Kentucky Department of Education

Munis Guide

Payroll – ACA Dependent Import

Updated: 1/20/2016

Affordable care act (ACA) - Munis Dependent Import

*Disclaimer: In the following documentation, dates, screen captures and data are not necessarily reflective of the current year. Settings will vary by district.

Kentucky Department of Education

Munis Guide

Payroll – ACA Dependent Import

Updated: 1/20/2016


Beginning on January 1, 2015 large employers are required to offer full-time employees an opportunity to enroll in an employer sponsored health plan that provides ‘minimum essential coverage’ as defined by the IRS. Employers are required to report coverage as required under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Applicable large employers (generally those with 50 or more full-time equivalent employees on average during the prior calendar year) will satisfy their reporting requirements by filing Form 1094-C (a transmittal to the IRS) and Form 1095-C (a statement to employees).Included in the reporting are any dependents covered by the employee’s plan. This document covers the process to import the dependents from a file supplied by the Kentucky Department of Employee Insurance into Munis for IRS reporting.

ACA Dependent File

Each district will receive an import file that will be saved to the spool directory. The file will be named 20xxACADEP###-000#.txt where xx is the year and ### is the district’s KHRIS number and # is the file iteration.

Employee Dependent Import

Human Resources/Payroll►Human Resources►Benefits Administration►Employee Dependents

  1. Before importing any dependent records users should select Find and search on all records to determine if your district has any existing dependent records. Any existing records will not interfere with the import however if coverage dates are included on the existing records it may cause issues with 1095 reporting.
  2. SelectImport.
  3. Select Define.
  • Option #1: On the Import File enter 20xxACADEP###-0001.txt where xx is the year and ### is the district’s KHRIS employer number.
  • Option #2: Alternately, users may choose to download the file from the saved reports directory using the File Transfer program and during the import process select the downloaded file by selecting. Skip step 4 if you choose to download the file using the File Transfer program.
  1. On the Import File Path enter or copy the following where #### is the district Munis customer number:


Note: If you copy and paste the file path, please double check there is no blank space at the beginning of the Import File Path field. A blank space will cause the program to close during the Output-Post process.

  1. Select ACA DEP– Dependent Import for ACAfrom the drop down box for the Form.
  1. Enter a comma (,) for the Delimiter.
  2. For the Update Option, select “Always Add As New Dependents” from the drop down menu when importing dependents for the first time.

  1. Select Output-Post and select to Display or Save the report.
  1. After reviewing the report select Yes to import the dependent records.

Import Errors

During the import process users may receive an Input File Errors notice.

  1. Select Yes and Display or Print the report.
  2. In this example the error report that follows states that no employee with SSN (Field Data) 123-99-9999 exists in the district’s Munis system however this is the SSN on file with KHRIS. Either Munis or KHRIS has the wrong SSN number on file. Users will need to research to determine the valid SSN and if needed add the dependent manually. Users can download the file and review the dependents names for more information.

In this example, lines 1, 2, and 3 are referenced in the error report below. Using a text editor, users can search for the invalid SSN in the file or look up by line number. An example of a text editor is Notepad which is a standard Windows program or Notepad++ which is a free Notepad replacement. Please contact your IT department before choosing to install.

Error report:

An example of a file supplied by DEI is seen below.

The file is laid out in the following format:

Employee SSN, Dependent Last Name, Dependent First Name, Dependent SSN, Dependent DOB, Coverage Start Date, Coverage End Date

  1. After determining what caused the error and corrections are made, users can manually Addthe dependent record to the Employee Dependent program.Under no circumstances should users import the file again unless you have reviewed all records and update any record that containsSSN 999-99-9999. More information on this process is found in the next step.

Review Dependent Records - CRUCIAL

  1. Select Find and find for any dependent with a SSN of 999-99-9999 by entering 999-99-9999 in the SSN field as seen in the following screen shot.

  1. The IRS requires that all dependents have a valid SSN number reported and if not available the Date of Birth should be supplied in its place. Print a report showing all the dependents who do not have a valid social security number. The IRS requires that effort be made by the employer to contact the employee to request the SSN. The SSN should be updated in the KHRIS system and within the Employee Dependent record in Munis.

Update all records that have a 999-99-9999 SSN with either a valid SSN or delete the 999-99-999 SSN field from the record and save.