC International Pvt Ltd. (Pharmaceuticals division), H-1429, 1441, DSIDC Indl Area Narela Delhi-40 / Not Applied / 25-05-09 / Inspection done , Defeciencies observed: 1) Handling and disposal of BMW was not as per BMW Rules. 2) No isolated storage facility provided for BMW. 3) proper storage container were not provided for sharp waste. / Letter for rectification of deficiencies, Defeciencies observed: 1) Handling and disposal of BMW was not as per BMW Rules. 2) No isolated storage facility provided for BMW. 3) proper storage container were not provided for sharp waste. / Letter issued on 20.07.10, Affidavit received with photographs / Inspection
81 / RFCl limited,A-3,okhla industrial area,phase-I / 20-09-10 / 10-06-09 / Letter for rectification of deficiencies, Defeciencies observed: 1) proper storage container were not provided for waste.2) Staff not aware of BMWM & its Rules. / Letter issued on 04.08.10, Renewal for Authorisation received / Inspection
82 / Lord's Homeopathic Lab Pvt. Ltd, C-106/5 Naraina Indl. Area N Delhi / 13-12-10. / 16.06.09 / 16-06-09, deficiencies observed / letter to be issued asking unit, to apply for Authorization / Letter issued, Renewal for Authorisation received / Case to be put up in next meeting.
Sl. No. / Name of HCE / Address of HCE / Dist S. NO. / Authorization Status / Decision on 27-07-2010 / ATR / Recommendations of the Committee on 29.12.10
1 / Animal Care Centre (Dog Clinic) / 657/A, Main 100 Feet Road Chander lok, near Durga Puri Chowk Shahdhra Delhi / --- / Granted / Authorization Granted and inspection / Authorization issued and inspection not done as unit found closed at the time of inspection. / Re-inspection
2 / Varsha Imaging & Diagnostics / 11151, East Park Road, Karol Bagh, New Delhi-5 / --- / Granted / Authorization Granted and inspection / Authorization issued and inspection done , deficencies observed / Letter for rectification of deficiencies observed during inspection seeking Affidavit along with photographs
3 / Marie Stopes (Pariwar Sewa Sanstha) / 5439, Arya Samaj Road, Karol Bagh, New Delhi-5 / C-057 / Granted / Authorization Granted, letter for an Affidavit for DG Set status and inspection / Authorization letter has been issued, inspection done and deficiencies observed / Letter for rectification of deficiencies observed during inspection seeking Affidavit along with photographs
4 / Lal Pathlabs Diagnostic Centre / C-49, Main Vikas Marg, Preet Vihar, Delhi-92 / E-174 / Granted / Authorization Granted subject to submission of balance fees and inspection / Authorization letter has been issued, inspection done deficiencies has been observed / Letter for rectification of deficiencies observed during inspection seeking Affidavit along with photographs
5 / Parivar Sewa sansthan / X-41, Karkardooma Institutional Area, New Delhi - 110 051 / E-207 / Granted / Authorization Granted, letter for an Affidavit for DG Set status and inspection / Authorization letter has been issued, inspection done deficiencies has not been observed / No Action
6 / Diwan Chand Satyapal Aggarwal & X-Ray Clinic / 10-B, K.G Marg, New Delhi-1 / ND-009 / Granted / Authorization Granted, inspection / Authorization letter issued, inspection done, deficiencies observed / Letter for rectification of deficiencies observed during inspection seeking Affidavit along with photographs
7 / Vinod Nursing Home & Mat.centre / 287,D-14 Sector-3 Rohini , Delhi-85 / NW-258 / Granted / Authorization Granted, letter for an Affidavit for DG Set status and inspection / Authorization letter has been issued and inspection done, no deficiency observed / No Action