Agenda /

AGENDA for a Special Meeting of the ENVIRONMENT SCRUTINY COMMITTEE to be held in the Council Chamber, County Hall, Hertford on FRIDAY 16MAY2008 AT

10.00 A.M.


C L Berry, M Cowan, D J Drake, S B A Giles-Medhurst (Chairman), S E Jones,

J T Metcalf, M D R Muir, D A A Peek, S L Rackett, W A Storey, R A C Thake,

J W A Usher



The Council Chamber has an audio system to assist those with hearing impairment. Anyone who wishes to use this should contact Main (front) Reception.


Meetings of the Committee are open to the public (this includes the press) and attendance is welcomed.


To confirm the accuracy of the minutes of the meeting of the Environment Scrutiny Committee held on 4March2008(previously circulated).


In accordance with Standing Order [SC.3/4] three members have summoned a special meeting of the committee by notice in writing to the CountySecretary. The notice requests:

“In accordance with Standing Order SC.3 (4), we request that a special meeting of the Environment Scrutiny Committee be convened as soon as possible to consider:

To scrutinise the decision of the Waste Management Cabinet Panel of 4th March to recommend that:

Notice be given of the County Council's intention to close in October 2008 the Household Waste Recycling Centres Tringford Road, Tring and Wiggenhall Road, Watford;

That the Environment Scrutiny Committee receive a report fromthe Director of Environment on this proposal in particular addressing theissues raised at the Panel, namely:

a) the mapping of the potential effects on highways and carbonfootprint if residents used alternative sites;

b)whether there would be an increased risk of fly- tipping;

c) if the Watford site could be retained and enlarged and further more;

d) the effect of the closures on those living more than 5 miles by road from alternative sites;

e) how the five mile criteria "as the crow files" has been calculated and how it compares to actual road routes and usage

That the Scrutiny Committee also enable residents of Tring,who recently presented a petition to the Council, and those of Watfordand Three Rivers to air their views and that representatives from thelocal district, borough and parish council's also be invited to attend to provide their views.”

A Report from the Director of Environment will follow.

If you require a copy of any of the reports mentioned above or require further information about this agenda please contact Neil Terry, Democratic Services, County Secretary's Department, on telephone no. 01992 555413, fax 01992 555518 or e-mail

Agenda documents are also available on the internet at

080516 Env Agenda1