Africa is capable of managing its own crunches


We had hope still we have that Africa-US summit is to develop equal partnership between the Africa Continent and USA and that should be the unbroken case. However we are witnessing that some activists and influential newspapers are coming out by pronouncing Washington to send a clear message to African leaders to behave and respect human right and limiting Africa leaders two term in office and the like, in principle the idea it doesn’t harm,nevertheless the point I would like to make and which is worrying us as an African,“Does Africa need a direction in the name of summit from United Stats of America in 21st century”? As the matter fact we have to send a signal that we Africans are capable of running our own business by our own means with our sub regional and regional organizational structures, which, we setup to lead us in Pan African democratization process, with this remark we have to send our united voice that no one is allowedto tell us what to do and not to do in our soil, because we are in the right direction to lead our nations with Pan African visions and principles, which assemblages for our continent.

Furthermore we shouldn’t be subjected to attend Africa-US summit to be told what to do and what not to do in Africa. Our political, business and civil society leaders are not to salute and to get instruction from Washington rather to consult and deal with our common agenda of US-Africa partnership with mutual respect. Africa is bettering itself on its own effort; of course we need genuine partnersto overcome some of our problems including our agricultural and industrialization reform and to accelerate our growth and transformation plan in a mutual benefit and respect.

With Corruption, Economy dependency and equal opportunity front

We do recognize that there are ill practices in our continent at different leadership and societal level, thoughthat does not mean we have to get direction from Washington, Brussels and Beijing how to manage our home. Fortunately our counterpart like China, they do not have preconditions for developmental engagement. Africa-China partnership happens in business terms and mutual respect, therefore USA and EU they have to learn a lot from Chinese way but not 100 %. Africa have to developed mid and long term plan to build our capacities and strengthen our institutions specially our regional organization Africa Union and other agencies, which can accelerate our development and prosperity to avoid the over dependency of developed nations like EU-USA and China.

We have to stand resolutely as African people and the leadership of Africa to have equal partnership not only with United State of America but also with other developmental partners to be united force to speak out our mind with one voice in crystal clear statement. We do understated that Africa need help to get out of vicious circle of poverty, ignorance, lack of infrastructure and so on, nevertheless Africa one of the world’s fastest-growing economies in the world, and a rapidly rising middle-class,this is an attractive point not only for USA but also for developed world to engage in partnership. The emphasis of U.S. relations with Africa should shift decisively to investment opportunities and equal partnership, and that we start saying viva America.

Economic Embargo against Africa and African states front

I asked this question for myself and for other compatriots “when would Africa besanction other countries and continent by their wrongdoing”? Begin a poor is a crime at individual, country and as continent level. Because everyone would like to give you a lesson 101 for development and how to respect human right, When I watch some of the video realised of this summit, some of our leaders they were presenting themselves as a good student or in other way as a loyal friend to the America public and government, which they are not for their own people. Such act it makes us seek and underdog our long struggle of against any supremacy at any form, thus we advise our leaders to act with any economic and political power with high pride equal partnership whatever our situation maybe, since you are not representing yourselves rather the people of Africa.

To strengthen my questions thoroughly, American leadershipthey where telling us to be tolerant and to respect our deference at home. However Americans themselves is not living up to their promise or values. Let us mentions some few examples they are punishing with economic embargo and travel sanctions’ against Africans and African leaders whoever adjourn from their principles that is a proven fact.Let’s us take some particular example in this Africa-US summit, even theydeny inviting those who are not willing to get a direction and twist their arms by Washington such us Zimbabwe, Sudan and Eritrean Presidents for that matter we all know that they are not obedient to Washington, whatever they stand maybe.

Poverty alleviation front

America’s achievements resonate by Africans no matter our alterations is, we do recognize that its born from hard work and innovation, we share this human value with due respect. Our argument is Africa have a capability to restore its dignity with its concerned and capable citizens’ and the leadership of this continent. Shaping up our leadership is up to us like you did. First and for most we have to underline that African poverty is man made, by any standard Africa is better off to feed its citizens’ and furthermore we have more that sufficient resources that can feed the humanity. Today Africa and Africans shouldn’t look at all AID and Charity rather equal partnership. In this summit what is missing or what didn’t heard is there are a number good story to tell to the world, Africa is a beginning of civilization and human species and Africa deserve to get a return support to uplift from man made misery. We in Africa we won’t to see American wheatbag anymore rather we would like see agricultural machineries, finance and expertise, which make us more productivity.

Infrastructure development front

Africa is moving forward in its feet planning and developing basic infrastructure that is highway, telecom and electricity with high priority this will give leverage for young African people a big employment opportunities. Africa Union with NEPAD initiatives is moving forward and achieves a lot to meet some of our demand even if there is a lot to be done. Such business opportunity is a good to demonstrate for USA, EU and China to develop partnership in business terms as well to put their footprint in the continent of Africa. Though we witnessed that Africa is more becoming dependent on China funding for its infrastructure development, which is not advisable to be one handed and a summit like Africa-US should change this trend and EU, USA and Japan they have to jump in in this untapped opportunity.

The question should be what could the United States do to help Africa to achieve its infrastructure development? I think they have an opportunityto engage and provide, finance, technology and expertise to Africa infrastructure development. Currently in Africa is planning with a great vision to develop road infrastructure from Cap town-Cairo from Djibouti-Dakar, and interlinking each neighboring countries as well the continent at large. With the same effort we are working to make up to standard our ICT infrastructure, which is caching fast, even if there are bottlenecks here and there.Our education system is getting better; our young populations areengaged in developmental innovations to mitigate our challenges.

Finally my thoughts will be windup with this remark, The United States, of course, enjoys a special place in ourheart of Africans than any other continent in the world. Because of our interlinked history over centuries and most importantly even our beloved son of first generation African America leading USA. That it makes us closer with USA we can learn a lot in the front of economic empowerment and opportunity built on a platform of democracy, human rights and religious tolerance.

[*]Associated with Africa Speaks