Agency for Workforce Innovation
The Caldwell Building, MSC 150 · 107 East Madison Street · Tallahassee, Florida 32399-4129
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September 9, 2007
Page 2
Charlie Crist
Monesia T. Brown
DATE: (date)
TO: (RWB on-line complaint-system designated contact person)
FROM: Peter de Haan
Equal Opportunity Officer
SUBJECT: Log-on and Use of the Office for Civil Rights On-line Discrimination-Complaint System
The enclosed guide, On-line Discrimination-Complaint System - User Instructions, is designed to get you logged into and using our online discrimination-complaint system. This system is secure and password protected, and when you first log in you will be asked to choose a password.
All discrimination complaints and inquiries received on or after October 1, 2003, should be entered into the system.
If you forget your password, call the Office for Civil Rights (OCR). OCR will then contact the Application Support staff to get your access restored.
If you have any questions or problems getting started, contact the OCR at (850) 921-3201 or via e-mail at . Thanks!
Agency for Workforce Innovation / Office for Civil Rights
The Office for Civil Rights
On-line Discrimination-Complaint System
User Instructions
April 2004
Agency for Workforce Innovation / Office for Civil Rights
Table of Contents
Topic Page
Getting Started 1
Changing the Password 2
Opening an Existing Record 4
Entering a New Record 5
The Data-Entry Screen (upper portion) 6
Complainant Information 6
The Data-Entry Screen (lower portion): 7
Respondent Information Tab 7
Complaint Issues Tab 8
Complaint Basis/Grounds Tab 9
Disposition/Other Information Tab 10
Adding the Record to the Database 11
Updating or Deleting Records 12
Retrieving a Deleted Record 13
Printing a Report 14
Hiding a Column 17
“Unhiding” a Column 19
Exiting the Report 20
Exiting the Database from a Data-Entry Screen 21
Agency for Workforce Innovation / Office for Civil Rights
Note! If you have any questions or problems getting started, contact the OCR at (850) 921-3201 or via e-mail at .
Getting Started
In this example, we are using Region 1, and records that were created just for illustration. The information in the example is not real.
1. Go to
2. Enter your User ID. This is your workforce region number (1, 2, . . . .23, 24).
3. Enter your password. Your initial password is ______.
You will change your password on the next screen.
4. Select your Region from the drop-down box.
5. Click on “Login.”
Changing the Password
This must be done the first time a designated contact person uses the system.
- Click on “Change Password.” Do it now.
Changing the Password (continued)
- Enter your old password ______
- Enter a new password. It must be a minimum of 8 letters and/or numbers, and a maximum of 15. It is case sensitive.
- Confirm the new password. (Reenter the new password.)
- Click on “Save changes” to save the new password or “Cancel changes” to begin again.
- When finished, click on “Back to Main” to return to the Complainant List.
Opening an Existing Record
1. To open an existing record, click on “Edit” for that particular record.
Records are listed alphabetically, by the complainant’s last name.
Entering a New Record
- To enter a new complaint or inquiry, click on “Add New Record.”
Entering a New Record (continued)
The Data-Entry Screen (upper portion)
1. Enter the Complainant Information.
Note that the dates require two digits each for the month and day, and four digits for the year. There is a calendar next to each date box for use if desired.
Note the “Special Instructions and Cautions” box. It and the information that is shown above it will appear on every screen.
There may be times when information about a potential complaint is provided to the RWB but no written, signed complaint is filed. Noting information about the inquiry/allegation may be beneficial in the event that the same individual or another individual contacts the RWB about the same or a similar matter at a later date.
Entering a New Record (continued)
The Data-Entry Screen (lower portion)
Respondent Information Tab
Click on the “Respondent” tab to bring it to the front.
1. Enter the Respondent Information.
The “Respondent” is the firm or organization against whom the complaint is filed.
Entering a New Record (continued)
Complaint Issues Tab
The complaint issues are not the same as the complaint basis (or grounds). Issue relates to the activity or process, such as hiring, promotion, etc.; basis is race, color, sex, national origin, etc.
Click on the ”Complaint Issues” tab to bring it to the front.
There are separate sections for employee/employment-related issues and for participant/service-delivery issues.
Note the brief statement of the allegation.
Entering a New Record (continued)
Complaint Basis/Grounds Tab
Click on the “Complaint Basis” tab to bring it to the front.
In this particular example, age discrimination is alleged. Therefore, the complainant’s date of birth is entered.
Note that for allegations of discrimination on the basis of national origin, disability and religion, you are asked to provide additional information (“Specify:”). For example, respectively: “Haitian,” “HIV positive,” or “Hindu.”
Although sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination, it is shown separately.
Entering a New Record (continued)
Disposition/Other Information Tab
Click on the “Disposition/Other Info” tab to bring it to the front.
1. Enter the action taken (In this example, “Information forwarded to OCR, AWI”) and other pertinent information.
If you receive notice that a complaint has been filed with a federal or state agency, or with a court, enter that information, to include the case (or file) number.
When a case is closed or a complaint is dismissed, enter the date and pertinent information in the “Case Comments and Updates” section. For example: “No cause finding.” “Written reprimand issued.”
The date that information is forwarded to OCR, AWI will change as the record gets updated.
Adding the Record to the Database
1. To add this record to the database, click on “Add This Record.”
Caution! Closing the record without first saving (adding) the record will result in the information being lost.
· Clear Changes cancels the changes just made; that is, information that hasn’t been saved yet.
· Return to Complainant List takes you back to the Complainant List. Caution! First, save (add) the record. Returning to the complainant list without first adding the record will result in the information being lost.
Updating or Deleting Records
At the bottom of the screen are four buttons:
· Delete this Record removes the record from the database. Use it with caution!
· Update/Save Changes saves any changes made while the record is open. After entering all information, make certain you save it. Closing the record without saving the information first will result in the information being lost.
· Cancel changes cancels the changes just made; that is, information that hasn’t been saved yet.
· Return to Complainant List takes you back to the Complainant List. Caution! First, update/save the changes. Returning to the complainant list without first updating the record will result in any changes being lost.
Retrieving a Deleted Record
If a record is deleted by mistake:
1. Note the day and approximate time this occurred.
2. Contact the Office for Civil Rights immediately:
· at (850) 921-3201 or
· via e-mail at
to report the problem and to provide the requested information.
Contacting the OCR immediately makes recovering the deleted data easier for us.
Printing a Report
1. First, save your work!
- Then, click on the “Return to Complainant List” button.
Printing a Report (continued)
- Click on “Export to Excel.”
Printing a Report (continued)
The report screen
Remember: This information is confidential! See the guidance on confidentiality of information at
The report is set to print in portrait format. You may want to change it to landscape format.
To do this, go to the “File” menu and select “Page Setup.” Then, on the “Page” tab, select “Landscape.”
Note! It is unlikely that you will want to print every field: printing every field requires 18 pages of paper, in landscape format. See the recommendation about printing a report on the next page.
Printing a Report (continued)
A recommendation about printing a report
Hiding a Column (you don’t want to print)
- On the report screen, highlight the columns (fields) you don’t want to print. For example, “Salutation,” “Complainant MI, “ ”Address2,” “State,” “Zip Code,”
To highlight the columns, hold down the “Ctrl” key and click on the column letters. In this example, you would click on the “A,” “D,” “F,” “H,” and “I” while holding down the “Ctrl” key.
- Then, go to the “Format” menu and select “Column, Hide.”
continued on the next page
Printing a Report (continued)
Now when you print the report, information in the hidden columns (in this example, columns A,D, F, H and I) will not be printed.
Printing a Report (continued)
“Unhiding” a column
1. To “unhide” a column or a range of columns, highlight the columns on both sides of the column you want to “unhide.”
In the example below, we are “unhiding” column D, so we highlight columns C and E.
2. Then go to the “Format” menu and select “Column, Unhide”.
To “unhide” all hidden columns, click on the button indicated by the arrow. This will highlight the entire worksheet. Then go to “Format,” “Column, Unhide.” All columns should now be visible.
Note that database entries made with a checkmark, such as the complaint issue and complaint basis, show up on the spreadsheet as a “Y” (for “yes”) in the appropriate column.
Exiting the Report
To return to the database, click on the “Back” button.
To exit the database entirely, click on the “close” button (“X.”).
In either case, if you have made changes in the report, such as hiding columns, you will get the prompt about saving the changes. It is recommended that you choose “No,” to keep all fields as originally set up.
Exiting the Database from a Data-Entry Screen
1. First, save your work!
2. Then, click on “Return to Complainant List.”
3. Next, click on “Log Out.”
Exiting the Database from a Data-Entry Screen (continued)
4. Click on the “close” button (“X”).
That’s it!
Agency for Workforce Innovation / Office for Civil Rights