The Effective Advertiser Award Entry Form 2018
To celebrate clients who champion effectiveness. Open to clients who have
entered Effie cases within the last 3 years and can demonstrate a culture and commitment to advertising effectiveness. The entry can be for a client
organisation or a specific brand. The entry can be jointly submitted by the
advertiser and the agency/agencies.
Directions Appearing with each Question: must NOT to be deleted from the completed case; they serve as a guide for both entrants and judges. Complete entry form in - Type face: black font; 10pt minimum. All data must include a specific, verifiable source. Data without a source may result in entry disqualification. Answer every question or indicate “not applicable”. Any unanswered question will result in entry disqualification. / Entry Number:
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Entry Title:
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Executive Summary
An Executive Summary of no more than 100 words is required.
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1. Effie Cases (50 points)Provide a summary of the Effie cases entered over the last three years, and any other relevant awards in effectiveness over th same time period for the same advertiser or brand e.g. IPA Effectiveness Awards, Cannes, Spikes.
Marks will be attributed against two criteria:
-The market place achievements of the brand/entity as summarized;
-The quality of the awards achieved. Effies award one annual Grand Effie and Gold, Silver and Bronze.
Please insert here
2. Culture of Effectiveness (50 points)Describe how the client organization champions effectiveness internally and externally. Specifically:
-How does the client demonstrate a culture of marketing effectiveness within the organization and with external partners?
-How does effectiveness underpin the client’s strategic vision, organizational/brand performance and the role of marketing to achieve it?
-What training and development does the client entity have in place?
Please insert here
3. References.Provide three written individual endorsements from the advertiser’s marketing partners e.g. agencies, market researchers – ideally these will be from different companies. These references should each be no more than one page and can be additional to the main submission.
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ABN – 84 140 893 152
Signature for entry by Company Officers
We certify on behalf of:
______(Agency CEO) and ______(Client Company CEO or equivalent)
that the information submitted for the attached campaign is a true and accurate portrayal of the objectives and results of that campaign.
We also certify that the campaign has not been found in breach of any advertising or marketing codes or in breach of any law within the Australian jurisdiction.
We acknowledge that the case study of this campaign may be published by The Communications Council or with the authorisation of The Communications Council, but that we will have the opportunity to remove such information from that case study that we regard as market sensitive or confidential.
Signature of CEO Agency
Signature of CEO Client Company