/ Chess Association of Western Australia (Inc.)
Affiliated member of the Australian Chess Federation Incorporated
Minutes of CAWA Council Meeting held on Sunday, October 4th, 2009 at 3 Pilot Road, Huntingdale.
The President opened the meeting at 3.15pm and welcomed all present.
1.Present: Haydn Barber (President);
Jack South (Senior Vice President),
Mike McGregor (WebMaster and Newsletter Editor);
Marc Vlietstra (Councillor).
It was noted that a quorum was not present and that decisions taken at this meeting would need to
be ratified at a later meeting.
2.Apologies:Dennis Holland, Natalie Thomas, Michael Horstmann, Dr Paddy Ramanathan.
3.Minutes of June 14th, 2009:
Motion: To accept the Minutes of the CAWA Council Meeting of June 14th, 2009.
Moved:Mike McGregor , Seconded: Haydn Barber. Motion carried.
4. Business arising from Minutes of June 14th, 2009
There was no payment for the DOP of the WA Closed Championship.
5.Confirmation of decisions made since February 22nd, 2009
Motion: That the CAWA Council approve the following decisions made since theCAWA Council
Meeting of February 22nd, 2009:
1)Decision to run a WA Qualifying alongside the WA Closed Championship,with the
winner qualifying to play in the 2010 WA Closed Championship.
2)Decision to include a small advertisement for quality Chess sets, made by Jock
MacNaughton, on our website in return for a small percentage of any sales
3) Decision to run a Novice tournament at ApplecrossHigh School on September5th.
4)Decision that the CAWA would support the establishment of a Chess Club at Curtin
University, perhapsby providing a few analog clocks.
5) Decision to buy a copy of MYOB from Laura Byrne, at an approximate cost of $280.
6) Decision to accept Chris Cuellar’s offer to coordinate the CAWA Christmas function.
7) Decision to set an upper limit of $450 for expenditure on food at the CAWA
Christmas function.
8) Decision to renew our Liabilty Insurance, at a cost of $437.
Moved:Jack South, Seconded:Mike McGregor Motion carried
- Treasurers Report:
A detailed Treasurer’s report was not available for the meeting, due to continuing problems with
our system.
Mike McGregor presented $25 cash, being the CAWA commission on a large Chess set
that he had purchased from Jock McNaughton.
Mike McGregoragreed to pay the website hosting costs ($119.40) and will subsequently be seeking
arefund from the CAWA.
7. Membership Officer’s Report
Currently, we have 89 Senior Members and 113 Junior Members.
8. Junior Tournament Coordinator’s Report
A brief report was presented on recent Junior tournaments.
9. General Business
1) Stephen Pearson requested permission to use a hand held device to record moves at future Junior
tournaments. The Council agreed, so long as they did not create a disturbance.
3) CAWA Council Meeting - the time and place of the next CAWA Council Meeting is yet to be
Meeting closed: 5.05pm
Minutes confirmed by: