JOB TITLE:Services Team Leader
JOB PURPOSE:To lead two service delivery teams; Day Care Services and Foot Care Services in the provision of high quality services for older people.
To support further developmentof these services across East Sussex.
ACCOUNTABLE TO: Health & Community Development Manager
LOCATION:Initially Lewes based, moving to Newhaven
Directly Responsible For:Lead Podiatrist,Foot Care Workers, Foot Care Service Administrator, Day Care Workers.
HOURS OF WORK:22 hours a week to be worked between Monday to Friday
CONTRACT:6 month fixed-term contract
- To train, co-ordinate, supervise and support a team of Foot Care Workers and Day CareWorkers to ensure the delivery of a high quality service.
- To widely promote the services to ensure that take up is maximised.
- To ensure that services meet required quality standards, contractual obligations, compliance with data protection and are delivered within budget.
- To support the recruitment, induction and supervision of volunteers.
Service Delivery
1.To proactively manage the team of Foot Care and Day CareWorkers, including the Foot Care Service Administratorby providing clear leadership, supervision, support, guidance and appraisals.
2.To ensure the smooth operation of the Foot Care and Day Care Service across the County.
3.To be responsible for planning and delivering non-vocational training, including induction training and safeguarding training across the services.
4.To ensure that the practice of the home visiting Foot Care Workers complies with Care Quality Commission requirements.
5.To ensure that Key Performance Indicators, including number of treatments per month and income targets are being met.
6.To ensure relevant foot care stock is being ordered.
7.To support the Day Club Organisers to undertake required administration, including record keeping, maintenance of data bases and use of up to date templates.
8.To monitor Day Club attendance levels and support the Day Club Organisers to promote and raise awareness of the clubs to potential clients, carers and agencies.
Service Expansion
9.To identify opportunities for expansion of the services across East Sussex.
10.To maintain existing relationships and to develop new and collaborative relationships with statutory, voluntary and independent bodies to ensure effective service promotion which will lead to new business.
11.To work with the Health & Community Development Manager, the Services Director and the Fundraising & Marketing Manager in marketing the service effectively.
Monitoring and Evaluation
12.To effectively use the Charitylog database as a management tool in producing monitoring and evaluation reports as and when requested by the Health & Community Development Manager.
13.To ensure that effective and regular processes for client feedback and engagement are in place, carried out, recorded, communicated and acted upon.
Quality processes
14.To ensure compliance withAge UK East Sussex’s quality standards, currently ISO 9001 and Age UK Organisational Standard.
15.To ensure that a continuous improvement approach is taken regarding both services.
16.To ensure that risk management plays a central role in the service’s operations and to ensure that effective risk management procedures are in place and regularly reviewed.
17.To be prepared on occasion to alter agreed weekly working arrangements in order to attend meetings and events and/or to cover other team members' sickness or annual leave.
18.To cross-promote all Age UK East Sussex services, products and commercial activities.
19.To participate in fundraising activities.
20.To work constructively with other staff members and teams across Age UK East Sussex and help to promote a positive and happy work environment.
21.To establish positive relationships with all Age UK East Sussex services and other service providers to facilitate effective development of joint working and partnerships.
22.To undertake any other duties as may reasonably be required by the Health & Community Development Manager and the Registered Care Manager.
23.To complete relevant training as agreed with management.
24.To be committed to own professional development.