Kendall Elementary PTA

After School Enrichment Program

Winter 2011

Kendall Elementary PTA is offering its students an after school enrichment program beginning

October 18, 2011. These programs are developed and supervised by staff members and are tuition based. Teachers have worked to develop fun, meaningful activities that will be held right here at school.

These classes will be held on Tuesday or Thursday from 3:45 to 4:30 p.m. Classes will be held once a week for five weeks unless otherwise noted. We require a minimum amount of students per class. The tuition cost, minimum amount of students required and course description are listed on the attached sheet. Classes with interest of more than the maximum allowedwill be allottedvia a lottery.

Please fill out the form below and send it to school in an envelope marked “After School Enrichment”. All checks should be made payable to “Kendall PTA”, cash will not be accepted. A separate check should be sent for each child and each class. A refund will be made in the event we cannot place the student in a class of his/her choice. Registration deadline is October 13, 2011. Confirmation of class registration will be sent via e-mail. If you do not receive an e-mail two days prior to the class start date, please contact Vicky Chow.

Parents must provide their own transportation from school to home at 4:30 p.m. Please remember supervision is not available after 4:30 p.m., therefore it is important to pick up your child on time. Students will be dismissed from the main front doors unless otherwise stated in your confirmation letter. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Vicky Chow at .

Student Name: ______Grade: ______Teacher: ______

Phone Number: ______E-mail: ______

Class Choice: ______Tuition: ______

Please indicate how your child will get home: ______

Kendall Elementary PTA

After School Enrichment Program

Winter 2011

Tuesday –10/18, 10/25, 11/1, 11/8, 11/15

Class: Science Magic

Teacher(s):Mrs. Breese/Mrs. Field

Grade(s):1 and 2


Class min: 10Class max: 15

Class Description: Follow the scientific method while performing “hands-on” experiments. Students will work in a small group to perform experiments involving air pressure, chemical reactions, surface tension and more! Be prepared to have lots of fun and get a little messy!


Teacher(s)Miss Sullivan

Grade(s)K, 1 and 2


Class min: 10Class max: 15

Class Description: Students will have the opportunity to explore the science of bubbles! We will learn how to make bubble solution, bubble wands and even a bubble inside a bubble!



Class:Kendall Yoga Club

Teacher(s):Holly Ramsdell

Grade(s)3 and 4


Class min. 10Class max: 15

Class Description: Kendall Yoga Club is the place where your child can experience yoga and its many benefits in a fun, engaging & developmentally appropriate environment.Students will playfully learn to balance their bodies through quiet and active poses, simple breath work, games, activities, relaxation and guided visualization.

Kendall Elementary PTA

After School Enrichment Program

Winter 2011

Thursday - 10/20, 10/27, 11/3, (no class on 11/10), 11/17

Class: Volleyball Club

Teacher(s):Mr. Popovich

Grade(s):4 and 5

Class min: 15Class max: 20


Class Description: Students will learn the basic fundamentals of volleyball. Set, forearm pass and serve (overhead/underhand) will be taught. Students will be introduced to game play and strategies for team volleyball.

Class:Kendall Crafters

Teacher(s):Mrs. Schmidt and Mrs. Cznernobil

Grade(s):3, 4 and 5

Class min: 15Class max: 20


Class Description: Students will create a variety of age-appropriate crafts.