AFCEA Robotics Program Grants
AFCEA, the Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association, is a technical professional organization that realizes the importance of encouraging students to enter science and engineering careers. We know from our own experience how a motivated science teacher can spark an interest that becomes a lifelong career. We also know that today’s school budgets often leave little room for teacher innovation. To enable teachers to offer more than the standard curriculum, AFCEA has created the Robotics Program grants.
The Robotics program provides up to $1000 to science teachers involved in teaching students from 5th through 12th grade. This is for the purchase of materials for the robotics program. The awards are competitive and require approval of the school principal. To apply, fill out the AFCEA Robotics Program Grant Application and attach a short, detailed description of how the funds will be used. Include as much of the following information:
§ Program description(s) including scientific career motivation
§ How the requested materials will be used in the program.
§ An estimate of cost per student (itemize) if you can and estimate the number of students in the course.
§ Place your name and page number at the top of each page. Use a one inch left margin.
§ Please limit proposal to no more than 3 type-written pages
(Note: Please remember to be a specific as possible. A panel of judges will review your proposal. The easier it is for the judges to understand and relate your proposal with the criteria listed above, the better the chance of your award gaining approval.)
The Robotics program grants are presented once a year. The following are important dates to remember:
§ Your request should be made November 15th through February 15th.
§ Awards will be announced March 1st.
§ Awards will be presented at the March AFCEA Meeting.
Email your application request to:
Pete Schmitz
Account Manager, Navy/Marines
Intel Corporation
AFCEA Robotics Program Application
Requesting Date: ______
Requesting Teacher: ______
Project/Course Name: ______
Course Start/End Dates: ______
Name of School: ______
Address of School: ______
School Telephone: ______Requestor e-mail address: ______
At the end of the academic year (June) I will submit a one page summary report on how the award benefited the students.
Requestor Signature: ______
School Principal: ______
Principal Signature: ______
Please do not write below this line:
Date Received: ______
Evaluation Comments: ______
Communications-Electronics-Command and Control-Computer Sciences-Intelligence Systems