Curriculum Vitae
Personal Information
Name: ZHONG, Funing
Sex: Male
Birth date: May 17, 1951
Affiliation: College of Economics & Trade, Nanjing Agricultural University
Position: Professor and Dean
Telephone: (025) 4395735 (office)
(025) 3313000 (home)
Fax: (025) 4395649
1986-1989, University of Manitoba, Canada, Ph.D.(in Ag. Econ.)
1983-1986, University of Manitoba, M.Sc.(in Ag. Econ.)
1978-1982, Nanjing Agricultural University, B.Sc.(in Ag. Econ.)
1984-89, Research Assistant, University of Manitoba, Canada;
1989-90, Lecturer, College of Economics and Trade, Nanjing Agricultural University;
1990-92, Associated Professor, Head of Trade Economics Department, College of Economics and Trade, Nanjing Agricultural University;
1992-present, Professor, College of Economics and Trade, Nanjing Agricultural University;
1995-1999, Vice Dean, College of Economics and Trade, Nanjing Agricultural University;
1999-present, Dean, College of Economics and Trade, Nanjing Agricultural University.
Membership in Academic Organizations
International Association of Agricultural Economists, since 1991;
Asian Society of Agricultural Economists, since 1993;
Chinese Society of Agricultural Economics, member of Academic Committee since 1992; deputy director and director of Youth Committee since 1995 and 1999, respectively; Board member and Standing Member of the Board since 1999, vice president since 2003;
China Society of Foreign Agricultural Economy, Board member since 1992;
Jiangsu Society of Foreign Economics and Trade, Board member since 1990;
Jiangsu Society of Agricultural Economics, Standing Member of the Board since 1996, Vice President since 2000;
Jiangsu Macro-economics Society, Standing Member of the Board since 1997;
Jiangsu Society of Quantitative Economics and Management Science, Vice President since 1998;
Education Advisory Committee to the Ministry of Agriculture, member and Chairman of the Agricultural Economics Discipline Sub-committee since 1997;
National Association of Deans/Department Heads in the Discipline of Agricultural Economics and Management in Higher Education, Chairman since 1997;
Ministry of Agriculture Soft Science Committee, member since 1999;
Jiangsu Academic Degree Committee, member of Management Science Discipline Sub-committee since 1997;
Nanjing Association of Social Sciences, Standing Member of the Board since 1999;
Disciplinary Appraisal Committee of the State Council Academic Commission, member and Chairman of Agricultural and Forestry Economics and Management sub-committee since 2003;
Academic Committee of the Center for Agricultural Modernization and Rural Development, Zhejiang University, member and guest professor since 2003;
Consultant to the FAO, 1994;
Consultant to the World Bank, 1995;
Consultant to IFPRI since 1998 and Research Associate of IFPRI since 2002
Editorial Advisory Committee of Agricultural Economics, member since 2003.
Major Publications (in English)
- Carter, C. and F. Zhong. China's Grain Production and Trade. Boulder and London: Westview Press, 1988.
- Carter, C. and F. Zhong. “Regional Comparative Advantage in Chinese Agriculture,” in Longworth(ed.) China's Rural Development Miracle. Queensland University Press, 1989.
- Tyrchniewicz, E., F. Zhong, and D. Honeyman. “Developing Transport and Infrastructure Facilities for Chinese Agriculture,” Ibid.
- Carter, C. and F. Zhong. “China's Past and Future Role in the Grain Trade”, in Economic Development and Cultural Change, Vol. 39, No. 4 (July 1991): 791-814.
- Carter, C. and F. Zhong. “Will Market Prices Enhance Chinese Agriculture? A Test of Regional Comparative Advantage,” Western Journal of Agricultural Economics Vol. 16, No. 2 (December 1991): 417-426.
- Zhong, F. “Agricultural Trade and Structural Adjustment in Chinese Agriculture,” in Rae (ed.) Pacific Rim Agriculture. Massey University Press, 1993.
- Zhong, F. “Guiding Price as a Measure of Marketing Extension,” in Hoe (ed.) Agricultural Trade Reform and The Future of Asian Agriculture and Agribusiness. Seoul: Asian Society of Agricultural Economists, 1994.
- Zhong, F. “An Assessment of Environmental Policies and Policy Implementation in China,” in Kenzo Hemmi and John Cool (ed.) Educating New Environmental Leadership for Asia, published by the Winrock International Institute for Agricultural Development, 1995.
- Carter, C., F. Zhong and F. Cai. China's Ongoing Agricultural Reform, published by the 1990 Institute, San Francisco, 1996.
- Carter, C. and F. Zhong. “Rural Wheat Consumption in China,” American Journal of Agricultural Economics, August 1999.
- Colby, H., F. Zhong and M. Giordano: “A Review of China’s Meat Production Statistics: New Estimates and Implications for Trade,” in Agriculture in China and OECD Countries:Past Policies and Future Challenges. Paris: Center for Co-operation with Non-Members, OECD,1999.
- Zhong, F., Z. Xu and L. Fu. “An Alternative Approach to Measure Regional Comparative Advantage in China's Grain Sector,” in China's Agriculture in the International Trading System. Paris: OECD, 2001.
- Zhong, F., Z. Xu and L. Fu “An Alternative Approach to Measure Regional Comparative Advantage in China’s Grain Sector”,in The Integrated Land and Water Resources Management in the Coast Areas, China. Beijing: China Environmental Press, 2001.
- Fang, Cheng, Francis Tuan and Funing Zhong. “How Might China Protect Its Agricultural Sector?” in China’s Food and Agriculture: Issues for the 21st Century, USDA/ERS Agriculture Information Bulletin Number 775, April 2002.
- Zhong, Funing and Zhigang Xu. “Regional Comparative Advantage in Chinese Grain Production,” Asia Pacific School of Economics and Management Working Papers 02-8, Asia Pacific Press at the Australian National University (ISSN 1441-9866, ISBN 073137440), 2002.
- Zhong, Funing. “Key Issues for Freer Agricultural Trade from the Perspective of Developing Countries,” Asia Pacific School of Economics and Management Working Papers 03-2, Asia Pacific Press at the Australian National University (ISSN 1447-9486), 2003.
- Zhong F., Marchant, M.A., Ding, Y., and Lu, K. (2003). GM foods: A Nanjing case study of Chinese consumers' awareness and potential attitudes. AgBioForum, 5(4), 136-144. Available on the World Wide Web:
- “The Political Economy of China’s Grain Marketing System”, in Chen, C. and C. Findlay (eds) China’s Domestic Grain Marketing Reform and Integration. Canberra: Asia Pacific Press, 2004, pp. 25-54.
- “Regional Comparative Advantage in Grain Production in China”, Ibid, pp. 149-163. (Zhong, Funing and Zhigang Xu)
- “The Impact of Market Integration on China’s Food Security”, Ibid, pp. 250-257. (Zhong, Funing and Jing Zhu).
- “Restructuring China’s Rural Economy”,in Tso and He (ed) DARE TO DREAM: VISION OF 2050 AGRICULTURE IN CHINA,China Agricultural University Press 2004年6月,Pp 147-156。
- “China’s Agricultural Policy: Past, Recent Development and Future Alternatives”,in Tso and He (ed) DARE TO DREAM: VISION OF 2050 AGRICULTURE IN CHINA,China Agricultural University Press 2004年6月,Pp 147-156。(Francis Tuan, Funing Zhong and Bingsheng Ke)
- “China’s Agriculture in 2050: Perspectives of the Youth”,in Tso and He (ed) DARE TO DREAM: VISION OF 2050 AGRICULTURE IN CHINA,China Agricultural University Press 2004年6月,Pp 377-379。
- “Diversification and Sustainable Development in Chinese Agriculture”,Chinese Journal of Population, Resource and Environment,2004, Volume 2 No. 3, pp. 45-49。(Funing Zhong and Jing Zhu)
Paper Presented at International Conferences
- “Agricultural Trade Between the Taiwan Straight,” the 21st IAAE Conference, August 1991, Tokyo, Japan;
- “Agricultural Trade and Structural Adjustment in Chinese Agriculture,” PECC Symposium on Agriculture, May 1992, Hawaii, USA;
- “Guiding Price as a Measure of Market Extension”, the 1st ASAE Conference, August 1993, Seoul, Korea;
- “Rural Wheat Consumption in China,” AAAE annual meeting, August 1995, Indianapolis, USA;
- “Food Security and Market Reform,” PECC Food and Agriculture Forum, September 1995, Beijing, China;
- “Chinese Agricultural Supply and Demand Towards the 21st Century,” invited paper to the 2nd ASAE Conference, Bali, Indonesia, August 1996;
- “Will China Increase Imports of Feed Grains?” WCC Workshop, Hawaii, Jan., 1998 and IFPRI Policy Seminar Series, Jan., 1998;
- “Regional Comparative Advantage in China’sMain Grain Crops,” International Workshop on Chinese Grain Market Policy, Beijing, May 2000;
- “Implication of Grain Policy on Agricultural Restructuring in China,” International Workshop on Chinese Grain Market Policy, Beijing, May 2000;
- “Regional Comparative Advantage in China's Grain Production: Implications for Policy Reform,” OECD-China Workshop on China’s Integration into International Trading System: Issues for, and Impacts on, Agriculture, Paris, November 2000;
- “Impact of Market Integration on China's Food Security,” Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society Annual Conference, Adelaide, January 2001;
- “An Alternative Approach to Measure Regional Comparative Advantage in China's Grain Sector,” Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society Annual Conference, Adelaide, January 2001;
- “China's Accession to the WTO: Its Impact on Chinese Agricultural Sector,” European Institute for Asian Studies, Brussels, May, 2001;
- “WTO: Key Issues for Freer Agricultural Trade--Developing Country perspectives,” Pre-conference Workshop, Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society Annual Conference, Canberra, February 2002;
- “China's Accession to the WTO: Its Impact on Chinese Agriculture and Rural Economy,”plenary session, Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society Annual Conference, Canberra, February 2002;
- “China's Accession to WTO: Impact and Policy Alternatives,” WCC Annual Workshop, Washington D.C., April 2002.
- “The Contribution of Diversification to China’s Rural Development: Implications of Reform for the Growth of rural Economy,” JNU-IFPRI Workshop on “The Dragon and the Elephant: A Comparative Study of Economic and Agricultural Reform in China and India,” New Delhi, India, March 2003;
- “Safety Issues and Potential development of GM Food--A Case Study of Chinese Consumers’ Awareness and Attitude,” Northeast Asian Economics and Business Conference, Cheju, Korea, August 2003;
- “Rural Diversification in Developing Countries: Lessens from India and China,” CAAS-IFPRI Workshop on “The Dragon and the Elephant: Agricultural and Rural Reform in China and India,” Beijing, China, November 2003.
Research Projects
- Supply-Demand Balance in Agricultural Market and Market Structure, Organization, Regulation, and Policy, Sponsored by the State Education Commission, 1992-95;
- Mid- and Long Term Projection on Rice Demand and Supply and its Policy Implications, Sponsored by IRRI and IFPRI, 1992-96;
- Approaches in Developing Sea Beach Land in Northern Jiangsu Province, sponsored by Winrock, 1993-96;
- Optimizing the Operation of the State Grain Reserve System, sponsored by the China National Natural Science Foundation, 1993-96;
- Perfecting the State Grain Reserve System, sponsored by the Soft Science Committee, Ministry of Agriculture, 1994;
- Impact of Financial Decentralization on Rural Development, sponsored by the World Bank, 1994-98;
- Follow-up Research of the Impact of Reforming Financial System on Agriculture and Rural Economy, sponsored by the Soft Science Committee, Ministry of Agriculture, 1995;
- Jiangsu Regional Agricultural Policy Analysis Model, collaborated with Giessen University, Germany, 1995-99;
- Managing Laborers and Immigrants from Underdeveloped to Developed Rural Areas, sponsored by the China National Natural Science Foundation, 1997-99;
- Changing Structure of Rural Economy in Nanjing and the Economic Policy Environment, sponsored by the Science and Technology Commission of Nanjing Municipal Government, 1998-99;
- Domestic Resource Cost and Comparative Advantage of Major Chinese Grains, sponsored by the Soft Science Committee, Ministry of Agriculture, 1999;
- Chinese Grain Market Policy with Special Emphasis on the Domestic Grain Trade, sponsored by ACIAR, 1999-2001;
- Assessing the Potential for US Cotton Exports to China, collaborated with FAPRI, ISU, 1999-2001;
- Policy Study of the Impacts of Economic Globalization on China’s Food Security, sponsored by the Soft Science Committee, Ministry of Agriculture, 2000;
- Study of the Functional Positioning of and Structural Optimization in Economic Development in Nanjing Suburbs and Subordinated Counties, sponsored by the Science and Technology Commission of the Nanjing Municipal Government;
- Policy Analysis System of Regional Comparative Advantage and Structuring Adjustment in Chinese Agriculture, sponsored by the China National Natural Science Foundation, 2001-2003;
- An Alternative Approach to Enhance Food Security in China: Globalization and Market-oriented Reform, sponsored by the US-China Scholarly Exchange Committee, 2001-2003;