Agenda for the Governing Body Meeting

Due to meet on 24.09.15 at 19.00


Co Opted Governor (7): Sarby Johal, Sue Abraham (Staff), Rob Kirby, Sue Vos (VCh until 01.10.15), vacancy

LEA Governor (1): Geoff Warman (Ch until 01.10.16)

HT and Staff Governor (2): Mrs Amrit Bal-Richards (Head), Sara O’Shea

Parent Governor (2): Saira Shabbir, Elle Innaccone

Associate Member: Sara Harris

In attendance: Tracey Middleton (Clerk to Governors)

1 / Welcome:
2 / To receive apologies for absence and to consider approving any absences:
It is the decision of the governing body whether to approve an absence. This decision should be reached for all non-attending governors, whether or not they have sent apologies
Start the new term by asking governors to be considerate and where possible send apologies in advance, preferably to the clerk, Head, chair – governors can be alerted if the number fall below the quorate requirement (50% governors less vacancies)
“Failing to attend governing body meetings, without the consent of the governing body, for a continuous period of six months” is an automatic disqualification
3 / To receive notification of any conflict of interest from the agenda:
A reminder that one of the criteria within the annual SFVS (Schools Financial Value Standards) audit requires that if governors or anyone else present, has a conflict of interest on an agenda item(s) – pecuniary or other, they must declare it and voluntarily withdraw from the meeting for that item(s) and not take part in that discussion. It is for individual governors to declare a conflict and voluntarily withdraw and not for another governor to instruct withdrawal.
Minutes remain in draft until they are signed off at the next meeting and should therefore not be shared before signing off, nor the content discussed outside of the meeting. Governors have a duty to maintain confidentiality so clarifying this should be considered. Any persons with an interest in what discussions/decisions were had/made at governing body/committee meetings have the right to see the minutes from those meetings when they become public documents (once signed off), excluding ‘confidential items’ identified as Part II minutes (within the meaning of the Freedom of Information Act). Please note the governing body may exclude from public access (and include as Part II/confidential) any item which refers to:
a) a named person who works/will work at the school;
b) a named pupil, or future pupil;
c) any other matter that the governing body is satisfied should remain confidential
The Chair of Governors has added responsibility to maintain confidentiality as there may be occasions when the Headteacher has to bring a matter (e.g. safeguarding concern) to their attention.
4 / To consider notification of any items for AOB:
Governors are reminded that any items for AOB should be forwarded to the clerk, Chair and Head at least 3 days in advance where they will be considered. Only matters accepted by the Chair should be taken at the end of the meeting under - A reminder that an AOB item should only be used to consider matters that are deemed either important or urgent.
5 / To agree/confirm Term of Office and Elect Chair and Vice Chair:

6 / To agree minutes of the last meeting dated 07.07.15 (previously circulated)
7 / To consider matters arising from the last meeting’s minutes:
8 / Policies:
E-Safety and ICT Acceptable Use Policy and Child Protection Policy with Prevent Duty
9 / To complete the Register of Pecuniary/Business Interests, Governors Code of Conduct and ICT Acceptable User Policy:
10 / To confirm outcome of virtual attendance at meetings:
To agree the Governing Body’s annual programme of work and governor visits:
11 / To Agree Committee Terms of Reference:
12 / To review Committee Membership and Link Governors:
  • Link governors should include: Child Protection/Safeguarding, Children Looked After, Special Educational Needs, Governor Development Coordinator (GDC), Pupil Premium –
  • Is your Local Offer following the implementation of the SEND Code of Practice published on the website? See the article in ‘Hertfordshire Governor’ (link at bottom of agenda) for follow up action in terms of providing the link to your Local Offer on your website to the local authority
  • Under the Education Act 2002 the governing bodies of schools and other educational settings have a duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of their pupils. They are also required to work in partnership with other organisations to identify any concerns about vulnerable children and take action to address them. These duties apply to maintained and independent schools, including academies and free schools, as well as to further education colleges. Safeguarding should therefore be a regular topic of discussion for governing bodies, and as the umbrella of safeguarding comprises a variety of elements e.g. child protection, safer recruitment, safety, site safety and security, attendance, anti-bullying, behaviour management to name but a few. Governing bodies are advised to appoint a nominated safeguarding governor, who should link with the Designated Senior Person (DSP) for child protection and the headteacher and keep the governing body informed about safeguarding issues. When it comes to considering whether schools are identifying and responding appropriately to concerns about vulnerable children, neither the governing body
nor individual governors have a right of access to case details. This can make it difficult for governing bodies to know whether safeguarding procedures are being followed and whether the school is working effectively with partner agencies. To assist governing bodies with this, the nominated safeguarding governor should consider discussion of anonymised case studies with the DSP and/or headteacher. In much the same way that schools may provide case studies of vulnerable children for Ofsted inspectors during inspection, a similar process may assist governors in seeing whether concerns are being identified, reported and responded to in an appropriate and timely manner, and whether this is leading to children’s needs being met by the school and partner agencies. Any case study discussion should focus on the identified needs of the child, the intervention in response to those needs (this should include the school’s own actions but also those of other agencies) and the outcome and impact of the intervention. Governors should be aware of the local guidance and procedures for responding to concerns about vulnerable children
  • The Counter Terrorism and Security Act (2015) - See ‘Hertfordshire Governor’ for more details on this new statutory duty and information of WRAP training (Workshops to raise awareness of Prevent) being run by Herts for Learning in the autumn term. This training is FREE and highly recommended for staff and governors – bookings are limited to 2 staff and 2 governors – see ‘governor training’ tab in Hertfordshire Governor for more details, including how to book. We have not made any policy changes but inserted further information on Preventing Radicalisation to alert the sector to the Prevent Duty that came into force on the 1st July, Female Genital Mutilation, to alert the sector on the up and coming mandatory reporting duty on professionals to report known cases of FGM and further information on Children Missing Education that emphasises current responsibilities.
  • You can find the updated guidance at:

13 / To review Governing Body information:
  • A minute is required to confirm that the HfL database is accurate - this was emailed to all governors - Failure to inform a clerk of a change in address, email address, etc., will result in vital updates and opportunities such as consultations being missed
  • Have all governors completed a Pre appointment check – all new governors and re-elected governors must complete the form which is then recorded on the school’s central record
  • Chairs should note of imminent ends to terms of office - election of parent/staff governors can take time so giving fair warning to the Head when elections are due can assist greatly and enable early preparation. Equally, Foundation Governors will need to make contact with the Diocese/appointing body if they wish to continue, or resign
  • E-Safety advises that school based email addresses are used
  • School websites
(maintained schools) should meet statutory requirements to include new statutory duty from 1st September 2015 for each governor
Name, Category, Appointing body, Term of office, committee served, Detail positions of responsibility – e.g. Chair, Vice-Chair; Safeguarding governor, Relevant business interests including any other governor roles at other educational settings and any relationships between governors and members of the school staff (to include spouses, partners and relatives)
Is breakdown of the 2014/15 financial expenditure publicised on the website? An overview broken down into the various headings such as staffing; premises is sufficient. Ensure parents or stakeholders are aware this information is available. This can be highlighted in newsletters which should also signpost to where the information can be obtained – school office or website
Another financial statutory requirement is for details of Pupil Premium funding to be uploaded on the website with details of how much was received, how it has been spent and the impact on pupils’ progress. This must be published on the school website or available in hard copy if requested.
14 / Approve the Schedule of Financial Delegation
15 / Distribute SIP
16 / Chair's Business
17 / Any Other Business
18 / To agree Date of next meeting:
Full Governing Body Meetings
Monday 9th November 2015 at 19.00
Monday 18th January 2016 at 19.00 (Strategy Meeting)
Tuesday 1st March 2016 at 19.00
Tuesday 17th May 2016 Mainly Budget meeting at 19.00 External clerk
Tuesday 5th July 2016 at 19.00 External clerk
Hertfordshire Governors’ Annual Conference
Saturday, 14th November 2015
Theme: Change and Continuity in Governance
Confirmed speakers: Opening: Matthew Syed (BBC Journalist and Broadcaster)
Closing: Andrew Cook – Ofsted Regional Director – East of England
The autumn edition of Hertfordshire Governor is now accessible
log on at - scroll down to the foot of the page and under ‘Signpost’ select ‘Hertfordshire Governor – current issue’
The Hertfordshire Governors Handbook 2015/16 being sent to all schools/academies/free schools in September – please ensure you receive your copy.

Signed: …………………………………………………………….. Date: …………………………………………… Page 1 of 4