Agenda Band Boosters

Tuesday, 1/12/16

1)President – Michelle Bowers

2)Committee/Board Reports

a)Treasurer Report – Guy Hardin & Catherine Lawton

i)Finances are looking much better

b)Volunteer Hours – 3,230 as of 12/31/15; last year this time: over 5,000, due to MW Clinic, larger # hours for band camp.

i)Please submit volunteer hours on the form coming around that are OUTSIDE of sign up genius hours:


i)Cheese Daddy Spirit Night – Tuesday, Jan 19th: 15% of all sales that evening.

(1)Cheese Daddy is a gourmet grilled cheese and tomato soup

ii)March 19-20 is Gator Nationals parking, possibly concessions

(1)The weekend ACPS Spring Break starts

(2)5 am- 1pm – includes free admission

(3)Team meeting requires one person to be there

(a)That person will share with people volunteering

(4)Parking is $50 per day per person

(5)16 or older

(6)20 spots on Saturday and Sunday


(a)If someone backs out, we get a spot.

(i)Could be a 2 man soda station, to something else

(ii)10% of entire net sales after tax.

(8)Money may be used THIS year (2015-2016) only for:

(a)Commitment fee

(b)Survivor trip

iii)General Fundraiser for the band– April 2nd

(1)2nd annual Taste for Music

(2)Looking for sponsors

(3)Looking for donations toward the Silent Auction

(a)Sarah Freedman in charge of Silent Auction

3)Old Business

4)New Business


i)First rehearsal Wednesday 1/20

ii)Playing for Night of the Big Apple, Friday, Jan 29th

(1)Supports take stock in Children

(2)Play one piece

iii)Following week is the concert

b)Nominating Committee (1-3 people)

i)Email Michelle, or let Mr. Barat know if you are interested

ii)Connie Elgin has volunteered.

iii)Anyone can put their name forward

iv)Nominating committee cannot be someone on the board.

c)Next Parent Booster Meeting

i)Monday, March 14th

ii)Tuesday, April 12th

d)District 4 Solo & Ensemble

i)February 18-20

(1)18th is Jazz bands

(2)In Auditorium

ii)Concessions are being worked out

(1)Accepted donations of desserts from families

iii)Will need volunteers for Welcome table

iv)Students volunteer as runners after their individual solos/ensembles

(1)All shifts are eligible for community service hours

v)Aviance is also doing S/E

(1)Auxiliary events will be at FC if the basketball team makes the playoffs

e)District Concert MPA

i)March 4/5

ii)Held at Eastside HS

iii)WS hopefully Friday night ~ 8:30-9:00 pm

iv)Symphonic Band Saturday no later than noon on Saturday

v)Trying to work around a conflict with DECA that has a competition in Orlando that weekend

f)Taste for Music – April 2nd

i)Wyndham Gardens Hotel (former Paramount Plaza)

(1)Silent Auctions

(a)Please tap your friends, colleagues for donations

(b)Sarah Freedman has a letter for businesses for donations for tax purposes

(i) for questions/information

(2)Very different from last year

(3)Catered dinner by the hotel

(4)Full Bar- cash only

(5)Jazz Band will be providing Music,

(6)Savants of Soul after Jazz Band

(7)Will need volunteers to hang with Jazz Band kids

(8)Helps bridge the gap between Fair Share and what our financial needs are

(9)Please come! Invite friends!

(10)Buy a table of 8, each person gets a free drink

(11)There are corporate sponsorship opportunities





(13)Cost per person: $40

(14)School Board members are being invited

(15)Gary Langford has accepted the invitation to be there

5)Director’s Report – Shawn Barat

a)Keep an eye on the calendar

i)Awards night

ii)Drum Major auditions

iii)Last concerts

b)S/E practice is on the calendar

c)WS Sectionals will begin soon

d)Afterschool rehearsals also will be starting

e)VERY good chance that the district will move the calendar up

i)Projected that school will start 8/15/16

ii)Band camp = first week of August

(1)Tentative dates will be on the calendar – note question marks

(2)A week of band camp

(3)Two night practices during teacher pre-planning

(a)Rookies/drum line will be the week before

f)Graduation is NOW moved to Florida Field

i)Friday, June 10th

(1)If it rains, June 11th

ii)Stage in the S endzone

iii)Bleachers reserved for a band

iv)The band will be playing as the Golden Regiment, not as one large ensemble

(1)In black polos and black pants

g)Mini rookie camp/drum line the M-W first week after school gets out

i)8 a.m.-12 p.m. each day

h)Band Survivor Trip

i)Details will be forthcoming

ii)Majority of kids were on list after 1st nine weeks

iii)All financial obligations must be met – including Fair Share being paid

iv)Just a fun trip with friends

v)Mr. Barat will share details once things get ironed out

i)Meeting adjourned @ 8:00