1984 Vocabulary
aestheticadjhaving to do with artistic beauty; artistic
aptitudencapacity for learning; natural ability
assimilatevto take in; to absorb; to learn thoroughly
astuteadjshrewd; keen in judgment
augmentvto make bigger; to add to; to increase
cadencenrhythm; the rise and fall of sounds
compendiumna summary; an abridgement
complacentadjself-satisfied; overly pleased with oneself; contented to a fault
contriteadjadmitting guilt; especially feeling remorseful
dearthnlack; scarcity
deludevto deceive
deridevto ridicule; to laugh at contemptuously
didacticadjintended to each; morally instructive; pedantic
discreetadjprudent; judiciously reserved
endemicadjnative; restricted to a particular region or era; indigenous
exoneratevto free completely from blame; to exculpate
extraneousadjunnecessary; irrelevant; extra
extrapolatevto project or deduce from something known; to infer
guilencunning; duplicity; artfulness
heresynany belief that is strongly opposed to established belief
heydayngolden age; prime
ignominyndeep disgrace
introspectiveadjtending to think about oneself; examining one's feelings
languishvto become weak, listless, or depressed
laudvto praise; to applaud; to extol; to celebrate
malleableadjeasy to shape or bend
maverickna nonconformist; a rebel
nostalgiansentimental longing for the past; homesickness
oblivionntotal forgetfulness; the state of being forgotten
painstakingadjextremely careful; taking pains
palliatevto relieve to alleviate something without getting rid of the problem; to assuage; to mitigate
paradigmna model or example
paradoxna true statement or phenomenon that nonetheless seems to
contradict itself; an untrue statementor phenomenon that
nonetheless seems logical
pensiveadjthoughtful and sad
permeatevto spread or seep through; to penetrate
preceptna rule to live by; a principle establishing a certain kind of action or behavior; a maxim
premisenan assumption; the basis for a conclusion
prerogativena right or privilege connected exclusively with a position, a class, a
nation, or some other group or classification
professvto declare; to declare falsely or pretend
profoundadjdeep (in several senses)
prosaicadjdull; unimaginative; like prose (as opposed to poetry)
provincialadjlimited in outlook to one's own small corner of the world; narrow
rancornbitter, long-lasting ill will or resentment
rebukevto criticize sharply
relentlessadjcontinuous; unstoppable
relinquishvto release or let go of; to surrender; to stop doing
reprehensibleadjworthy of severe blame or censure
robustadjstrong and healthy; vigorous
rudimentaryadjbasic; crude; unformed or undeveloped
slandervto speak badly about someone publicly; to defame; to spread malicious rumor
squalornfilth; wretched, degraded, or repulsive living conditions
subjugatevto subdue and dominate; to enslave
sublimeadjawesome; extremely exalted; lofty; majestic
sycophantnone who sucks up to others
tacitadjimplied; not spoken
unconscionableadjnot controlled by conscience; unscrupulous
utopianan ideal society
vernacularneveryday speech; slang; idiom
virulentadjextremely poisonous; malignant; full of hate
volitionnwill; conscious choice