Date: October 11, 2015

Affectionate greetings to you! We hope this hour spent in worship will make a

healing, empowering difference in your life and in the lives of those about you, as part of your witness to our Lord’s great love. Stay for fellowship hour so we may know you better.

Greeting you this morning are Alan and Bonnie Dumas. Ushers are Rebecca

Masters and Wally Cook.

Sanctuary flowers are by the Clarence Jansen family in loving memory of

Nancy, wife and mother.

Nursery Care for toddlers and infants is available in Room 7 and is provided

by Jen Meyer, an experienced caregiver. If you feel your child could be a disruption to the worship experience, please take advantage of this option.

Deacon of the month isKathleen Musialkiewicz. Contact Kathleen at 845-

430-1054 if you are in need of a deacon’s assistance.

Reach out to those who need your support in their day to day needs: Gordon

Kent in Ten Broeck; FriedelBorst; Andrew Holbrook; Don Hornbeck (Barbara Hornbeck’s father); Dolores McGoldrick in Ferncliff; Esther Keator; Florence Prehn at Hudson Valley Senior Residence; Lori Pinkham in Wingate at Ulster.

Activities this week:

Sunday:Women’s Ministry

Monday:Consistory, 7:00 pm

Tuesday: Balance for Life, 11:00 am

Tuesday:Bible Study, 7:00 pm

Wednesday:Bible Study, 7:30 am

Thursday:Choir Practice, 7:30 pm

Join us in Schadewald Hall after worship for fellowship. Refreshments are

provided by Nikki Boice in celebration of her children’s baptisms. Your baking talents are urgently needed!!!! Please sign up for refreshments for fellowship hour. Contact Hal Hauck.

Today we celebrate the Sacrament of Baptism for three young people.

They are: BraisonBoice and Camila Boice, children of Nikki Boice and Daniel Wood, and Jezmain Rachel Hubbard, daughter of Jessica Prentice and Roumaine Hubbard.

We also welcome Paul S. Vonderheide into membership of Hurley Reformed

Church by letter of transfer from Fair Street Reformed Church.

Save the Date: Fall Clean Up Day, October 24, 2015. There are lots of

projects; something for everyone to do. More information to come. See Dennis Croswell.

A Hurley Reformed Church Tradition: Tickets for the Election Day turkey dinner

will go on salethis Sunday(10/11) after church. Price will be $14 adults and $ 7 children (under 12) for pre event, $ 15/$8 at the door.

Sign ups for volunteers for Election Day Turkey Dinner - needpublicity, kitchen help, dining room servers, pie cutters, set up and clean up crews

Sign up to bake or provide pumpkin pies.

Operation Christmas Child is now in progress. Shoeboxes are available today

in Schadewald Hall. See Sandie Gregory.

Buildingfund (envelope)donations for the month of October will be used

for needed repairs to the Parsonage.

Our Mission of the month for October: Our young people‘s trip to New Mexico

gave us the idea for the October Mission. We will be collecting money to help buy a new refrigerator for the Jicarilla Reformed Church Kitchen. Like our Church, theirs is often the center of activities and yet they do not have the fully equipped kitchen that we have. We will be collecting money to help buy a new refrigerator for the Jicarilla Reformed Church Kitchen.

October Tuesday Evening Bible Study:Criminal Christologies:TheNazification

of Jesus.We will explore a “bent” tradition using Christian language and symbols. We will focus on Jesus' transmogrification by Nazi ideologues into a Teutonic Savior free of Jewish taint. Through the speeches and writings of Joseph Goebbels, Heinrich Himmler, Alfred Rosenberg and Adolf Hitler the series will explore Nazi interpretations of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, and how “Jesus” became useful to Nazi aims. Nineteenth century philosophical and theological underpinnings for a Nazi Christ will also be explored such as Nietzsche'sBirth and Genealogy of Morals.

When: October 13, 20.Time7:00-8:30 pm Dutch Room

Box tops for Education. A container has been set up in Schadewald Hall to

collect Box tops for Education. A separate box is also available for

Campbell Soup Labels. They will be given to Myer School. See Aileen Helsley for more information.

Boy Scout Troop 20 is collecting non-perishable food on a regular basis. A box

is located in Schadewald Hall. Please - no glass or expired food! The Scouts will deliver the food to three area food banks & shelters. Food pantries are very low or empty right now. Hunger is a year-round problem. If you have any questions please see a Boy Scout or David Emrich.

Events at other churches and in the Classis: See bulletin board for more


October 15, 2015 Fine Arts at Old Dutch, Michael Golzmane, Piano. 1215-1245

October 19-20, 2015: A Directed Retreat: Encouraging the nurture of a listening heart. Linwood Spiritual Center, Rhinebeck. Info available in the church office.

October 19, 2015. Warwick Days Open House; The Warwick Center. Information is on the Bulletin Board in Schadewald Hall.

October 24, 2015 Roast Pork Dinner, Woodstock Reformed Church, 5:30 pm

On the whole I take it that middle age is a happier period than youth. In the entire circle of the year there are no days so delightful as those of a fine October, when the trees are bare to the mild heavens, and the red leaves bestrew the road, and you can feel the breath of winter morning and evening—no days so calm, so tenderly solemn, and with such a reverent meekness in the air. ~Alexander Smith, "An Essay on an Old Subject"